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Again, vengeance
previously taken upon one person appeases anger against another, even though it
be greater. Wherefore Philocrates,1 when someone
asked him why he did not justify himself when the people were angry with him,
made the judicious reply, “Not yet.” “When
then?” “When I see someone accused of the same
offence”; for men grow mild when they have exhausted their anger upon
another, as happened in the case of Ergophilus.2 For although the Athenians were more
indignant with him than with Callisthenes, they acquitted him, because they had
condemned CalIicrates to death on the previous day.
1 Opponent of Demosthenes, and one of the pro-Macedonian party. Impeached for his share in the disastrous “Peace of Philocrates,” he went into exile and was condemned to death during his absence.
2 Ergophilus failed in an attack on Cotys, king of Thrace, while Callisthenes concluded a premature peace with Perdiccas, king of Macedonia.
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