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West Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.50
he hero of it, may have, unintentionally, done injustice to Hon. Jefferson Davis, as President of the Southern Confederacy, and General Braxton Bragg, who was conspicuous in the same cause. The phenomenal accomplishments of General Whiting are admirably summed up. Few men have been born into the world with such astonishing endowments of body and mind. His personal masculine beauty was a splendid shrine for one of the most brilliant, comprehensive, and versatile intellects. His record at West Point has not yet, I presume, been matched. The late Dr. Greebough, of the navy, who knew him well, declared to me that Whiting not only surpassed all of his military contemporaries in serious or manly accomplishments, but could even beat all the boys of his time playing marbles. He was by parentage a northern man, southern born, however, and, like Byron, his blood was all meridian. My personal acquaintance with him was very slight, but it happened at a time when this extraordinary man was in
Paris, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.50
Pemberton at Vicksburg. This must be solved by experts. Many of the men who had consummate knowledge of the situation are dead, but they have left records, and some persons may survive who can set the matter right, without disparagement of any actors in the scene. What prominent general of our interstate conflict was free from commission of error, on either side? The greatest of all—Robert E. Lee—ascribed to himself the disaster at Gettysburg, although Major Kyd Douglas told the Count of Paris that Lee needed just such a reverse to admonish him that Stonewall Jackson was dead. At Shiloh, General Beauregard's unfortunate order of retreat saved the Federals from capture or destruction, and made it possible for Grant to be afterward President of the United States. Colonel Frank Schaller, now no more, told me that when Bragg received the order to retire from the cowering enemy and harmless gunboat fire, his indignation was boundless, and, in a fury, he broke his sword across his kne
Austerlitz (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.50
ight, and an adept in all physical equipment or martial exercises. Long before the event, he wrote an editorial for me in an Augusta paper, predicting the downfall of Louis Napoleon, and reciting analytically the causes of that memorable overthrow. He showed, with mastery and seership, that this monarch was, when advancing to Italian victory, also marching to Sedan, and Parisian revolution, as Mr. Ropes demonstrates, long after the event, that the First Napoleon, when progressing towards Austerlitz, was none the less moving fatally to Waterloo and St. Helena. Colonel Schaffer did not, as some of us thought, get the reward in proportion that he deserved, but I cannot recall that he ever murmured. He was by birth a Pole, and by adoption a Georgian. He taught a school at Athens, Georgia, and died in pedagogic harness, in the golden prime of manhood. Peace be with him and with his spirit, for he was a grand character, and never was there a bolder spirit in a more loyal breast. In
Athens (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.50
t this monarch was, when advancing to Italian victory, also marching to Sedan, and Parisian revolution, as Mr. Ropes demonstrates, long after the event, that the First Napoleon, when progressing towards Austerlitz, was none the less moving fatally to Waterloo and St. Helena. Colonel Schaffer did not, as some of us thought, get the reward in proportion that he deserved, but I cannot recall that he ever murmured. He was by birth a Pole, and by adoption a Georgian. He taught a school at Athens, Georgia, and died in pedagogic harness, in the golden prime of manhood. Peace be with him and with his spirit, for he was a grand character, and never was there a bolder spirit in a more loyal breast. In reviewing some of the passages in the life of General Whiting, I have striven to be just to him as well as to Mr. Davis and General Bragg. The one fault of Whiting was so magnificently atoned for, that it will not dim the lustre of his true glory. He merits all of the honor that his admir
Sedan (France) (search for this): chapter 1.50
ments. He was a highly trained soldier, a classic and scientific scholar, a writer of the first order, a man of almost prophetic insight, and an adept in all physical equipment or martial exercises. Long before the event, he wrote an editorial for me in an Augusta paper, predicting the downfall of Louis Napoleon, and reciting analytically the causes of that memorable overthrow. He showed, with mastery and seership, that this monarch was, when advancing to Italian victory, also marching to Sedan, and Parisian revolution, as Mr. Ropes demonstrates, long after the event, that the First Napoleon, when progressing towards Austerlitz, was none the less moving fatally to Waterloo and St. Helena. Colonel Schaffer did not, as some of us thought, get the reward in proportion that he deserved, but I cannot recall that he ever murmured. He was by birth a Pole, and by adoption a Georgian. He taught a school at Athens, Georgia, and died in pedagogic harness, in the golden prime of manhood. P
