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Chapter 42: The battle-field capture of prisoners confusion of the enemy's retreat to Centreville loss of baggage bivouac on the field conversation of officers with prisoners Burnside and McClellan's reenforcements how their destination was changed from point to point by the rapidity of Lee's movements Retrospect the strong position of Centreville is turned by one of Jackson's fast flank movements the enemy fall back from Centreville in great haste and confusion heavy skirmishing with the enemy's Rearguard near Fairfax death of Generals Stevens and Kearny further retreat of the enemy, who enter their fortified lines round ArlingtonCentreville in great haste and confusion heavy skirmishing with the enemy's Rearguard near Fairfax death of Generals Stevens and Kearny further retreat of the enemy, who enter their fortified lines round Arlington Heights and Alexandria Jackson crosses into Maryland he is followed by several Confederate divisions, which hold the Mountain passes at Boonsboro Jackson suddenly moves from Frederick City. I was so much fatigued when the engagement closed that I would fain have gathered a few sticks and bivouacked where sunset found me, but
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. (search)
., Col. W. R. Montgomery; 2d N. J., Col. Geo. W. McLean; 3d N. J., Col. George W. Taylor; 41st N. Y., Col. Leopold von Gilsa. Fifth division. [in reserve at Centreville and not engaged in the battle proper. It had some skirmishing during the day and while covering the retreat of the army.] Col. Dixon S. Miles. First Brigadeades of the First Division crossed Bull Run. The Fifth Division, with Richardson's brigade of the First Division attached, was in reserve at and in front of Centreville. Some of it was lightly engaged on our side of Bull Run in repelling a feeble advance of the enemy. The Fourth (Reserve) Division was left to guard our communications with the Potomac, its advance being seven miles in rear of Centreville. That is to say, McDowell crossed Bull Run with 896 officers, 17,676 rank and file, and 24 pieces of artillery. The artillerymen who crossed Bull Run are embraced in the figures of the foregoing table. The guns were as follows: Ricketts's Batte
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Incidents of the first Bull Run. (search)
enemy's movement across Young's Branch. But for that, they might have gained the Henry plateau, before Jackson and Hampton came up, and before Bee and Bartow had rallied their disorganized troops. Minutes count as hours under such circumstances, and trifles often turn the scale in great battles. General Jackson's wound became very serious when inflammation set in. On hearing, three days after the fight, that he was suffering with it, I rode to his quarters, a little farm-house near Centreville. Although it was barely sunrise, he was out under the trees, bathing the hand with spring water. It was much swollen and very painful, but he bore himself stoically. His wife had arrived the night before. Of course, the battle was the only topic discussed at breakfast. I remarked, in Mrs. Jackson's hearing, General, how is it that you can keep so cool, and appear so utterly insensible to danger in such a storm of shell and bullets as rained about you when your hand was hit? He insta
f timber. In the hillside the original genius who had planned this retreat had dug a sort of cave, piled dirt on the timber roof, and made his retreat bomb-proof! He evidently designed retiring from the world to this comfortable retreat, extending his feet toward his blazing fire, and sleeping or reflecting without thought of the enemy's artillery. One and all, these winter quarters were deserted, and I thought as I looked at them of those excellent houses which our forces left near Centreville and Manassas in March, 1862. Dreary, bare, lonely, melancholy-such is the landscape around me. That bugle! It sounds to horse! Camp No-Camp goes, and bkecomes a thing of the Past! The band, the bugle, the banjo, sound no more-at least in this portion of the world. I leave with a sigh that excellent stable for my horse: I cast a last lingering look upon the good log chimney which I have mused by so often, pondering idly on the future or the past. Farewell chimney, that
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 4: the Confederates hovering around Washington. (search)
street promoted Major-General fierce struggle at Ball's Bluff Dranesville a success for the Union arms McClellan given the sobriquet of the young Napoleon. After General McDowell reached Washington my brigade was thrown forward, first to Centreville, then to Fairfax Court-House, and later still to Falls Church and Munson's and Mason's Hills; the cavalry, under Colonel J. E. B. Stuart, constituting part of the command. We were provokingly near Washington, with orders not to attempt to im to assume the offensive, General Johnston regarded it as hazardous to hold longer the advanced post of Munson's and Mason's Hills, drew the troops back to and near Fairfax Court-House, and later, about the 19th of October, still farther to Centreville, and prepared for winter quarters by strengthening his positions and constructing huts, the line extending to Union Mills on the right. These points were regarded as stronger in themselves and less liable to be turned than the positions at an
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 5: Round about Richmond. (search)
Chapter 5: Round about Richmond. The defences of the Confederate capital Army of Northern Virginia at Centreville aggressive action Council with the President and Secretary of War Mr. Davis's high opinion of McClellan operations on the Peninsula engagements about Yorktown and Williamsburg severe toil added to the soldiers' usual labors by a saturated soil. Apropos of the attack upon Richmond, apprehended in the winter of 1861-62, it should be borne in mind that there were four routes supposed to be practicable for the advance of the enemy: 1. The original route by Manassas Junction and the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. 2. By crossing the Potomac near Potomac Creek, thence by Fredericksburg to Richmond. 3. By land,--the shortest,--to go down the Potomac to the Lower Rappahannock, landing at or near Urbana, and thence march for the Confederate capital. 4. By transports to Fortress Monroe, thence by the Peninsula, between the James and York Rivers.
