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Chapter 12: Effects of the battle of Leesburgh, or Ball's Bluff, on public opinion in the country, North and South the Yankees claim a victory as usual General Stone arrested and sent to Fort Warren remarkable incidents of the war a Fraternal Rencontre the negroes with either army Humorous incidents Evans is sent to defend his native State, South-Carolina General D. D. Hill assumes command fortifications are erected we prepare for winter quarters. From two or three truth, the Virginians did very little. Poor Stone, the Federal commander, was bullied unmercifully by the Northern press, and being in Washington on business, where he dined with McClellan, he was on the following morning arrested and sent to Fort Warren, without a word of explanation. Among the numerous incidents that fell under my notice illustrative of the sometimes tragical, sometimes laughable, occurrences of civil war, the following may be mentioned as properly pertaining to the batt
ays well, no doubt, and that is all any of them care for — they would squeeze a dollar until the eagle howled. I think the prisoners we took, said the major, could give a version of Seven Pines rather different from that published by McClellan. When Stone failed, and Baker fell at Leesburgh, McClellan was indignant at the idea that he was said to have ordered their unfortunate advance. Baker was dead and could not speak; Stone, who could speak, was immediately incarcerated in Fort Warren. If the commander-in-chief did not order that movement, who did? Casey is accused of imbecility and cowardice because he has suffered a defeat, and is now moved to the rear. But this system of falsehood and hypocrisy cannot last long, although I believe if the enemy were whipped out of their boots they would still shout victory, victory, as loudly as ever. There is no doubt that poor old Casey was sadly out-generalled and beaten by Johnston, but had not our attack been delayed on t
e according to the rules and articles for the government of the armies of the United States. Mustering in recruits. The provision made for the shelter of these troops before they took the field was varied. Some of them were quartered at Forts Warren and Independence while making ready to depart. But the most of the Massachusetts volunteers were quartered at camps established in different parts of the State. Among the earliest of these were Camp Andrew, in West Roxbury, and Camp Cameron,ted up for barracks, and Readville (Mass.) Barracks.: from a Photograph. established their first camp. But this was not the first camp established in the State, for three years troops had already been ordered into camp on Long Island and at Fort Warren. Owing to the unhealthiness of the location selected for the First Regiment, their stay in it was brief, and a removal was soon had to North Cambridge, where, on a well-chosen site, some new barracks had been built, and, in honor of Presid
0 Ellis, George, 51 Ely's Ford, Va., 384 Embler, A. Henry, 266 Emory, William H., 265 Enlisting, 34-42, 198-202 Envelopes (patriotic), 64-65 Everett, Edward, 16 Executions, 157-63 Faneuil Hall, 31,45 First Bull Run, 27, 251-53,298, 340,356 Flags, 338-40 Foraging, 231-49 Ford, M. F., 264 Fort Hell, 59,385 Fort Independence, 44 Fort Lyon, 255 Fort McAllister, 406 Fort Monroe, 120, 162 Fort Moultrie, 22 Fort Sedgewick, 385 Fort Sumter, 22 Fort Warren, 44-45 Fort Welch, Va., 162 Fredericksburg, 100,237,308, 391 Fremont, John C., 46 French, William H., 307,353 Fresh Pond, Mass., 45 Games, 65-66 Garrison, William L., 20 Geary, John W., 295 Georgetown, 298 Germanna Ford, Va., 317 Gettysburg, 54, 72,239, 259,273, 378,406 Goldsboro, N. C., 264 Grand Army of the Republic, 98, 228,268 Grant, Ulysses S., 115, 121, 240, 263,286,317,340, 350,362,370, 405; his Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, 279, 291, 317,35
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Exchange of prisoners. (search)
eneral release would take place. But I was confident that General Butler and I could discuss controverted questions in better temper than General Meredith, the Federal Agent of Exchange, and myself had manifested. Moreover, the information which I had from time to time received as to his interference in behalf of prisoners confined at Point Lookout, still more emboldened me. I then believed, and now believe, that Point Lookout was more humanely governed than any other prison depot from Fort Warren to Western Missouri. It may perhaps astonish some people when I say that of all the persons having control of matters pertaining to exchanges whom I encountered, he was the fairest and the most truthful. The distance between him and Hitchcock in these respects was almost infinite. I went to Fortress Monroe on a flag-of-truce steamer, and was received by General Butler with great courtesy. I remained there three days, during which we had protracted discussions. He expressed himself
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Torpedo service in Charleston harbor. (search)
