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Look, there comes our lord, Theseus son of Aegeus, [550] at the sound of your voice, to do that for which he was summoned.

Enter Theseus.

Through hearing from many in the past about the bloody marring of your sight, I recognized it was you, son of Laius; and now on coming here, through sight I am more fully certain. [555] For your clothing and that heart-rending face alike assure me that it is you. And in all compassion I ask you, ill-fated Oedipus, with what petition to the city and to me have you taken your place here, you and the poor maiden at your side. Declare it. Dire indeed must be the fortune which you tell, [560] for me to stand aloof from it; since I know that I myself also was reared in exile, just as you, and that in foreign lands I wrestled with perils to my life, like no other man. [565] Never, then, would I turn aside from a stranger, such as you are now, or refuse to help in his deliverance. For I know well that I am a man, and that my portion of tomorrow is no greater than yours.

Theseus, in a few words your nobleness has come to such a point [570] that I need make only a brief reply. You have said who I am, from what father I am sprung, and from what land I have come; and so nothing else remains for me but to speak my wish, and the tale is told.

[575] Then inform me of this very thing, so that I may learn it.

I come to offer you my care-worn body as a gift—not one fine to look on, but the gains from it are better than beauty.

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    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus, 745
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