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Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 1
ting them for their bravery and regretting that he was not with them at their first fight. I saw Capt. McKee yesterday. He is very hard on Curtin, (Governor,) and if what he says is true, there is much cause. He says he went into this war as a family affair, to serve his country, but he finds it is only those who eve and teat can get along. Those that have plenty of money can succeed, but the poor man must "clear the track." He says his has the first company offered and accepted in Pennsylvania dog the three months' service. He served that time, came home commenced recruiting for the war, spending every dollar be had, going away from here in Col. Lenman's but regiment with 78 men, according to the Quartermaster account, but when he arrived to Harrisburg was told he had but seven men, and therefore had no command. He says by diainy and treachery he was thrown aside, because he was a poor man, and had no money to buy his commission from Gov. Curtin. Now he a poor man at home
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
from before our best and favorite General, being compelled to meet us but once, at Williamsburg. At Pittsburg Landing if we had Beauregard on our side, we would have been Memphis to-day, and the whole Mississippi I have no fear of the result. I believe the "Union will be pretravel," but will not be so easy as we might be led to expect. * * * "He generous to a fallen foe," is my motto. * * *. I see by the papers that Col. David Campbell has been appointed Military Governor of Williamsburg, Va. He is looking up. But may be that will suit him better, as he will not get into action. Some of these Colonnia and Generals will serve the country better that way than by murdering our soldiers in battle by incapacity. A title is empty honor, unless accompanied by merit, and benefits neither the one that bears it for the country that bestows it. True worth may be trampled and crushed, but will live and sneak for itself and be heard. * * * * * * Did you get anything at Yorktown th
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 1
Letter from the North.an Inside view of affairs in the Grand army. Among the numerous private letters found on the field after the battle of the "Seven Pines," are that serve to illustrate the ignorance and beastly propensities of the writers, but we occasionally come across one exhibiting a practical view of affairs that renders its publication a matter of interest to the Northern reader. The following extracts are taken from a letter written by a young man in Pittsburgh, Pa. (May 23d.) to his taker, Capt. Alen'r Hay, of the 61st Pennsylvania regiment, Gen. Keyes's corpsd'er--Should his sentiments by any accident ever be subjected to perusal at the North, there is reason to believe that the author would be arrested on the charge of treason: * * * * From what we can learn, it looks as though the rebellion was about "played out. " At every point they have been beaten, and for some months past they have not gained anything of particular or lasting benefit, while we have ste
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
thout counting the fearful cost, and have sacrificed everything on the after of their country; have been for more than a year on, I may say, half rettous, suffering defeat, often and heavy yet with praiseworthy forbearance and fortitude have pushed on with their one and e end in view-- obtain their independence. I do not write this to excuse the rebels — for I believe if ever a rebellion was unnecessary it is this but to show the difference between the sections. When we were defeated at Bull Run, that July, you remember what a sensation it created. You would have thought we were all doomed — stocks down, business dull, but long faces everywhere. Every engagement we are perted--eye, it is demanded — that we be victorious, and unless we are you would think that is the last effort we are capable of making. Oh, that our people had a little moral courage, like foes to beat up against misfortune. In some places, and often, the rebels have shown superior generalship to our own.<
Washington (United States) (search for this): article 1
ht find a chance sometime — a knife, or pistol, or bayonet, or sword, or anything. Look around. Look out for No. 1. He is a big man. Black's regiment I guess had the choice. Capt. Hall got a flue Bile. Sergeant Gross sent Alex, a rebel letter he found — It was not of much account. * * * * * General Sickles has been confirmed by the Senate at last as a Brigadier-General. and ordered to take command of the "Excelsior Brigade" He made a speech to the wounded of his command in Washington city, complimenting them for their bravery and regretting that he was not with them at their first fight. I saw Capt. McKee yesterday. He is very hard on Curtin, (Governor,) and if what he says is true, there is much cause. He says he went into this war as a family affair, to serve his country, but he finds it is only those who eve and teat can get along. Those that have plenty of money can succeed, but the poor man must "clear the track." He says his has the first company offered and
