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South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
unty purposes until the removal of the courts and records to East Cambridge in 1816, when both it and the Winthrop Street jail were abandoned. The burial ground adjoining the present First Parish Church was in 1750 the town burial ground. Provision for the support of the poor in private families was made in early times out of the town rate, and it was not until 1779 that an estate was secured by the town for a poorhouse. This property, which stood at the northeast corner of Brighton and South streets, was sold in 1786, and about five acres lying at the southwest corner of North Avenue and Cedar Street were purchased. A building called The Poor's House was erected thereon. A new meeting-house for the First Parish, nearly on the site of the one then in being, was raised November 17, 1756. The first service was held in it July 24, 1757. The college contributed one seventh of the cost of its erection, and also, in consideration of the acceptance of certain conditions which it i
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
for sixteen years, but in 1774 they renewed their efforts for separation. The General Court, to which the petition was presented, was adjourned by General Gage to Salem before it was considered, and there is no reason to suppose that action could have been had upon it during the excitement of the brief session at that place. Inequel to these events, the town held a meeting October 3, 1774, and instructed the representatives whom they had chosen for the General Court, which was to meet at Salem October 5, to act only with the council which had been chosen in May preceding. They were also authorized to represent the town in a Provincial Congress, and eithss was justified by the event. Before the time arrived for the assemblage of the General Court, Gage prorogued that body, and the representatives, who reported at Salem, organized as a Provincial Congress. In the course of a few days they adjourned to Concord, and after a short session in that place adjourned to Cambridge, where
Watertown (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
poration of Brighton and West Cambridge as separate townships, while as a slight compensation the area along the river west of Sparks Street was to be taken from Watertown and added to the jurisdiction of Cambridge. As we first view the town in 1750, there is much that is picturesque in the placid life of its inhabitants, who nu the First Parish claimed that if the petition were allowed, compensation should be made by adding to the parish a number of families residing in Charlestown and Watertown, who had for years attended public worship in Cambridge. In December, 1753, the question was again presented to the General Court, and again the petition for a separate precinct was dismissed. A petition made at the same time by the First Parish for the annexation to Cambridge of that portion of Watertown west of what we now know as Sparks Street, and south of Vassall Lane, extending to Fresh Pond, prevailed. The committee to whom it was referred reported, April 17, 1754, in its favor
Middlesex Village (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ing their determination not to serve upon the new Council Board, and in confirmation of this conclusion each of them submitted in writing a copy of a written certificate to that effect, attested by the clerk of the court. The high sheriff of the courts, who was present, submitted a certificate in similar form, to the effect that he would not execute any precepts under the new act of Parliament, and that he would recall the venires which he had already sent out. The clerk of the courts of Middlesex engaged to do no one thing in obedience to the new act of Parliament. The meeting apparently adjourned from the Common to the residence of Lieutenant-Governor Oliver, on the westerly side of Elmwood Avenue, now known as the Lowell house, where the lieutenant-governor made a promise of a similar nature over his own signature, the concluding sentence in which is, My house at Cambridge being surrounded by about four thousand people, in compliance with their command I sign my name,— Thomas
Cross Canal (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
d, of a main canal known as Broad Canal, which was also connected with Miller's River by another running north from it. The West Dock Canal, which was also connected with Broad Canal, was so constructed as to furnish a place for loading and discharging vessels in the area now surrounded by Portland and Bristol streets, Webster Avenue, and Hampshire Street. The South Dock Canal was a similar construction near the junction of Main, Harvard, and Sixth streets, and was connected with Broad by Cross Canal, and had also a separate outlet to the river. The only existing reminder of this attempt to utilize our water front is Broad Canal itself, which is still used. In 1830, an attempt to inclose the common lands of the town and convert them into a park met decided opposition from those who were interested in the Craigie Bridge, because it would divert the Concord Turnpike from direct connection with Cambridge Street. This opposition was seconded by the cattle-drivers, who wished to make
