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Savannah, Ga. The chief commercial city of Georgia; 18 miles from the Atlantic Ocean; county seat of Chatham county; noted for its large exports of cotton, naval stores, rice, and lumber; population in 1900, 54,244. Late in 1778 Sir Henry Clinton de- A view of Savannah. spatched Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell with about 2,000 men to invade Georgia. He sailed from New York on Nov. 27, under convoy of a portion of Commodore Hyde Plan of the siege of Savannah, Oct. 9, 1779. Parker's fleet. They arrived at the mouth of the Savannah on Dec. 23, and, after much hinderance, made their way towards Savannah, opposed by Gen. Robert Howe with about 600 Continentals and a few hundred militia. Howe was defeated, and fled, pursued by the invaders. Savannah passed into the hands of the British, with 453 prisoners, forty-eight cannon, twenty-three mortars, the fort (with its ammunition and stores), the shipping in the river, and a large quantity of provisions. The Americans lost, in kil
Savannah River (United States) (search for this): entry savannah-ga
Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell with about 2,000 men to invade Georgia. He sailed from New York on Nov. 27, under convoy of a portion of Commodore Hyde Plan of the siege of Savannah, Oct. 9, 1779. Parker's fleet. They arrived at the mouth of the Savannah on Dec. 23, and, after much hinderance, made their way towards Savannah, opposed by Gen. Robert Howe with about 600 Continentals and a few hundred militia. Howe was defeated, and fled, pursued by the invaders. Savannah passed into the hands ofthirteen redoubts and fifteen batteries, with connecting lines of intrenchments were completed, on which seventy-six cannon were mounted. Before them a strong abatis was laid. Meanwhile Lincoln had marched from Charleston, and reached the Savannah River on Sept. 12; and on the same day French troops landed below Savannah and marched up to within 3 miles of the town. Lincoln approached, and on Sept. 23 the combined armies commenced a siege. D'Estaing had demanded a surrender of the post o
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry savannah-ga
Late in 1778 Sir Henry Clinton de- A view of Savannah. spatched Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell with tion of Commodore Hyde Plan of the siege of Savannah, Oct. 9, 1779. Parker's fleet. They arrived after much hinderance, made their way towards Savannah, opposed by Gen. Robert Howe with about 600 Cdefeated, and fled, pursued by the invaders. Savannah passed into the hands of the British, with 45ngness to assist the army in the reduction of Savannah, provided he should not be detained too long roops from all his outposts to the defence of Savannah, and 300 negroes from the neighboring plantatnd on the same day French troops landed below Savannah and marched up to within 3 miles of the town.n July 11, 1782, the British troops evacuated Savannah, after an occupation of three years and a haland on the same day the American army entered Savannah, when royal power ceased in Georgia forever. Governor Martin called a special meeting in Savannah (Aug. 1), of the Georgia legislature, at the h[2 more...]
France (France) (search for this): entry savannah-ga
head of his legion, was mortally wounded by a grape-shot. During the truce D'Estaing and Lincoln held a consultation. The former, having lost many men, wished to abandon the siege; the latter, confident of final success, wished to continue it. D'Estaing positively refused to remain any longer, and on the evening of Oct. 18 the allies withdrew, the French to their ships, and the Americans to Zubley's Ferry, on the Savannah. Lincoln retreated to Charleston, and the French fleet sailed for France at the beginning of November. The British lost only 120 men. Thus closed the campaign of 1779. On July 11, 1782, the British troops evacuated Savannah, after an occupation of three years and a half. In consideration of the services of Gen. James Jackson, Wayne, who was in command of the Continentals in Georgia, appointed him to receive the keys of Savannah from a committee of British officers. He did so, and on the same day the American army entered Savannah, when royal power ceased in
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry savannah-ga
Savannah, Ga. The chief commercial city of Georgia; 18 miles from the Atlantic Ocean; county seat of Chatham county; noted for its large exports of cotton, naval stores, rice, and lumber; popula de- A view of Savannah. spatched Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell with about 2,000 men to invade Georgia. He sailed from New York on Nov. 27, under convoy of a portion of Commodore Hyde Plan of theeration of the services of Gen. James Jackson, Wayne, who was in command of the Continentals in Georgia, appointed him to receive the keys of Savannah from a committee of British officers. He did so, and on the same day the American army entered Savannah, when royal power ceased in Georgia forever. Governor Martin called a special meeting in Savannah (Aug. 1), of the Georgia legislature, at thMartin called a special meeting in Savannah (Aug. 1), of the Georgia legislature, at the house of General McIntosh. Very soon the free and independent State of Georgia began its career. See Georgia.
