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Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
Tenth and Eighth Confederate, Col. W. B. Wade; Twenty-eighth, Major McBee; Eighteenth battalion and part of Fifth regiment, Lieut.-Col. A. H. Chalmers. On February 24th it was reported by Inspector-General Girault that General Forrest had in camp at and near West Point fully 6,000 cavalry; was daily increasing his force, and taking active steps to suppress the banditti in the Mississippi swamps. Sharp's and Brantly's brigades, about 5,000 strong together, were sent from Meridian to Augusta, Ga., early in March, General Taylor having been ordered to send every available man east for the campaign in the Carolinas. Thus stripped of all infantry troops, Mississippi was left to depend upon the cavalry that might be collected by General Forrest, and it was hoped that his genius might overcome the fearful odds against him and win a victory that would put some hope and heart into the wornout soldiers of the Confederacy. General Beauregard informed General Taylor, on March 9th, that no
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
pi regiments of this brigade were then commanded as follows: Thirteenth, Lieut. W. H. Davis; Seventeenth, Capt. Gwin R. Cherry; Eighteenth, Lieut. John W. Gower; Twenty-first, Lieut. Benjamin George. General Davis' brigade was surrendered at Appomattox, including the Second, Eleventh, Twenty-sixth, and Forty-second regiments. Harris' brigade, Mahone's division, here also ended its gallant career, the regiments being commanded at that time as follows: Twelfth, Capt. A. K. Jones; Sixteenth, Lieut.-Col. James H. Duncan; Nineteenth, Col. Richard W. Phipps; Forty-eighth, Col. Joseph M. Jayne. The remnant of Humphreys' brigade, at its surrender at Appomattox under Captain Cherry, numbered 20 officers and 231 men; Davis' brigade had 21 officers and 54 men; and Harris' brigade had 33 officers and 339 men. Meanwhile the Mississippi infantry of the armies of Tennessee and Mississippi had joined the forces under Gen. J. E. Johnston for the defense of the Carolinas. Loring's division was
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
omas, with headquarters at Eastport, in the extreme northeast corner of Mississippi, late in March sent Gen. James H. Wilson with 10,000 cavalry on a raid through Alabama. Forrest led his whole command to meet him, and on the 2d of April, the day of the evacuation of Richmond, fought the battle of Selma. His men fought with the d Battalions. 1 Regiment Cavalry Reserves. 7 Regiments State Troops. 3 Battalions State Troops. 8 Battalions State Cavalry. 1 Mixed Regiment, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee. 1 Mixed Battalion, Mississippi and Tennessee. I Mixed Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry Battalion. 1 Regiment Partisan Rangers. 1 Battalion Partisan Rangers. 5 Battalions Sharpshooters. 1 Artillery Regiment. 1 Artillery Battalion. 1 Artillery Battery. Jeff Davis Legion, mixed Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia cavalry. Under an act of the legislature of Mississippi, August 11, 1864, creating the office of superintendent of army records and making it the duty of th
Verona (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
Events of 1865 Forrest in command Deplorable suffering of the people cavalry organizations battle of Selma General Taylor at Meridian Mississippians in Virginia and the Carolinas capitulation of General Taylor Summary of Mississippi's Contribution of soldiers Inauguration of Governor Humphreys. On January 24, 1865, Nathan B. Forrest, with promotion to lieutenant-general, assumed command of the district of Mississippi, East Louisiana and West Tennessee. From his headquarters at Verona he issued a circular giving notice of his authority and insisting upon strict discipline, the protection of the rights of citizens and the suppression, even to extermination, of the prowling bands of irregular cavalry which infested the State. General Chalmers, stationed at West Point, was directed to get up all the Mississippi regiments as rapidly as possible for reorganization, and Colonel Lowry, commanding Gholson's brigade, and Colonel Henderson, commanding detachments of McCulloch's,
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
lation of General Taylor Summary of Mississippi's Contribution of soldiers Inauguration of Governor Humphreys. On January 24, 1865, Nathan B. Forrest, with promotion to lieutenant-general, assumed command of the district of Mississippi, East Louisiana and West Tennessee. From his headquarters at Verona he issued a circular giving notice of his authority and insisting upon strict discipline, the protection of the rights of citizens and the suppression, even to extermination, of the prowlineason. Late in January French's division, including Sears' brigade, was ordered to Mobile. On February 3d, Gen. Marcus J. Wright was assigned by General Forrest to command of north Mississippi and west Tennessee, and south Mississippi and east Louisiana were put under charge of Gen. Wirt Adams. General Chalmers was assigned to the command of all Mississippi cavalry, to be known as Chalmers' division, and the Tennessee and other cavalry were consolidated under Gen. W. H. Jackson. The Missi
Citronelle (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