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 14: Second battle of Manassas (Bull Run). (search)
Chapter 14: Second battle of Manassas (Bull Run). Battle opened by the Federals on Jackson's right, followed by Kearny Longstreet's reconnoissance Stuart, the cavalry leader, sleeps on the field of battle Pope thought at the close of the 29th that the Confederates were retreating Second day Fitz John Porter struck in flank Longstreet takes a hand in the fight late in the day Lee under fire the Federal retreat to Centreville that point turned Pope again dislodged-Stonewall Jackson's appearance and peculiarities killing of fighting Phil Kearny losses review of the campaign. General Pope at daylight sent orders to General Sigel's corps, with Reynolds's division, to attack as soon as it was light enough to see, and bring the enemy to a stand if possible. At the same time orders were sent Heintzelman and Reno for their corps to hurry along the turnpike and join on the right of Sigel. The batteries opened in an irregular combat on the left, centre, and right a
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 15: Bull Run. (search)
Chapter 15: Bull Run. At Centreville, on Saturday night, McDowell called his officers together and announced to them his plan of battle for the following day. The Warrenton turnpike ran almost directly west from Centreville to Gainesville station on the railroad. He was yet unaware that Johnston had joined Beauregard, andherefore ordered that Tyler, with the heaviest division, should advance from Centreville directly to Stone Bridge, three and a half miles distant, and make a feignedimbers ready to repair it. The division of Miles should remain in reserve at Centreville, and the brigade of Richardson continue to threaten Blackburn's Ford. Ind; and since a practicable road from each of these five fords converged upon Centreville, he proposed a simultaneous advance and attack on the Union army, in its camauregard was yet waiting impatiently to hear that his right was advancing on Centreville, when, toward eleven o'clock, word came that, through a miscarriage of order
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Appendix A. (search)
e months militia. Colonel Henry M. Baker. 3d New Jersey, Three months militia. Colonel William Napton. 4th New Jersey, Three months militia. Colonel Matthew Miller. Jr. 1st New Jersey Three years volunteers. Colonel William R. Montgomery. 2d New Jersey Three years volunteers. Colonel George W. McLean. 3d New Jersey Three years volunteers. Colonel George W. Taylor. 41st New York Three years volunteers. Colonel Leopold von Gilsa. Fifth Division. In reserve at Centreville and not engaged in the battle proper. Had some skirmishing with the enemy during the day and while covering the retreat of the army. Colonel Dixon S. Miles. First Brigade. Colonel Louis Blenker. 8th New York (volunteers), Lieut.-Colonel Julius Stahel 29th New York (volunteers), Colonel Adolph von Steinwehr. 39th New York (volunteers), Colonel Frederick G. D'Utassy. 27th Pennsylvania, Colonel Max Einstein. Company A, 2d U. S. Artillery, Captain John C. Tidball. Bookwood's New Yor
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 10: engagement at Bull Run, and battle of Manassas. (search)
es of General Beauregard's army. The line extended a distance of eight miles from Union Mills on the right, to the stone bridge over Bull Run on the left, where it is crossed by the Warrenton and Alexandria turnpike. McDowell, arriving at Centreville, threw forward, on the 18th, a division under General Tyler, to feel General Beauregard's line, but not to bring on an engagement. But General Tyler, brought forward a battery of the Washington Artillery and opened fire upon the Confederates. the Army of Northern Virginia, at New Orleans. General Johnston arrived at General Beauregard's headquarters on July 20th. While on the march, Beauregard sent him a suggestion to march by Aldie and attack the rear of the Federal right at Centreville, while his troops from Bull Run assailed that army in front. Johnston did not agree with this plan, he considered it impracticable to direct the movements of troops so distant from each other, by roads so far separated, in such a manner as to