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry savannah-ga
Gen. Robert Howe with about 600 Continentals and a few hundred militia. Howe was defeated, and fled, pursued by the invaders. Savannah passed into the hands of the British, with 453 prisoners, forty-eight cannon, twenty-three mortars, the fort (with its ammunition and stores), the shipping in the river, and a large quantity of provisions. The Americans lost, in killed or drowned, about 100 men; the British, about twenty-six killed and wounded. Howe, with the survivors, retreated into South Carolina. In August, 1779, Count d'estaing appeared off the southern coast with twenty-two ships-of-the-line. General Lincoln, in command of the Southern army, was at Charleston, when a French frigate came there to announce the arrival of the fleet and the admiral's willingness to assist the army in the reduction of Savannah, provided he should not be detained too long on that dangerous coast, for he could find neither roadstead nor offing for his great ships-of-war. His entire fleet consis
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry savannah-ga
ts were completed, on which seventy-six cannon were mounted. Before them a strong abatis was laid. Meanwhile Lincoln had marched from Charleston, and reached the Savannah River on Sept. 12; and on the same day French troops landed below Savannah and marched up to within 3 miles of the town. Lincoln approached, and on Sept. 23 the combined armies commenced a siege. D'Estaing had demanded a surrender of the post on the 16th, when Prevost, hourly expected reinforcements of 800 men from Beaufort, asked for a truce, which was unwisely granted. The reinforcements came, and then Prevost gave a defiant refusal. The siege, begun on Sept. 23, lasted until Oct. 8, with varying success. During the last five days a heavy cannonade and bombardment had been kept up on the British works with very little effect. D'Estaing, impatient of delay, then proposed to take the place by storm. Lincoln reluctantly agreed to the proposal, for there seemed a certainty of final victory if the siege shou
Chatham (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry savannah-ga
Savannah, Ga. The chief commercial city of Georgia; 18 miles from the Atlantic Ocean; county seat of Chatham county; noted for its large exports of cotton, naval stores, rice, and lumber; population in 1900, 54,244. Late in 1778 Sir Henry Clinton de- A view of Savannah. spatched Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell with about 2,000 men to invade Georgia. He sailed from New York on Nov. 27, under convoy of a portion of Commodore Hyde Plan of the siege of Savannah, Oct. 9, 1779. Parker's fleet. They arrived at the mouth of the Savannah on Dec. 23, and, after much hinderance, made their way towards Savannah, opposed by Gen. Robert Howe with about 600 Continentals and a few hundred militia. Howe was defeated, and fled, pursued by the invaders. Savannah passed into the hands of the British, with 453 prisoners, forty-eight cannon, twenty-three mortars, the fort (with its ammunition and stores), the shipping in the river, and a large quantity of provisions. The Americans lost, in kil
Lachlan McIntosh (search for this): entry savannah-ga
hed to continue it. D'Estaing positively refused to remain any longer, and on the evening of Oct. 18 the allies withdrew, the French to their ships, and the Americans to Zubley's Ferry, on the Savannah. Lincoln retreated to Charleston, and the French fleet sailed for France at the beginning of November. The British lost only 120 men. Thus closed the campaign of 1779. On July 11, 1782, the British troops evacuated Savannah, after an occupation of three years and a half. In consideration of the services of Gen. James Jackson, Wayne, who was in command of the Continentals in Georgia, appointed him to receive the keys of Savannah from a committee of British officers. He did so, and on the same day the American army entered Savannah, when royal power ceased in Georgia forever. Governor Martin called a special meeting in Savannah (Aug. 1), of the Georgia legislature, at the house of General McIntosh. Very soon the free and independent State of Georgia began its career. See Georgia.
mpatient of delay, then proposed to take the place by storm. Lincoln reluctantly agreed to the proposal, for there seemed a certainty of final victory if the siege should continue. A plan of attack was revealed to Prevost by a citizen of Charleston—a sergeant in Lincoln's army—and gave the British a great advantage. The assault was made before dawn on Oct. 9 by the combined forces, 4,500 strong, in three columns, led Mouth of Savannah Harbor. respectively by D'Estaing, Count Dillon, and Huger (of Charleston). They were shrouded in a dense fog and covered by the French batteries. After five hours of fierce conflict there was a truce for the purpose of burying the dead.. Already 1,000 of the Americans and Frenchmen had been killed or wounded. Among the latter was D'Estaing, who was carried to his camp. Count Pulaski, at the head of his legion, was mortally wounded by a grape-shot. During the truce D'Estaing and Lincoln held a consultation. The former, having lost many men, wis
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