ston he had made a convention with Sherman, and soon after the news of this had reached Gen. Richard Taylor, he met General Canby near Mobile, and was courteously entertained. A truce of two days was agreed upon and hostilities ceased. A week later came almost simultaneously notice of the repudiation of the convention and the renewal of hostilities, and General Taylor again met General Canby to arrange terms of capitulation. This last important surrender of the great war was made at Citronelle, Ala., May 4, 1865. In due time the men at Meridian were paroled, and officers and soldiers who had been up to that time engaged in deadly combat made friendly acquaintance and parted in peace. General Taylor's advice was asked for and relied upon by General Canby, in regard to disposition of his forces to preserve order and protect the restoration of trade and industry. What years of discord, bitterness, injustice and loss would not our country have been spared, wrote General Taylor, had
Palo Alto (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
ar giving notice of his authority and insisting upon strict discipline, the protection of the rights of citizens and the suppression, even to extermination, of the prowling bands of irregular cavalry which infested the State. General Chalmers, stationed at West Point, was directed to get up all the Mississippi regiments as rapidly as possible for reorganization, and Colonel Lowry, commanding Gholson's brigade, and Colonel Henderson, commanding detachments of McCulloch's, were ordered to Palo Alto. General Clark, writing General Taylor at Meridian, January 28th, proposed to call out the militia of the State, as had already been done in General Hodge's district, but added that he had 2,000 stand of arms and not exceeding fifteen rounds of ammunition, and he asked for 3,000 more guns. General Taylor answered that he could provision the militia raised, but his supply of arms and ammunition was already insufficient for the Confederate troops of his department. Inspector-General Walte
Eastport (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
y April, was participated in by Sears' brigade under Col. Thomas N. Adaire, including the remnants of the following regiments: Fourth, Maj. T. P. Nelson; Seventh battalion, Capt. S. D. Harris; Thirty-fifth, Capt. G. W. Oden; Thirty-sixth, Lieut.-Col. Edward Brown; Thirty-ninth, Capt. C. W. Gallaher; Forty-sixth, Capt. J. A. Barwick. These troops, with the other remnants of Maury's command, retreated to Meridian after the evacuation of Mobile. Gen. George H. Thomas, with headquarters at Eastport, in the extreme northeast corner of Mississippi, late in March sent Gen. James H. Wilson with 10,000 cavalry on a raid through Alabama. Forrest led his whole command to meet him, and on the 2d of April, the day of the evacuation of Richmond, fought the battle of Selma. His men fought with the desperation of hopelessness, but they were swept from their intrenchments by superior numbers and 2,700 were captured. After this disaster, Forrest, with the remnant of his command, made up of those
Selma (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
Chapter 13: Events of 1865 Forrest in command Deplorable suffering of the people cavalry organizations battle of Selma General Taylor at Meridian Mississippians in Virginia and the Carolinas capitulation of General Taylor Summary of Mississippi's Contribution of soldiers Inauguration of Governor Humphreys. On January 24, 1865, Nathan B. Forrest, with promotion to lieutenant-general, assumed command of the district of Mississippi, East Louisiana and West Tennessee. Froortheast corner of Mississippi, late in March sent Gen. James H. Wilson with 10,000 cavalry on a raid through Alabama. Forrest led his whole command to meet him, and on the 2d of April, the day of the evacuation of Richmond, fought the battle of Selma. His men fought with the desperation of hopelessness, but they were swept from their intrenchments by superior numbers and 2,700 were captured. After this disaster, Forrest, with the remnant of his command, made up of those who were determined
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
on to lieutenant-general, assumed command of the district of Mississippi, East Louisiana and West Tennessee. From his headquarters at Verona he issued a circular giving notice of his authority and ind, Gen. Marcus J. Wright was assigned by General Forrest to command of north Mississippi and west Tennessee, and south Mississippi and east Louisiana were put under charge of Gen. Wirt Adams. General s' brigade had 33 officers and 339 men. Meanwhile the Mississippi infantry of the armies of Tennessee and Mississippi had joined the forces under Gen. J. E. Johnston for the defense of the Carolinttalions State Troops. 8 Battalions State Cavalry. 1 Mixed Regiment, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee. 1 Mixed Battalion, Mississippi and Tennessee. I Mixed Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry BTennessee. I Mixed Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry Battalion. 1 Regiment Partisan Rangers. 1 Battalion Partisan Rangers. 5 Battalions Sharpshooters. 1 Artillery Regiment. 1 Artillery Battalion. 1 Artillery Battery. Jeff Davis Legion, mixed M
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