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9 But in the interior parts of the throat there is sometimes ulceration. For this most employ plasters and hot foments externally; they also order hot steam to be inhaled by the mouth. Others say that by these measures the parts are rendered more soft and more liable to the complaint already existing there. But these applications are salutary if cold can be completely avoided; if cold is to be apprehended, they are useless. But anyhow to rub the throat is dangerous; for it provokes ulceration. Nor are diuretics useful, because in the course of being swallowed they can also make thin the phlegm there, which is better suppressed. Asclepiades, who wisely advises many things, which we[p. 389] also ourselves practise, said that very sour vinegar should be sipped; for by this the ulcers are constricted without doing harm. But whilst vinegar can suppress bleeding, it cannot heal the actual ulcerations. For that purpose lycium is better, and Asclepiades approved equally of it, or leek or horehound juice, or almonds pounded up with tragacanth and mixed with raisin wine, or linseed pounded and mixed with sweet wine. Exercise also by walking and by running is necessary, and smart rubbing from the chest downwards should be applied to the whole of the lower part of the body. The food too should be neither very acrid nor rough, honey, lentils, wheat porridge, milk, pearl barley gruel, fat meat and especially a leek decoction and anything mixed with it. Of drink the least possible is proper; water can be given either by itself, or when quince or dates have been boiled in it. Bland gargles are of service also, or when ineffectual then repressants. This sort of affection is not acute, and cannot last long; nevertheless, it requires timely treatment, lest it should become a severe and chronic complaint.

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