Scipio, the glory of completing the work which your
grandfather left unfinished! Thirty-three years have
passed since that hero's death, but each succeeding
[p. 29]
year will receive his memory and pass it on. He
died in the year before I was censor, nine years
after I was consul; and while I was holding the
latter office he was elected consul for the second
time. If, then, he had lived to his hundredth year,
would he be repenting of his old age? No, for he
would not be employing his time in running and in
leaping, or in long-distance throwing of the spear,
or in hand-to-hand sword-play, but he would be
engaged in using reflection, reason, and judgement.
If these mental qualities were not characteristic of
old men our fathers would not have called their
highest deliberative body the “senate.”1 Among
the Lacedaemonians, for example,
1 Senatus, an assembly of senes, or elders.
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