Found 620 total hits in 323 results.
ville, 206.
Fayetteville Arsenal; its history, and that of the 6th N. C. Battalion, Armory Guards, with roster, 231.
Flag, History and description of the Confederate, 117.
Flournoy, Colonel T. S., 133.
Ford, Captain N. P., 284.
Forrest. Dispatch of General N. B., to General L. Polk, 92.
Forts; Curtis, 197.
Donelson, 197, 317.
Fisher, 276, Henry, 198. Morris' Island, 228.
Sumter, 14, 228.
Franklin, Tenn., Carnage at battle of, 189.
Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 102.
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 99.
Front Royal, May 23, 1862, Battle of, 131.
Funkhouser, Captain R. D., 80.
Fussell's Mill, Battle of, 337.
G, Company, 49th Virginia Infantry, Roll of, 171.
Gardner, General, Frank. 67
Gettysburg, Battle of; North Carolina troops engaged in the, 16, 100; Heth's Brigade at, 264; Jenkins' Cavalry Brigade at, 339.
Goldsmith, Colonel W I., 79.
Goochland Light Artillery, Captain John H. Guy, in the Western Campaign, 316.
Goochland Light Dragoons, Organiz
nd Light Dragoons, Organization and service of, 359.
Gordon, General, James, 280.
Gordon, General John B., 80.
Granberry, Bishop John C., 365.
Grant's Campaign in 1864, 139; his forces in, 177; censor, warned him to stop drinking, 154; on to Richmond, 81.
Gravel Hill, Battle of, 337.
Green, Colonel J. W., 166.
Gurley House, Battle of, 102.
Hampton Roads Conference, 33.
Hampton, Strategy of General Wade, 278.
Harrison, James P., 111
Hatcher's Run Battle of, 103.
Helena, Ark., Attack on, July 4, 1863, 197.
Hindman, General T C., placed under arrest, 69.
Hobday, Captain, John, Gallantry of, 102; killed, 103.
Holcombe Guards (Company I, 7th Virginia Infantry), Roll of the, 115.
Hollins. Commodore George N., 88.
Howitzers, The Richmond, at Harper's Ferry in 1859, 110
Howlett House, Battery at, 40.
Hunton, General, Eppa, Brigade of, 83.
Irby, Captain, Richard, 240.
Ireland, Mission of Lieutenant J. L. Capston to, in 1863, 202.
, Company, 49th Virginia Infantry, Roll of, 171.
Gardner, General, Frank. 67
Gettysburg, Battle of; North Carolina troops engaged in the, 16, 100; Heth's Brigade at, 264; Jenkins' Cavalry Brigade at, 339.
Goldsmith, Colonel W I., 79.
Goochland Light Artillery, Captain John H. Guy, in the Western Campaign, 316.
Goochland Light Dragoons, Organization and service of, 359.
Gordon, General, James, 280.
Gordon, General John B., 80.
Granberry, Bishop John C., 365.
Grant's CampaGoochland Light Dragoons, Organization and service of, 359.
Gordon, General, James, 280.
Gordon, General John B., 80.
Granberry, Bishop John C., 365.
Grant's Campaign in 1864, 139; his forces in, 177; censor, warned him to stop drinking, 154; on to Richmond, 81.
Gravel Hill, Battle of, 337.
Green, Colonel J. W., 166.
Gurley House, Battle of, 102.
Hampton Roads Conference, 33.
Hampton, Strategy of General Wade, 278.
Harrison, James P., 111
Hatcher's Run Battle of, 103.
Helena, Ark., Attack on, July 4, 1863, 197.
Hindman, General T C., placed under arrest, 69.
Hobday, Captain, John, Gallantry of, 102; killed, 103.
Holcombe Guards
l Steamer, 165.
Mayer, R. B., 59.
Mayo, Colonel Robert M., 184.
Mechanicsville, Battle of, 329.
Meredith, Jaquelin Marshall, 187.
Mexican War, The, 59.
Miller, H. J., 171.
Mine Run, Battle of, 101, 336.
Minor, Lieutenant Robert D., 91.
Mission Ridge, Battle of, 95.
Monroe, General Thomas B., 58.
Morgan, General, John, Famous Raid of, 194.
Morgan, Colonel, Richard, 194.
Mosby's Men, Hanging of, by General Custer, in 1864, 109.
Morse, Captain, Edward, 225.
Murfreesboro, Battle of, 67.
Munford, General Thomas T., 132.
Murrah, General, Pendleton, 43.
Neimeyer, Colonel, Wm. F., killed, 101.
Newmarket, Heroism of the V. M. I. Cadets at 302.
North Anna, Battle of, 262, 266.
