5. Why, then, have I said so much about
[p. 23]
Maximus? Because you surely realize now that it
would be monstrous to call unhappy such an old age
as his. And yet, not every one can be a Scipio
or a Maximus and call to mind the cities he has
taken, the battles he has fought on land and sea,
the campaigns he has conducted, and the triumphs
he has won. But there is also the tranquil and
serene old age of a life spent quietly, amid pure
and refining pursuits—such an old age, for example,
as we are told was that of Plato, who died, pen
in hand,1 in his eighty-first year; such as that of
Isocrates, who, by his own statement, was ninety-four when he composed the work entitled Panathenaicus, and he lived five years after that. His
teacher, Gorgias of Leontini, rounded out one
hundred and seven years and never rested from his
pursuits or his labours. When some one asked him
why he chose to remain so long alive, he answered:
“I have no reason to reproach old age.”
1 Not necessarily to be taken literally; but meaning that he had not abandoned the writing of books. Plato is said to have died at a marriage-feast (Diog. Laert. iii. 2).
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