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Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
army had moved behind the Rappahannock some hours before. He then halted during the rest of the 11th at Culpepper, while Stuart pressed the rear of Meade's column, which was covered by the cavalry under Pleasonton. Buford's division of troopers had crossed the Rapidan at Germanna Ford on the night of the 10th, after the Confederates had begun their movement, but was met on the morning of the 11th by Fitz Hugh Lee's horsemen; whereupon Buford, falling back over the Rapidan, united at Brandy Station with Pleasonton's main body of cavalry, and then followed the army across the Rappahannock. On the following morning, Monday, October 12th, Lee advanced from Culpepper; but finding that Meade had been too quick for him, and that his first turning movement had failed, owing to the rapid retreat of his opponent, he determined, instead of following up Meade by the direct line of his retreat, to make a new flank movement by routes to the west, with the design, as he says in his report, of
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
nd taking circuitous and concealed roads, Lee: Report of Fall Operations in Virginia. passed by way of Madison Courthouse quite to Meade's right. Stuart, with Hampton's cavalry division, moved on the right of the column, while Fitz Hugh Lee's cavalry division, with a detachment of infantry, was left to hold the lines south of the Union cavalry. One of these affairs was of some importance. While on the advance towards Warrenton, on the 19th, Kilpatrick's division skirmished warmly with Hampton's division up to Buckland Mills, at the crossing of Broad Run, on the south bank of which Hampton took post, under the personal direction of Stuart, who here plae success. Fitz Lee arriving just below Buckland surprised Kilpatrick's force on the flank, and Stuart, hearing Fitz Lee's guns, pressed vigorously in front with Hampton's division. A stubborn resistance was offered, but a charge au fond finally forced Kilpatrick's command to give way, and he retreated in some confusion. Stuar
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
ade was now strongly posted on the heights of Centreville, and if compelled to fall back from there, would do so into the fortifications of Washington. As no additional turning movement could be of any avail, Lee pushed his advance no further. His intention had been to gain Meade's rear, and as this was now completely foiled, he was not minded to essay assault on the army in position. Resolving, however, not to have made an utterly useless campaign, he threw forward a thin line as far as Bull Run, and thus masking his design, he proceeded to destroy the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from that point southward to the Rappahannock. Having effectually accomplished that object, Lee's Report. he, on the 18th, began a retrograde movement. Meade commenced pursuit on the following day, This delay in following up was owing to the fact that since the army had crossed to the north side, that stream had become much swollen by heavy rains; and previous to that, not anticipating that th
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
aration of his opponent's forces gave Meade the hope that, by crossing the Rapidan at the lower fords, turning the Confederate right, and advancing quickly towards Orange Courthouse by the plank and turnpike roads that connect that place with Fredericksburg, he might be able to interpose between the two hostile bodies under Ewell and Hill, and destroy them in detail. This plan, different from the kind of operations ordinarily attempted in Virginia, was well suited to the circumstances. It waefore, during the following night, withdrew the army across the Rapidan, and it resumed its old camps. It would have been a move well adapted to the circumstances had General Meade, on seeing his plan of operations frustrated, advanced on Fredericksburg instead of falling back to his old line across the Rapidan. This would have had the character of an offensive movement, and would have saved the morale of the army and the confidence of the country, both of which were rudely shaken by these
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
e enemy, and rapidly pursued it. But the extent of the pursuit has been recorded above. Meantime, the whole army was pressing on along the railroad towards Centreville, the point of concentration, where General Meade had resolved to halt and give battle. Warren, as has been seen, brought up the rear. As Lee's purpose was tee could make dispositions for attack, night came on, and, under its friendly cover, Warren retired, and next morning joined the main body of the army massed at Centreville. General Lee states that Hill's attack was made by two brigades, and extenuates the result by stating that the assault was against greatly superior numbers. shows that he had two divisions on the field. Warren met their attack with little over three thousand men. Meade was now strongly posted on the heights of Centreville, and if compelled to fall back from there, would do so into the fortifications of Washington. As no additional turning movement could be of any avail, Lee push