North Carolina; Armory Guards, 6th Battalion, 231: 22d Infantry, History of the, 256; 28th Infantry, History of the, 324; University of, 1; Union sentiment in 1861, and the action of the Assembly of, 5; its Alumni in public and military life, 9, 11; losses of the troops in
of the, 256; 28th Infantry, History of the, 324; University of, 1; Union sentiment in 1861, and the action of the Assembly of, 5; its Alumni in public and military life, 9, 11; losses of the troops in the C. S. Army, 17; supplied the Confederacy by blockade running, 36; soldiers of, paroled at Appomattox C. H., 254
Nottoway Grays, Company G, 18th Virginia Infantry, Organization and record of, 237
Old Dominion Dragoons, Roll of, 187.
Ox Hill, Battle of, 331.
Parrott, W. A., 115.
Pawnee, The Federal gunboat, 90.
Perry, Leslie J., 145. 301.
Pettigrew, General J., 16, 260.
Pickett, General George E., Appointment of to West Point; his characteristics, 151.
Pickett, Mrs. La Salle Corbeil, 154.
Polk, General, Leonidas, 130.
Pope, Movements in the war of General John, 353.
Pouncing on pickets, 213.
Powell, C. H., 359.
Randall, James R., 277
Rawlins, General John A., 154.
Ray, Rev. George H., 365.
Reams' Station, Battle of, 103, 337.
Rebels, benefactor
157, 225; narrative of James Sprunt; names of vessels and commanders, 161, 227, 228; flush times of, 229.
Bonneau, Captain F. N., 225.
Boynton, General H. V., 94.
Bragg, General, Braxton, 92.
Breckenridge, General J. C. Bitter feeling between him and General Bragg, 68.
Breedlove, J. W., 211.
Bristow Station, Action at, 101, 335, 356.
Brockenbrough, Colonel J. W., 185.
Brockenbrough, Dr. W. S. R., 193
Bucknerand McClellan.
How the former outwitted the latter General, 295.
Bull Run, Casualties in Second Battle of, 143.
Burgess' Mill, Action at, 103.
Butt, M. F., killed, 101.
Campbell, John A., Assistant-Secretary of War, 357
Capston, Lieutenant J. L. His mission to Ireland, 202.
Cary Rebellion, The, 2.
Catlett's Station, Action at, 99.
Cedar Mountain, Casualties in Battle of, 143, 262.
Cedar Run, Battle of, 331.
Chalmers, General J. R , 122.
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 100-205, 264; burnt field of, 333.
Chattanooga, 92.
riotism of; 43.
McAlpine, Major Charles R., 98.
McAlpine, Newton, 98.
McClellan, General, Geo. B., 295.
McClellan, Major H. B., 216.
McCreery, John Van Law, 110.
Magruder, General John B., 43.
Manassas, Battle of, 330
Marshall, Colonel, James, killed, 186.
Maple Leaf, Capture of the Federal Steamer, 165.
Mayer, R. B., 59.
Mayo, Colonel Robert M., 184.
Mechanicsville, Battle of, 329.
Meredith, Jaquelin Marshall, 187.
Mexican War, The, 59.
Miller, H. J., 171.
Mine Run, Battle of, 101, 336.
Minor, Lieutenant Robert D., 91.
Mission Ridge, Battle of, 95.
Monroe, General Thomas B., 58.
Morgan, General, John, Famous Raid of, 194.
Morgan, Colonel, Richard, 194.
Mosby's Men, Hanging of, by General Custer, in 1864, 109.
Morse, Captain, Edward, 225.
Murfreesboro, Battle of, 67.
Munford, General Thomas T., 132.
Murrah, General, Pendleton, 43.
Neimeyer, Colonel, Wm. F., killed, 101.
Newmarket, Heroism of the V. M. I. Cadets at 302.
l William H., 363.
Riddell, Dr. Thomas J., 323.
Roane, Lieutenant, killed, 207.
Roanoke Grays, Muster-roll and casualties of, 291.
Roller, A. H., 294.
Ruggles, General, Daniel, 66.
Ruffin, Edmond, 111.
Ruffin, Julian M., 111.
Sailor's Creek, Battle of, 83, 250.
St Nicholas, Capture of the Federal steamer, 88.
Salem Church, Action at. 100.
Savannah Guard; its part at Sailor's Creek, 250.
Schaller, Colonel, Frank, 277.
Schuricht, Diary of Lieutenant H.; Gettysburg CamSailor's Creek, 250.
Schaller, Colonel, Frank, 277.
Schuricht, Diary of Lieutenant H.; Gettysburg Campaign, 339.
Secession a Constitutional right, 369.
Seddon, James A., 27.
Seven Days Battles.
Casualties in the, 143, 262.
Shady Grove, Battle of, 101.
Sharpsburg, The battle of, discussed, 267; forces at the battle, 272, 331.
Shelby, General, Joe, Address of, April 26, 1865, 42.
Shepherdstown, Battle of, 331.
Shepherd, Joseph H, 151.
Shiloh, Battle of, 66; forces engaged in, and compiled account of, 119.
Slatter, W. J., 309.
Slaughter, General James E., 309.