Waterloo, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.50
martial exercises. Long before the event, he wrote an editorial for me in an Augusta paper, predicting the downfall of Louis Napoleon, and reciting analytically the causes of that memorable overthrow. He showed, with mastery and seership, that this monarch was, when advancing to Italian victory, also marching to Sedan, and Parisian revolution, as Mr. Ropes demonstrates, long after the event, that the First Napoleon, when progressing towards Austerlitz, was none the less moving fatally to Waterloo and St. Helena. Colonel Schaffer did not, as some of us thought, get the reward in proportion that he deserved, but I cannot recall that he ever murmured. He was by birth a Pole, and by adoption a Georgian. He taught a school at Athens, Georgia, and died in pedagogic harness, in the golden prime of manhood. Peace be with him and with his spirit, for he was a grand character, and never was there a bolder spirit in a more loyal breast. In reviewing some of the passages in the life of G
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.50
at prominent general of our interstate conflict was free from commission of error, on either side? The greatest of all—Robert E. Lee—ascribed to himself the disaster at Gettysburg, although Major Kyd Douglas told the Count of Paris that Lee needed just such a reverse to admonish him that Stonewall Jackson was dead. At Shiloh, General Beauregard's unfortunate order of retreat saved the Federals from capture or destruction, and made it possible for Grant to be afterward President of the United States. Colonel Frank Schaller, now no more, told me that when Bragg received the order to retire from the cowering enemy and harmless gunboat fire, his indignation was boundless, and, in a fury, he broke his sword across his knees. It is strange that this same General should, by any fault of his, have subsequently permitted the intrepid Whiting to be defeated and virtually slain. Colonel Schaller. Right here I desire to pay a tribute to my dear friend, Colonel Frank Schaller. He was, i
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.50
but it may be due to Mr. Davis' memory, without injustice to the memory of Whiting, to state some facts which I have reason to believe well-founded. His removal. Whether Mr. Davis removed General Whiting from the field of active operations for wise or unwise motives or reasons, others must settle who are more competent to judge than myself; but my recollection is that nothing could have been more unfortunate for this wonderfully gifted officer than initially giving him command at Wilmington, N. C. We may charitably suppose that Mr. Davis intended no harm to General Whiting, for Wilmington was one of the important sea-gates of the Confederacy, and the man who defended it had need of just such engineering skill as Beauregard had at Charleston. I have always been under the impression from personal experience at the time when stationed at Wilmington, that General Whiting would have been spared many troubles if it had not happened that blockade running was one of the most demoralizi
Braxton Bragg (search for this): chapter 1.50
e lost cause. His incomparable gifts and one Misfortune-were Mr. Davis and General Bragg responsible for his Fatalities? A recent elaborate and sympathetic a to Hon. Jefferson Davis, as President of the Southern Confederacy, and General Braxton Bragg, who was conspicuous in the same cause. The phenomenal accomplishmentsis military achievements. There was then, and there is now, complaint that General Bragg did not come to his rescue when Fort Fisher was assailed on the land side by General Terry. It may be that Bragg was culpable, but it may be also that he could no more, for the same reason, help Whiting than Joseph E. Johnston could disentnt of the United States. Colonel Frank Schaller, now no more, told me that when Bragg received the order to retire from the cowering enemy and harmless gunboat fire,neral Whiting, I have striven to be just to him as well as to Mr. Davis and General Bragg. The one fault of Whiting was so magnificently atoned for, that it will no
Lewis H. Pemberton (search for this): chapter 1.50
of Fort Fisher. On the ruined ramparts of that fort he fought like a hero of old days, and only ceased to struggle when, what proved a mortal wound, closed his military achievements. There was then, and there is now, complaint that General Bragg did not come to his rescue when Fort Fisher was assailed on the land side by General Terry. It may be that Bragg was culpable, but it may be also that he could no more, for the same reason, help Whiting than Joseph E. Johnston could disentangle Pemberton at Vicksburg. This must be solved by experts. Many of the men who had consummate knowledge of the situation are dead, but they have left records, and some persons may survive who can set the matter right, without disparagement of any actors in the scene. What prominent general of our interstate conflict was free from commission of error, on either side? The greatest of all—Robert E. Lee—ascribed to himself the disaster at Gettysburg, although Major Kyd Douglas told the Count of Paris t
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