Mine Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
rden of the day can never know much. Iii. Mine Run. Judging from the experience of such militarand he then planned an operation known as the Mine Run move—an operation which deserved better succeank of a small tributary of the Rapidan named Mine Run, which flows almost at right angles with the rative orders from General Meade, Sketch of Mine Run. they pushed forward with greater rapidity. Confederate force concentrated on the line of Mine Run, to bar progress beyond that point. Had thosed a barrier to Meade's advance; for though Mine Run crosses the two roads on which the army was tright being, in fact, at Bartlett's Mills, on Mine Run, and thence up to the Rapidan. But, by the d while some twelve hundred yards in front was Mine Run— a stream of no great width, but difficult fos found itself brought up against the line of Mine Run. Upon reaching this point the troops were ime army in winter quarters. The movement on Mine Run terminated for the season grand military oper
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
left at the Gap, but this was expelled, and the corps passed through on the evening of the 22d, prepared to advance on Front Royal in the morning. But, on moving forward to strike the enemy's line of retreat, the corps-commander acted with such feear-guard to delay him the whole day, so that it was evening before he penetrated to the Confederate line of battle at Front Royal. Next morning, when Meade hoped to give battle, Lee had made good his retreat. As the Federals continued to advance ting us off from the railroad, Longstreet was ordered on the 19th of July to proceed to Culpepper Courthouse by way of Front Royal. He succeeded in passing part of his command over the Shenandoah in time to prevent the occupation of Manassas and Chhed through Chester Gap to Culpepper, where they arrived on the 24th. He was followed by Hill's corps. Ewell reached Front Royal the 23d, and encamped near Madison Courthouse the 29th.—Lee: Report. Upon this, as nothing was now to be hoped from th
Centreville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
reliable, and large numbers deserted at the first opportunity. It was evident, therefore, that he could undertake no considerable operation until the return of the troops sent to New York. But when, towards the middle of October, these finally came back, and General Meade was about to initiate an offensive movement, he found himself suddenly thrown once more on the defensive by the bold initiative of Lee, in an operation the events of which I shall now relate. Ii. The flank march on Centreville. Made aware of the heavy deduction of force from the Army of the Potomac, but exaggerating probably its extent, Lee early in October determined on an offensive movement that should have the effect of driving Meade back from the line of the Rapidan. With this object he resolved to move around his opponent's right flank, and endeavor to interpose between him and Washington. I learn from General Longstreet that Lee at this time frequently spoke of an operation that should swap Queens
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
he London Valley; and by hugging the Blue Ridge closely, Meade hoped, by vigorous action, to bring the Confederate force to battle under advantageous conditions before it should break through the mountains. No demonstration was made in the Valley of the Shenandoah other than that of a body of cavalry under Gregg, which retired after an indecisive engagement with the Confederate cavalry under General Fitz Hugh Lee at Shepherdstown. The army crossed the Potomac on ponton-bridges at Harper's Ferry and Berlin on the 17th and 18th July, and followed southward, skirting the Blue Ridge; while Lee, conforming to this manoeuvre, fell back up the Shenandoah Valley. The movement of Meade was made with much vigor—indeed with so much vigor that, on reaching Union, on the 20th of June, he was compelled to halt a day, lest by further advance he should dangerously uncover his right; but even with this delay, the army, on reaching Manassas Gap on the 22d, was so well up with the enemy, that it
Jacob's Mills (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
ld hardly brook delay; and being himself very eager for action, he anxiously watched a favorable opportunity to deliver battle. Such an opportunity he thought he saw towards the end of November; and he then planned an operation known as the Mine Run move—an operation which deserved better success than it met. It was ascertained that Lee, while resting the right of his army on the Rapidan near Morton's Ford, had left the lower fords of the river at Ely's, Culpepper Mine, Germanna and Jacobs' mills uncovered, and depended for the defence of that flank upon a line of intrenchments which he had constructed perpendicular to the river and extending along the left bank of a small tributary of the Rapidan named Mine Run, which flows almost at right angles with the former stream, and empties into it at Morton's Ford. Relying for the security of his right upon that line, Lee had placed his force in cantonments covering a wide extent of country; so that while Ewell's corps held position fr
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