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Pond. April 13, 1687.--The inhabitants of Medford appointed three gentlemen, who, in conjunctiof from the town of Charlestown to the town of Medford accordingly. Sent down for concurrence. Reaoncurred. Thus on the 17th of April, 1754, Medford was enlarged by all its territory now lying ohe Wear till 1748. The ford in the centre of Medford continued in use till 1639, and was about tened to the shore. In 1761, the inhabitants of Medford proposed to cut a canal across this peninsulam, a vessel so propelled came up our river to Medford, and was here repaired. The number of adult's farm in Connecticut what and how much our Medford farmers raised. That distinguished magistraty, the quantity of milk sold in Boston by our Medford farmers was very great; its price varying fros of forest evergreens is well represented in Medford. The white and pitch pines are common, thoughese broken notices of the natural history of Medford in popular language, and without full scienti[40 more...]
tion of the river, carried probably as far as Medford lines; and the English eyes in that boat wereo water good for a town but running springs. Medford, at the earliest period, became that anomolouII. p. 195, has the following note concerning Medford:-- Of so flourishing a town as Medford, the, and to trace how it came into the hands of Medford settlers. Mr. Cradock's widow, Rebecca, mast expensive Col. Isaac Royal's house. in Medford. Built by his father, after the model of an ound the woods. These roads to the river, in Medford, were opened soon after the main thoroughfarens, within the last twenty years. The town of Medford is not without such enterprise, and such resuonsequence was a legal trial of the case; and Medford, July 11, 1715, passed the following: Voted trch 6, 1699: Put to vote, whether the town of Medford will give Mr. John Johnson three pounds towarefore any other individual, as the founder of Medford. There is no record of settlements earlier th[128 more...]
To Mr. Stephen Hall, jun., Constable of Medford, Greeting: You are hereby required, in His Mawill, but not more. This law may explain why Medford was so long unrepresented in the General Courorth side of Mystic River might be set off to Medford. This was emphatically refused. 1738: Ano:-- At a town-meeting, legally convened at Medford, March 7, 1748, Mr. Andrew Hall was chosen Moalled forth the following vote of the town of Medford:-- March 4, 1850: Voted that the Selectmen others of South Woburn, to set off a part of Medford to a proposed new town. Strenuous effortsn. The early owners in these towns were few. Medford was never called a manor till 1846. In all t the pastor and teacher of the inhabitants of Medford in 1634. If having a Christian minister, reswn, Watertown, Roxbury, and Dorchester. Thus Medford had been, from 1630, an incorporated town, pold close this account of the civil history of Medford with a biographical notice of our most distin[103 more...]
ent to the Provincial Congress at Cambridge. Medford now, as one man, enrolled itself, and stood rr fathers. This event put the inhabitants of Medford in a state of watchfulness and defence at theother country caused a day of thanksgiving in Medford,which the aged among us remember. There weree a new character to the political affairs of Medford; and, at the last gubernatorial election, the the Committee of Safety, &c., of the town of Medford have proceeded to take into their care the es England; and he thus writes to his friend in Medford:-- I shall leave North America with great ame here with his family in 1738. He died in Medford on Thursday, June 7, 1739, in the forenoon, was buried in Medford on Saturday, 10th inst., and was carried, the same night, to Dorchester, and tenty. Although Colonel Royal's property in Medford was confiscated in 1778, it was kept together Tufts. Resolved, That Simon Tufts, Esq., of Medford, be, and he hereby is, directed to deliver in[93 more...]
ea of the habits and customs of the people in Medford when we read the following law, passed July 2e night. Certain persons were appointed in Medford as watchers of the Indians and wild beasts. preparations would lead us to infer that our Medford ancestors belonged not only to the church mil As late as Aug. 4, 1718, the inhabitants of Medford voted £ 10 to buy powder for their defence agty met with decided opposition; and, when our Medford company was organized, the town did not allowl, according to contiguity of place. They in Medford, who were watchers, were soldiers; and the aner to sustain; and the ambitious young men of Medford joined heartily to make it the banner corps oeared better. Aug. 21, 1843: The ladies of Medford presented the Phalanx with a beautiful standaFrancis, son of Ebenezer Francis, was born in Medford, Dec. 22, 1743, on Thursday, and baptized on t son of General John Brooks. He was born in Medford, 1777, on the day of Burgoyne's surrender at [28 more...]
