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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 13, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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esale transaction in those leading articles of country produce of which very heavy shipments were made hence, principally to Northern markets, before the commencement of the war. Sales of corn, amounting only to about 10,000 bushels, have been made within a few weeks past. The article may now be quoted at 36 a 37 cents. Prior to the blockade, the sales averaged from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand bushels. Corn has not been so low here for fifteen years, or since 1844-45. In 1847, the price, in consequence of the famine in Ireland, rose to $1 25; and, since that time, when the duty was taken off by the British Government, down to the present blockade, the price has averaged 65 cents; ranging from 50 to $1 25. In staves there are no transactions, while common shingles are sold in considerable lots at $4. Bacon is very scarce and high: wholesale rates, h. r., 22 cents. Lard — Very little to be had; price 21 Mess Pork--$45. Sugar scarce: common 1
but few wholesale transaction in those leading articles of country produce of which very heavy shipments were made hence, principally to Northern markets, before the commencement of the war. Sales of corn, amounting only to about 10,000 bushels, have been made within a few weeks past. The article may now be quoted at 36 a 37 cents. Prior to the blockade, the sales averaged from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand bushels. Corn has not been so low here for fifteen years, or since 1844-45. In 1847, the price, in consequence of the famine in Ireland, rose to $1 25; and, since that time, when the duty was taken off by the British Government, down to the present blockade, the price has averaged 65 cents; ranging from 50 to $1 25. In staves there are no transactions, while common shingles are sold in considerable lots at $4. Bacon is very scarce and high: wholesale rates, h. r., 22 cents. Lard — Very little to be had; price 21 Mess Pork--$45. Sugar sca
few wholesale transaction in those leading articles of country produce of which very heavy shipments were made hence, principally to Northern markets, before the commencement of the war. Sales of corn, amounting only to about 10,000 bushels, have been made within a few weeks past. The article may now be quoted at 36 a 37 cents. Prior to the blockade, the sales averaged from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand bushels. Corn has not been so low here for fifteen years, or since 1844-45. In 1847, the price, in consequence of the famine in Ireland, rose to $1 25; and, since that time, when the duty was taken off by the British Government, down to the present blockade, the price has averaged 65 cents; ranging from 50 to $1 25. In staves there are no transactions, while common shingles are sold in considerable lots at $4. Bacon is very scarce and high: wholesale rates, h. r., 22 cents. Lard — Very little to be had; price 21 Mess Pork--$45. Sugar scarce:
ade, the sales averaged from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand bushels. Corn has not been so low here for fifteen years, or since 1844-45. In 1847, the price, in consequence of the famine in Ireland, rose to $1 25; and, since that time, when the duty was taken off by the British Government, down to the present blockade, the price has averaged 65 cents; ranging from 50 to $1 25. In staves there are no transactions, while common shingles are sold in considerable lots at $4. Bacon is very scarce and high: wholesale rates, h. r., 22 cents. Lard — Very little to be had; price 21 Mess Pork--$45. Sugar scarce: common 15a16; prime 18a19.--A cargo is now being sent from this place to Richmond. White Wheat sells here at 60a$1--indicating a great variety of grades; red 60a80--Supply light. Turks Island Salt $1.50 per bushel; G. A. $6 per sack; Blown $7a$8. Flour — Family $6a7; Extra $6; Superfine $5a5.50. Corn meal 70a75 cts. per bushel, sho
r dealer. No great damage was done. The engine companies soon extinguished the flames and prevented great destruction of property, as the wind was blowing a light gale at the time. An incendiary is supposed to have applied the torch. Professor George, a talented musician of our city, formerly of Richmond, has composed a piece of music for the beautiful song, written by an accomplished daughter of the South, entitled "The Confederate Flag." "Bright banner of Freedom, with pride I unflag of my country, with love I behold thee; Gleaming above us in freshness and youth; Emblem of Liberty, symbol of Truth. For the flag of my country in triumph shall wave, O' er the Southerner's home and the Southerner's grave." Mr. George has succeeded admirably in producing a tune for the times, very suitable to the soul-stirring words and sentiment of the poetry, and which will doubtless become very popular in the South. Good judges of the merits of musical composition speak
