1 If my father
had no confidence in these men it is plain that he would neither have entrusted
them with the rest of his property, nor, if he had left this money in the way
alleged, would he have told them of it. How, then, do they know about it? But,
if he had confidence in them, he would not, I take it, have given into their
hands the bulk of his property, and not have put them in charge of the rest. Nor
would he have entrusted this remainder to my mother to keep and then have
pledged her herself in marriage to this man, who was one of the guardians. For
it is not reasonable that he should seek to make the money secure through her,
and yet put one of the men whom he distrusted in control both of her and of it.
1 This passage repeats very closely the language of Dem. 27.55-57
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