n, Sullivan, had taken refuge on the rudder of the New Ironsides, where he was discovered, put in irons and kept in a dark cell until sent with Glassel to New York, to be tried and hung, as reported by Northern newspapers, for using an engine of war not recognized by civilized nations. But the government of the United States has now a torpedo corps, intended specially to study and develop that important branch of the military service. After a captivity of many months in Forts Lafayette and Warren, Glassel and Sullivan were finally exchanged for the captain and a sailor of the Federal steamer Isaac Smith, a heavily-armed gunboat which was captured in the Stono river, with its entire crew of one hundred and thirty officers and men, by a surprise I had prepared, with field artillery only, placed in ambuscade along the river bank, and under whose fire the Federal gunners were unable to man and use their powerful guns. Captain Glassel's other two companions, Engineer Tomb and Pilot Canno
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The capture of Mason and Slidell. (search)
en accomplished, we bade the Trent good-bye, first bringing the personal effects of the prisoners to the San Jacinto, and we were soon headed north, our mission in Bahama channel being au fait accompli. We arrived at Port Royal too late to take part in the attack. Having been ordered home, on the 18th of November we steamed into the Narrows, where we were met by a steam tug, on board of which was the United States Marshal, with orders to proceed to Boston and deliver our prisoners at Fort Warren. We did not anchor until the 21st, and the cruise of the San Jacinto ended when we deposited the Confederate diplomats in the casements of that prison. On the 3d of December, on the motion of Congressman Odell, Slidell and Mason were ordered into close confinement, in return for the treatment that Colonels Wood and Corcoran had received in Southern prisons. It was some time before the diplomatic correspondence that ensued between England, France, and the Unitel States was made publi
n of its gentle author. Paul Hayne had won already the hearts of his own readers; and had gained transatlantic meed, in Tennyson's declaration that he was the sonneteer of America! And the yearning sorrow in all eyes that looked upon the fresh mound, above what was mortal of tender Henry Timrod, was more eloquent of worth than costly monuument, or labored epitaph. But not only the clang of action and the freedom of stirring scenes produced the southern war-poems. Camp Chase and forts Warren and Lafayette contributed as glowing strains as any written. Those grim bastiles held the bodies of their unconquered inmates; while their hearts lived but in the memory of those scenes, in which their fettered hands were debarred further portion. Worn down by confinement, hunger and the ceaseless pressure of suspense; weakened by sickness and often oppressed by vulgar indignity — the spirit of their cause still lingered lovingly around them; and its bright gleams warmed and lighted the
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
vening, a gentleman came up to me and recalled himself to my recollection as Mr. Meyers of the Sumter, whom I had known at Gibraltar a year ago. This was one of the two persons who were arrested at Tangier by the acting United States consul in such an outrageous manner. He told me that he had been kept in iron during his whole voyage, in the merchant vessel, to the United States; and, in spite of the total illegality of his capture on neutral ground, he was imprisoned for four months in Fort Warren, and not released until regularly exchanged as a prisoner of war. Mr. Meyers was now most anxious to rejoin Captain Semmes, or some other rover. I understand that when the attack took place in April, the garrison of Fort Sumter received the Monitors with great courtesy as they steamed up. The three flagstaffs were dressed with flags, the band from the top of the fort played the national airs, and a salute of twenty-one guns was fired, after which the entertainment provided was of a mo
ff. Meanwhile Gilmore's men had learned of his trouble, but the early appearance of Colonel Whittaker caused them to disperse; thus the last link between Maryland and the Confederacy was carried a prisoner to Winchester, whence he was sent to Fort Warren. The capture of Gilmore caused the disbandment of the party he had organized at the camp-meeting, most of the men he had recruited returning to their homes discouraged, though some few joined the bands of Woodson and young Jesse McNeil, whd were then started on a second expedition to burn the bridges. Of course, they were shadowed as usual, and two days later, after they had communicated with friends from their hiding-place in Newtown, they were arrested. On the way north to Fort Warren they escaped from their guards when passing through Baltimore, and I never heard of them again, though I learned that, after the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, Secretary Stanton strongly suspected his friend Lomas of being associated with the c