; price 21 Mess Pork--$45. Sugar scarce: common 15a16; prime 18a19.--A cargo is now being sent from this place to Richmond. White Wheat sells here at 60a$1--indicating a great variety of grades; red 60a80--Supply light. Turks Island Salt $1.50 per bushel; G. A. $6 per sack; Blown $7a$8. Flour — Family $6a7; Extra $6; Superfine $5a5.50. Corn meal 70a75 cts. per bushel, showing considerable difference in the price of this article and that of corn. Anderson's City Mills are now working to the extent of their capacity, and contributes greatly towards supplying the local demand for flour and corn meal. A fire broke out this morning in a store on Roanoke Square, formerly occupied by a butter dealer. No great damage was done. The engine companies soon extinguished the flames and prevented great destruction of property, as the wind was blowing a light gale at the time. An incendiary is supposed to have applied the torch. Professor George, a talented
September 11th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
Our correspondence. report of the Norfolk market — alarm of fire — the New National song — local Mamers. Norfolk Sept. 11, 1861, There are here, as may be reasonably supposed, but few wholesale transaction in those leading articles of country produce of which very heavy shipments were made hence, principally to Northern markets, before the commencement of the war. Sales of corn, amounting only to about 10,000 bushels, have been made within a few weeks past. The article may now be quoted at 36 a 37 cents. Prior to the blockade, the sales averaged from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand bushels. Corn has not been so low here for fifteen years, or since 1844-45. In 1847, the price, in consequence of the famine in Ireland, rose to $1 25; and, since that time, when the duty was taken off by the British Government, down to the present blockade, the price has averaged 65 cents; ranging from 50 to $1 25. In staves there are no transactions, while co<
eneral street fights have taken place here recently, but the disturbance was quickly stopped by the prompt arrest of the belligerents by the military police, who placed them in the guard-house, to cool off. A concert will shortly be given here by some members of the Huger Artillery company, who are known to possess superior musical talent, and another rich treat may be expected. The proceeds will be handed over to the ladies, for the benefit of sick and needy soldiers. Rev. Mr. O' Keefe, of St. Mary's Church, of this city, (Catholic,) has returned to a retail dealer the sum of $175, which he received from some person who had obtained it fraudulently and repented of his dishonesty. I regret to announce the death of Maj. Wm. M. Pendleton, of this city, which occurred yesterday. He was highly esteemed for his intelligence and high moral character. I am pained to announce, also, the death of Earnest Beillert, of the Young Guards, of this city. He was greatly loved a
Our correspondence. report of the Norfolk market — alarm of fire — the New National song — local Mamers. Norfolk Sept. 11, 1861, There are here, as may be reasonably supposed, but few wholesale transaction in those leading articles of country produce of which very heavy shipments were made hence, principally to Northern markets, before the commencement of the war. Sales of corn, amounting only to about 10,000 bushels, have been made within a few weeks past. The article may now be quoted at 36 a 37 cents. Prior to the blockade, the sales averaged from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand bushels. Corn has not been so low here for fifteen years, or since 1844-45. In 1847, the price, in consequence of the famine in Ireland, rose to $1 25; and, since that time, when the duty was taken off by the British Government, down to the present blockade, the price has averaged 65 cents; ranging from 50 to $1 25. In staves there are no transactions, while com<
White Wheat (search for this): article 1
time, when the duty was taken off by the British Government, down to the present blockade, the price has averaged 65 cents; ranging from 50 to $1 25. In staves there are no transactions, while common shingles are sold in considerable lots at $4. Bacon is very scarce and high: wholesale rates, h. r., 22 cents. Lard — Very little to be had; price 21 Mess Pork--$45. Sugar scarce: common 15a16; prime 18a19.--A cargo is now being sent from this place to Richmond. White Wheat sells here at 60a$1--indicating a great variety of grades; red 60a80--Supply light. Turks Island Salt $1.50 per bushel; G. A. $6 per sack; Blown $7a$8. Flour — Family $6a7; Extra $6; Superfine $5a5.50. Corn meal 70a75 cts. per bushel, showing considerable difference in the price of this article and that of corn. Anderson's City Mills are now working to the extent of their capacity, and contributes greatly towards supplying the local demand for flour and corn meal. A f
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