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I shall find many friends now that fortune smiles [320] upon my warring and Zeus is on my side. But we have no need of those who did not share our toils long since, when Ares, driving all before him, was rending the sails of our ship of state with his tempestuous blast. Rhesus has shown the friendship he then bore to Troy; [325] for he comes to the feast, although he was not with the hunters when they took the prey, nor did he join his spear with theirs.

Chorus Leader
You are right to scorn and blame such friends; yet welcome those who wish to help the state.

Chorus Leader
We who have long kept Ilium safe are sufficient.

[330] Are you so sure you have already caught the foe?

I am sure; tomorrow's light will make that plain.

Chorus Leader
Beware of what may happen; often fortune veers about.

I loath the friend who brings his help too late. But let him, since he has arrived, [337] come to our table not as an ally but as a guest; for the gratitude of Priam's sons is forfeit in his case.

Chorus Leader
O prince, to turn away allies earns hatred.

His mere appearance would cause a panic among the foe.

You counsel rightly; you too take the proper view. [340] Let Rhesus in his gilded armor join the allies of this land, thanks to the messenger's report.Exit the Messenger.

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