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Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 26
t he was well. Albert Sidney Johnston was not in the fight. Had reinforcements been sent forward, so that eight or ten thousand fresh men could have stood the brunt of the battle on Saturday afternoon, instead of our jaded soldiers, Fort Donelson would not have fallen; but the lack of this effective strength enabled the enemy to completely hem our little army in, and extend their lines in crescent shape from river bank to river bank around us. The news of the surrender reached Nashville, Tenn., by telegraph, on Sunday morning about church time, while many of the citizens were on their way to their accustomed places of worship. Instantly, of course, every other consideration gave place to the thought of personal safety. Every means of transportation at hand was employed to remove furniture and valuables; the depots were thronged with men, women and children, anxious to leave the city; train after train was put in motion; Government stores were thrown open to all who chose to
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 26
th small trees and brushwood. This had been levelled to allow the play of artillery, but, as was subsequently found, seriously interfered with the movements of the troops. In front of the fort, at a distance of half a mile or thereabouts, were our lines of entrenchments, and beyond, still further, the lines of the enemy. Our troops numbered about eighteen thousand, and were under the command of Generals Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, and Bushrod R. Johnson. Most of the regiments were from Tennessee and Mississippi, but Virginia, Alabama, Texas, and Arkansas, also contributed their quota, and swelled the dimensions of the army to the size I have named. Active hostilities commenced as early as Tuesday morning, but were confined to the outposts and pickets. A battalion of Mississippi cavalry, under command of Colonel Forrest, that day encountered a strong skirmishing party of Federals, but finally succeeded in repulsing them with considerable loss. At night, the fires of the Federal
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 26
been levelled to allow the play of artillery, but, as was subsequently found, seriously interfered with the movements of the troops. In front of the fort, at a distance of half a mile or thereabouts, were our lines of entrenchments, and beyond, still further, the lines of the enemy. Our troops numbered about eighteen thousand, and were under the command of Generals Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, and Bushrod R. Johnson. Most of the regiments were from Tennessee and Mississippi, but Virginia, Alabama, Texas, and Arkansas, also contributed their quota, and swelled the dimensions of the army to the size I have named. Active hostilities commenced as early as Tuesday morning, but were confined to the outposts and pickets. A battalion of Mississippi cavalry, under command of Colonel Forrest, that day encountered a strong skirmishing party of Federals, but finally succeeded in repulsing them with considerable loss. At night, the fires of the Federal camps were plainly visible, and at dusk
Bowling Green (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 26
ns and property should be respected; but these terms had not, at the latest advices, been submitted to the Federal commander. Gen. Johnston informed the citizens that he should be compelled to evacuate the place on account of his inability to defend it with the force at his command, and Gen. Pillow subsequently made a speech to the public, in which he informed them that the army would fall back and endeavor to retrieve their losses from another point. On Sunday, the army evacuating Bowling Green passed through Nashville, on route for Murfreesboro', or some other locality in that vicinity — a heterogeneous mixture of artillery, cavalry, infantry, ambulances, wagons, and negroes, all worn down with their long forced march of eighty miles. The city is said to have been very unsound, and McClernand himself confessed that he was in daily receipt of information concerning the movements of our troops. Phosphorus and other inflammable compounds have since been found concealed ready
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 26
The Fort Donelson battle. statement of an eye-witness. [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Augusta, Ga., Feb. 22, 1862. I have just obtained the following particulars of the fight at Fort Donelson from an eye- witness and participant, which will doubtless be welcome to the readers of the Dispatch, as the first news from a Southern source. Fort Donelson is on the Cumberland river, two miles from the town of Dover. The surrounding country is a succession of hills, heavily timbered in places, but for the most part covered with small trees and brushwood. This had been levelled to allow the play of artillery, but, as was subsequently found, seriously interfered with the movements of the troops. In front of the fort, at a distance of half a mile or thereabouts, were our lines of entrenchments, and beyond, still further, the lines of the enemy. Our troops numbered about eighteen thousand, and were under the command of Generals Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, and Bushrod
