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Bragg 19 1 Browse Search
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Gilpin (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 10
Springfield and Keysburg, breaking up their camp. Their camp at Trenton will be attacked to- morrow.--Woodward is at Trenton with 500 men. Johnson has gone to Caseyville. Gen. Crittenden command is said to have captured fifty leaves and one hundred wagons on Tuesday from the rebels. Gen. Bucil's main army passed througn time to save her from a like fate. The loss was about $75,000.--Gen. Dodge was wounded by a fragment of shell. A large body of Union troops have started for Caseyville in pursuit of the enemy, who are under command of Colonels Anderson, Johnson, and Martin. A dispatch, dated Cairo, Ill., the 16th, says: The rebel force which robbed the steamer Hazel Dall yesterday, at Caseyville, Ky., commanded by Colonels Anderson, Johnson, and Martin, is supposed to have numbered two thousand. They took about 83,000 worth of clothing groceries and powder, and threatened to burn all the boats falling into their bands after the 1st of the month. Exploi
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 10
to Columbus they set fire to the transports Admiral and Philadelphia, blowing up the former by the explosion of the shells on board. Fortunately, a thousand kegs of powder were taken from the Philadelphia in time to save her from a like fate. The loss was about $75,000.--Gen. Dodge was wounded by a fragment of shell. A large body of Union troops have started for Caseyville in pursuit of the enemy, who are under command of Colonels Anderson, Johnson, and Martin. A dispatch, dated Cairo, Ill., the 16th, says: The rebel force which robbed the steamer Hazel Dall yesterday, at Caseyville, Ky., commanded by Colonels Anderson, Johnson, and Martin, is supposed to have numbered two thousand. They took about 83,000 worth of clothing groceries and powder, and threatened to burn all the boats falling into their bands after the 1st of the month. Exploits of the Confederate steamer "290"--Fourteen vessels destroyed with, $1,000,000 in Goods--Yankee description of her Captain,
Fort Warren (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 10
, and with tolerably free sales closed at the previous day's prices. Corn was unchanged, while sales were made to a fair extent, closing at 67cœ68 for good and sound Western mixed. Miscellaneous. The Washington Republican says a force of Federal troops were sent into Prince George county, Md., on the 15th to enforce the draft among the Secessionists there who it was was said would resist it. Substitutes are selling in Cincinnati at $12 per head. Fifty prisoners in Fort Warren, confined for political offences, have been offered their discharge upon taking the oath of allegiance. The gas company of Charlestown, Massachusetts, has voted to assume the war tax without extra charge to the consumers. Lieut. E. S. Roberts, of Company H, 2d Miss; John Wilson, 1st Va; George Munroe, 8th Va.; and James A. Daley, Richard Drake, Willoughby Harris, and J. W., Brown, conscripts, were released from the Old Capitol, at Washington, on the 14th instant, on taking the o
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
. A reconnoitering party from Gen. Sigel's force towards Leesburg by way of Drainesville, returned yesterday, and reported that General Stuart's rebel cavalry occupied Leesburg from Sunday morning until 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Their force is estimated not to exceed three thousand. The men appeared worn out, but otherwise looked well.--They were leading about two hundred extra horses. Reconnaissances to our front have discovered a force of about four hundred rebel cavalry west of Warrenton. A dispatch from Frederick Hd. dated midnight of Thursday, gives the following account of the advance: A reconnaissance in force was made this morning from Harper's Ferry by Gen. Hancock, commanding the division lately commanded by Gen. Richardson. The column comprised his division, with a detachment from the 1st, 2d, 5th, and 6th U. S. cavalry and the 6th New York and 3d Indiana cavalry and Gen. Dana's brigade of Gen. Howards's late Sedgwich's) division, and the 1st Minnesota
Maysville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 10
d up with the others between the rivers. --This they are all there. Their combined force is supposed to be about seventy-five thousand men. It is probable that they have received further reinforcements. You will remember that some time ago I wrote you that Bragg was expecting Breckinridge up with reinforcements. There is reason to believe that Breckinridge has come up, but whether with reinforcements or not remains to be determined. A dispatch has been received by Mrs. Breckenridge, at Maysville, directing her to meet the reasonable John C. at Danville. The dispatch his arrival there on Monday last. The of the rebels at camp Dick Robinson made them a little more inaccessible to our army; but at the same time, renders their destruction at the more sure when they are got at.--There is no escape for them. They have an advantageous position for defence, but, if the position can be carried, they are all taken as in a trap. Their only hope now is in desperate fighting.--They a
Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): article 10
ion in Pennsylvania has resulted in a loss to the Republicans of four members with one doubtful.--Among the most promising of the defeated candidates for Congress in Pennsylvania are Brigadier. General George A. McCal Democrats, Calushe A. Grew, Republican, Major Jolt D. Warner, Democrat; A. J. Glossbrenner Democrat. In Ohio the Republicans lose seven members and three are to be heard from A. dispatch from says the Democrats claim from 12,000 to 15,000 majority for their State ticket. In Iowa the Democrats have a majority of 1,500 for Dubuque county, but the Republican candidate for Congress from that district is believed to be elected. The draft in Boston was preceding on Thursday. The people according to a telegram, were "taking it with entire good nature." The Herald if us comments on the result of the elections. The further election returns which we publish this morning confirm the news which we published yesterday. The war Democrats and the coalition tickets of Union D
Danville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
ll there. Their combined force is supposed to be about seventy-five thousand men. It is probable that they have received further reinforcements. You will remember that some time ago I wrote you that Bragg was expecting Breckinridge up with reinforcements. There is reason to believe that Breckinridge has come up, but whether with reinforcements or not remains to be determined. A dispatch has been received by Mrs. Breckenridge, at Maysville, directing her to meet the reasonable John C. at Danville. The dispatch his arrival there on Monday last. The of the rebels at camp Dick Robinson made them a little more inaccessible to our army; but at the same time, renders their destruction at the more sure when they are got at.--There is no escape for them. They have an advantageous position for defence, but, if the position can be carried, they are all taken as in a trap. Their only hope now is in desperate fighting.--They are completely surrounded and found in, and have no door of
Perryville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 10
y the people of Charlestown upon its occupation by our troops. Another battle in Kentucky--the defeat of Kirby Smith Claimed by the Federal--the losses at Perryville — position of Bragg's army. A great battle was fought in Kentucky on Wednesday, between Lexington and Richmond, in which the Confederates, under Kirby Smithtreating towards Irwin, Estell county, with Brigadier General A. J. Smith after him. A letter from Louisville, dated the 13th, says the Federal engaged at Perryville numbered 18,000, and their loss was 2,000 killed and wounded. The Confederates had 45,000, and their loss was 3,800.--The same letter says: All accounts air "last ditch." Kirby Smith moved from Harrodsburg on Friday, but whether he crossed the river to Dick Robinson or moved down to Bragg's position, back of Perryville is not yet determined. He is now with Bragg beyond a doubt. Humphrey Marshall left Lexington with his force a week ago, and is now at Camp Dick Robinson, John
Prince Georges (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 10
good part at 61, with few or no sellers at the close at 61½c. The Flour market was firm and active, and closed at a further advance of 10œ25 per bbl. Wheat opened heavy, but failed near the close, and with tolerably free sales closed at the previous day's prices. Corn was unchanged, while sales were made to a fair extent, closing at 67cœ68 for good and sound Western mixed. Miscellaneous. The Washington Republican says a force of Federal troops were sent into Prince George county, Md., on the 15th to enforce the draft among the Secessionists there who it was was said would resist it. Substitutes are selling in Cincinnati at $12 per head. Fifty prisoners in Fort Warren, confined for political offences, have been offered their discharge upon taking the oath of allegiance. The gas company of Charlestown, Massachusetts, has voted to assume the war tax without extra charge to the consumers. Lieut. E. S. Roberts, of Company H, 2d Miss; John Wilson,
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 10
. The Washington Republican says a force of Federal troops were sent into Prince George county, Md., on the 15th to enforce the draft among the Secessionists there who it was was said would resist it. Substitutes are selling in Cincinnati at $12 per head. Fifty prisoners in Fort Warren, confined for political offences, have been offered their discharge upon taking the oath of allegiance. The gas company of Charlestown, Massachusetts, has voted to assume the war tax without extra charge to the consumers. Lieut. E. S. Roberts, of Company H, 2d Miss; John Wilson, 1st Va; George Munroe, 8th Va.; and James A. Daley, Richard Drake, Willoughby Harris, and J. W., Brown, conscripts, were released from the Old Capitol, at Washington, on the 14th instant, on taking the oath of allegiance. Secretary Stanton has telegraphed Gen. Nettle to send no more contraband into Illinois until further orders. Vallandigham is defeated in Ohio by General Schenck for Congress.
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