ey were banished. The first inhabitants of Medford belonged to that class of hardy, intelligent,ent and enjoyment of all gospel ordinances in Medford. Rev. Joseph Easterbrook, of Concord, was Mos hereby declared to be no longer minister of Medford. Also voted, at the same time, that this Cous ministerial standing during his troubles in Medford; and we must leave to future disclosures somere chosen to see for a supply of preaching in Medford for the time aforesaid. Mr. John Tufts, so Porter was ordained as the first minister of Medford, February 11, 1713. His own record is as folect which you, the church and congregation of Medford, have put upon me in your late elections and nathan Porter, Esq., he gave to the church in Medford, for the use of the ministry for ever. He ga lion's head engraved on it, to the church in Medford. He gave to Madam Elizabeth Royal, and Peter. March 10, 1774: On this day, the town of Medford voted to hear Mr. David Osgood as a candidate[51 more...]
ting and sending the following letter:-- Medford, Aug. 25, 1823. Reverend and Beloved,--It m all connection with the primitive church of Medford. So far as the records speak, we find nothineen minister and people. The first parish in Medford felt somewhat the flux and reflux of the trou be considered members of the first parish in Medford for the present year, do hereby agree to pay t to become the pastor of the first parish of Medford, and install him in that office. Voted thaonel Royal gave a silver cup to the church in Medford; but, he being an absentee, suspected of not , called The second Congregational Society of Medford. After the following sabbath, the members ofsixty in number, to form the Mystic church of Medford, now a flourishing society. Mr. Baker, aft The origin of the first Baptist Society in Medford was in the summer of 1840, when a number of pl church was first used in public worship, in Medford, on Christmas Eve, A. D. 1847. About the sam[19 more...]
of liberty, brought our pilgrim ancestors to Medford; and as these principles sprang in them from mmon schools, produced its effects readily in Medford; and, in 1835, the town chose a committee to a boarding-school; and but a few children of Medford attended it. Dr. Stearns had been tutor of Lang as highly esteemed as he was well known in Medford, his success came early and copiously. He deD., Medford, Mass.; Timothy Cotting, Esq., Medford, Mass.; Hon. Richard Frothingham, jun., Charlestoss; and that funeral sermons were preached at Medford, Boston, Charlestown, and Cambridge. He was ried Rebecca Hall, daughter of Aaron Hall, of Medford, May 9, 1780, lived in this town ten years; bis pupil and friend,-- Dr. Daniel Swan, of Medford,--who graduated at Harvard College in 1803. icle and Salem Gazette. Ebenezer was born in Medford, September, 1749, and died in February, 1776,eached to the First Congregational Society in Medford; one on leaving the Old Church, and one at th[60 more...]
during the first years of their residence in Medford, our pious ancestors were not sufficiently nu a general town-meeting of the inhabitants of Medford, being fifteen days warned, voted that there e of two stories, with galleries. The one in Medford was nearly square, of one story, and without he others to the use of females, continued in Medford until our day. This fore-gallery became a he committee, referring to a meeting-house in Medford, as a perfect result according to the votes oosen by the town as a committee, being met at Medford, April 2, 1720, after consultation upon said on Sunday, Sept. 3, 1727, the inhabitants of Medford met for the first time in their new house; anerry, Joseph Wilder, and William Ward) met at Medford, when all things were explained concerning ths by their parents. The first mention in our Medford records of any alms-house is May 16, 1737,--msons. This proposition was not accepted; and Medford did nothing more about the matter till May 23
active business. Casks for them were made in Medford; and the vote of the town required that each e State. At Baconville, now in Winchester, Medford had a factory, first owned by Mr. Josiah Symmes now unknown to us; for nearly the whole of Medford seems to have a deep stratum of pure clay und lying at one of the distil-house wharves, in Medford. He immediately started for her. This was hindred and thirteen vessels have been built in Medford between the beginning of the present century Magoun'sT. MagounJ. Brown & T. MagounBoston & Medford302 159 BrigTassoT. Magoun'sT. MagounJohn Broprague & James'sSprague & JamesSprague & JamesMedford263 289 ShipMoselleSprague & James'sFoster &  BrigPrairieT. Magoun'sH. EwellT. Magoun & SonMedford189 3601846ShipDolphinS. Lapham'sS. LaphamMacation justly acquired by the manufacturers in Medford, gave employment to many men in many ways. in Somerville, was built, the inhabitants of Medford carried their grain there. Before the Revolu[112 more...]