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As also [I shall relate] how they built walls about the neighboring
cities; and how Nero, upon Cestius's defeat, was in fear of the entire
event of the war, and thereupon made Vespasian general in this war; and
how this Vespasian, with the elder of his sons 1
made an expedition into the country of Judea; what was the number of the
Roman army that he made use of; and how many of his auxiliaries were cut
off in all Galilee; and how he took some of its cities entirely, and by
force, and others of them by treaty, and on terms. Now, when I am come
so far, I shall describe the good order of the Romans in war, and the discipline
of their legions; the amplitude of both the Galilees, with its nature,
and the limits of Judea. And, besides this, I shall particularly go over
what is peculiar to the country, the lakes and fountains that are in them,
and what miseries happened to every city as they were taken; and all this
with accuracy, as I saw the things done, or suffered in them. For I shall
not conceal any of the calamities I myself endured, since I shall relate
them to such as know the truth of them.
1 Titus.
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