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
one of the fundamental parts which constituted the State of Massachusetts, would attract the attention of the most casual obas here that the convention to frame a constitution for Massachusetts held its sessions in 1779. It was here that Lafayette , we learn that Stoughton (the first of that name) and Massachusetts and Hollis were saved through the exertions of citizens to the Declaration of Independence was accomplished in Massachusetts through the town organizations. In this work Cambridge767, the Townshend duties were laid by Parliament. The Massachusetts representatives sought cooperation both in England and our lives and fortunes to support them in the measure. Massachusetts was already practically under a government of its own, ote. The convention which framed the constitution of Massachusetts that was afterwards adopted met in Cambridge September 1786, paralyzed for the time being the progress of western Massachusetts, but Cambridge declined to participate in the conve
Massachusetts Bay (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
Cambridge town, 1750-1846. Andrew McFarland Davis. The period in the history of Cambridge which we are about to consider naturally divides itself into two portions, the line of separation between which is furnished by the Revolution. The marked differences in the career of the town, caused by its change from a township in the Royal Province of Massachusetts Bay to one of the fundamental parts which constituted the State of Massachusetts, would attract the attention of the most casual observer. Geographically it had already been greatly reduced in area. During the period which we are considering it was to be still further curtailed by the incorporation of Brighton and West Cambridge as separate townships, while as a slight compensation the area along the river west of Sparks Street was to be taken from Watertown and added to the jurisdiction of Cambridge. As we first view the town in 1750, there is much that is picturesque in the placid life of its inhabitants, who numbere
Medford (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ate. The residents south of the Charles did not secure their separate autonomy, but an annual allowance of £ 52 was granted them for the support of preaching in their meeting-house, and they were exempted from paying their proportion for the new meeting-house of the First Parish. A strip of land in Charlestown was at the same time annexed to the First Parish. This extended from the salt-water creek adjoining Lieutenant-Governor Phips's farm up to the Stone Powder-House, and thence to the Medford line. Unfortunately for Cambridge this annexed territory was not to become an integral part of the First Parish unless the inhabitants thereof should fail within two months to give security to the treasurer of the parish for the annual payment of their proportion of the charges of maintaining public worship in the parish, so long as they should attend worship there. The threat to these Charlestown people of being permanently attached to Cambridge, unless they should settle with the treasu
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 2
d there. The interest taken by the inhabitants of the body of the town, in the struggle of the residents south of the Charles River for similar privileges, was far greater during the years of political inaction which preceded the attempts of Great Britain to tax the colonies than that produced by the slight participation of the town in the prolonged contest between the colonies and the French and Indians. As early as 1744, an attempt had been made to secure the necessary legislation for the ee did not appreciate their watchfulness. After March 17, 1776, when Boston was evacuated, Cambridge ceased to be involved in the military events of the Revolution. It was a curious feature of the preliminary contest of the colonies with Great Britain, that the people constantly asserted their loyalty to the Mother Country; but contact with actual bloodshed and participation in active military measures in time destroyed all feelings of allegiance on the part of the citizens of Cambridge.
Menotomy (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
be still further curtailed by the incorporation of Brighton and West Cambridge as separate townships, while as a slight compensation the area ly in the neighborhood of the college. The outlying settlement at Menotomy had already taken its first step towards separate life as a townsh the town of Brighton, February 24, 1807. Three days thereafter West Cambridge was incorporated as an independent township. The act under whiof whom about one half lived in the body of the town, one third in Menotomy, and one sixth south of the Charles. Manufactures were unknown. nts in 1776 was said to have been only 1586, and at that time both Menotomy and the parish south of the Charles were parts of the town. Cambr was 2115. In 1810, notwithstanding the fact that Brighton and West Cambridge had in the mean time been set off, the census showed 2323 inhabs as many inhabitants as there were in Cambridge, Brighton, and West Cambridge in 1790. This growth was at a rate nearly three times that of
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