Monroe County, Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 26
s that could be transported, and the Yankees have undoubtedly found a very inconsiderable share of the booty they expected. I forgot to add, in its proper place a cove, that the names of our killed and wounded are not yet known; but from several sources I have made the following brief list Killed. Lieut. Colonel Clough, Texas Lieut. Colonel Robb, Clarksville, Tenn. Captain May, Memphis. Captain Porter, Nashville. Fourteenth Mississippi Regiment.--Judge Rogers, Monroe county, Miss., Serg't Jno. Clark, Serg't John Montgomery, R. M. Bell, J. G. Watt, George James. Wounded. Major Hewitt, 2d Ky., Reg't, (since reported dead.) Captain Many, Nashville. Captain Crigler, 14th Miss. Captain Golson, 14th Miss. Lieut. Duquerceron, 14th Miss. In Company C, of the last-named regiment seventeen were killed and wounded Col. Baldwin, of the same, had his horse shot under him, and during the day acted as a Brigadier General. Such is a history of the b
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 26
re being an abundance of both physicians and refreshments. The enemy are represented to have fought nobly, far better than the Northern soldiers have ever fought before; but most, if not all of them, were from the West, sturdy farmers and backwoodsmen, and, like ourselves, accustomed to the use of arms. The safety of Floyd and Pillow, with a portion of their command, is beyond doubt. Buckner is also supposed to have escaped, as a dispatch is said to have been received by his wife in Atlanta, Ga., within the past four days, stating that he was well. Albert Sidney Johnston was not in the fight. Had reinforcements been sent forward, so that eight or ten thousand fresh men could have stood the brunt of the battle on Saturday afternoon, instead of our jaded soldiers, Fort Donelson would not have fallen; but the lack of this effective strength enabled the enemy to completely hem our little army in, and extend their lines in crescent shape from river bank to river bank around us.
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 26
ow the play of artillery, but, as was subsequently found, seriously interfered with the movements of the troops. In front of the fort, at a distance of half a mile or thereabouts, were our lines of entrenchments, and beyond, still further, the lines of the enemy. Our troops numbered about eighteen thousand, and were under the command of Generals Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, and Bushrod R. Johnson. Most of the regiments were from Tennessee and Mississippi, but Virginia, Alabama, Texas, and Arkansas, also contributed their quota, and swelled the dimensions of the army to the size I have named. Active hostilities commenced as early as Tuesday morning, but were confined to the outposts and pickets. A battalion of Mississippi cavalry, under command of Colonel Forrest, that day encountered a strong skirmishing party of Federals, but finally succeeded in repulsing them with considerable loss. At night, the fires of the Federal camps were plainly visible, and at dusk long lines of troops
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 26
on this day came up the river and opened a vigorous fire on Fort Donelson; but after a severe exchanging of shots for several hours, fell back disabled. Friday the cannonading was more terrible than at any time during the week. Again the gunboats renewed their attack, and again they were compelled to retire, this time thoroughly hors du combat. The infantry also engaged, and the blaze of musketry was visible along our entire lines. During the fight a desperate charge was made by two Illinois regiments upon the Second Kentucky and Tenth Tennessee, but they were met almost hand to hand, and sent back howling to their entrenchments, leaving a frightful proportion of their number dead and mangled upon the field. The day closed without any practical advantage to either party. We held our own and the enemy maintained their position. The loss was less than one hundred on our side, principally from shell, and that of the Federals severe. Saturday was the Rubicon of Fort Donelso
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 26
The Fort Donelson battle. statement of an eye-witness. [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Augusta, Ga., Feb. 22, 1862. I have just obtained the following particulars of the fight at Fort Donelson from an eye- witness and participant, which will doubtless be welcome to the readers of the Dispatch, as the first news from a Southern source. Fort Donelson is on the Cumberland river, two miles from the town of Dover. The surrounding country is a succession of hills, heavil. The gunboats on this day came up the river and opened a vigorous fire on Fort Donelson; but after a severe exchanging of shots for several hours, fell back disablom shell, and that of the Federals severe. Saturday was the Rubicon of Fort Donelson. The enemy had received strong reinforcements during the week, and now thee brunt of the battle on Saturday afternoon, instead of our jaded soldiers, Fort Donelson would not have fallen; but the lack of this effective strength enabled the
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