David Campbell (search for this): article 1
used of treason. Again at Yorktown he withdrew his forces from before our best and favorite General, being compelled to meet us but once, at Williamsburg. At Pittsburg Landing if we had Beauregard on our side, we would have been Memphis to-day, and the whole Mississippi I have no fear of the result. I believe the "Union will be pretravel," but will not be so easy as we might be led to expect. * * * "He generous to a fallen foe," is my motto. * * *. I see by the papers that Col. David Campbell has been appointed Military Governor of Williamsburg, Va. He is looking up. But may be that will suit him better, as he will not get into action. Some of these Colonnia and Generals will serve the country better that way than by murdering our soldiers in battle by incapacity. A title is empty honor, unless accompanied by merit, and benefits neither the one that bears it for the country that bestows it. True worth may be trampled and crushed, but will live and sneak for itself and be
dier-General. and ordered to take command of the "Excelsior Brigade" He made a speech to the wounded of his command in Washington city, complimenting them for their bravery and regretting that he was not with them at their first fight. I saw Capt. McKee yesterday. He is very hard on Curtin, (Governor,) and if what he says is true, there is much cause. He says he went into this war as a family affair, to serve his country, but he finds it is only those who eve and teat can get along. Thortin. Now he a poor man at home with his family, while some little "squirt" is marching around, with gold fringe and brass buttons, at the head of the men he enlisted. Audley W. Gazzar, to of Dr. E. D. Gazzan, is the Major of the regiment. Capt. McKee says he knows for a certainty be paid $60 for his commission. I do not think his military capacity would get it for him. But he is welcome to it, as I do not think the very enviable position to hold, when not capable. It will do very well to
Beauregard (search for this): article 1
raw his army, with all his baggage and munitions, and destroy all his works, while in sight of a superior forces of the enemy, does he not display transcendent military ability? This we all know, was done at Manassas. Gen. Jos. E. Johnston deserves all the praise we can bestow upon him, without being accused of treason. Again at Yorktown he withdrew his forces from before our best and favorite General, being compelled to meet us but once, at Williamsburg. At Pittsburg Landing if we had Beauregard on our side, we would have been Memphis to-day, and the whole Mississippi I have no fear of the result. I believe the "Union will be pretravel," but will not be so easy as we might be led to expect. * * * "He generous to a fallen foe," is my motto. * * *. I see by the papers that Col. David Campbell has been appointed Military Governor of Williamsburg, Va. He is looking up. But may be that will suit him better, as he will not get into action. Some of these Colonnia and Generals
estows it. True worth may be trampled and crushed, but will live and sneak for itself and be heard. * * * * * * Did you get anything at Yorktown that the rebels left? We would like something "secesh" to keep. If you could get anything worth sending, may be you might find a chance sometime — a knife, or pistol, or bayonet, or sword, or anything. Look around. Look out for No. 1. He is a big man. Black's regiment I guess had the choice. Capt. Hall got a flue Bile. Sergeant Gross sent Alex, a rebel letter he found — It was not of much account. * * * * * General Sickles has been confirmed by the Senate at last as a Brigadier-General. and ordered to take command of the "Excelsior Brigade" He made a speech to the wounded of his command in Washington city, complimenting them for their bravery and regretting that he was not with them at their first fight. I saw Capt. McKee yesterday. He is very hard on Curtin, (Governor,) and if what he says is true, there is much cause.
E. D. Gazzan (search for this): article 1
's but regiment with 78 men, according to the Quartermaster account, but when he arrived to Harrisburg was told he had but seven men, and therefore had no command. He says by diainy and treachery he was thrown aside, because he was a poor man, and had no money to buy his commission from Gov. Curtin. Now he a poor man at home with his family, while some little "squirt" is marching around, with gold fringe and brass buttons, at the head of the men he enlisted. Audley W. Gazzar, to of Dr. E. D. Gazzan, is the Major of the regiment. Capt. McKee says he knows for a certainty be paid $60 for his commission. I do not think his military capacity would get it for him. But he is welcome to it, as I do not think the very enviable position to hold, when not capable. It will do very well to parade are and the streets, but in war you see what a man is made of. Better be a private in the rear rank, and know your duty and do it than be a General, and make a tool of yourself and be disgraced. "
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