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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
rms fell into the hands of the victors, who suffered a total loss of but 720 men. A. P. Hill's Official Report. This brilliant stroke was delivered by Heth, under the immediate eye of A. P. Hill, and was mainly due to the steadiness of the North Carolina troops, for these constituted nearly the whole of the assaulting column, and the first colors planted on the hostile works were borne by Sergeant Roscoe Richards, Twenty-seventh North Carolina, Cooke's brigade, Heth's division. General Lee, writing to Governor Vance under date of August 29th, says: I have been frequently called upon to mention the services of North Carolina troops in this army, but their gallantry and conduct were never more deserving of admiration than in the engagement at Reams' Station on the 25th instant. Heth, with a generosity as characteristic of the man as his taciturn pluck, declared that he did not believe that the works would have been practicable for any troops, had not Pegram first shaken the position
St. John (Canada) (search for this): chapter 6.34
rom garments of mysterious pattern to dresses of the finest stuff — while cowering along the road side were nearly a thousand fugitive negroes, the poor creatures almost pallid with fright, the pickaninnies roaring lustily, several of the women in the pangs of childbirth. Nor was this shameful pillage on the part of the men to be wondered at, for in the head-quarter wagon of the commanding general was found much plunder — among other articles of stolen silver a communion-service inscribed Saint John's Church, Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg. A list of the stolen silver may be found in the Richmond Examiner, July 5th, 1864. In the same paper (June 27th) may be seen an official list, sent by General Lomax, of the silver found in Custer's head-quarter wagon captured at Trevilian's. The silver was sent to W. H. McFarland, Esq., of Richmond, to be identified and reclaimed by its owners. Fitz. Lee, in hot pursuit, captured within a few miles two more light guns, and ordered the Fede
Lucknow (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
M. the enemy, warned by their heavy losses of the morning against assaulting in column in face of artillery served with such rapidity and precision, advanced at a charging pace in line, and after a spirited contest carried with a rush the whole line of redans from 5 to 9 inclusive. Scarcely had the assault ended, when Hancock came up with the Second corps, and though the ranking officer, with rare generosity, which recalls the chivalric conduct of Sir James Outram to Havelock in front of Lucknow, Outram's Divisional Order on night of September 16th, 1857--Brock's Life of Havelock, p. 213. at once offered his troops to Smith, and stood ready to receive the orders of his subordinate. The prize was now within his grasp had he boldly advanced — and the moon shining brightly highly favored such enterprise — but Smith, it would seem, though possessed of considerable professional skill, was not endowed with that intuitive sagacity which swiftly discerns the chances of the moment,
North Anna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
ge of gray tipped with steel, riving his army in sunder, forcing him to recross the river, and for the third time abandon his line of attack. Then it was that the Federal commander, urged, mayhap, to the venture by the needs of a great political party, whose silent clamors for substantial victory smote more sharply on his inner ear than did the piteous wail which rose from countless Northern homes for the 45,000 brave men whose bodies lay putrefying in the tangled Golgotha from Rapidan to North Anna — urged by these clamors, or else goaded into unreasoning fury by the patient readiness of his adversary, ordered up 16,000 of Butler's men from south of the James, and at break of day on June the 3d assaulted Lee's entire front — resolute to burst through the slender, adamantine barrier, which alone stayed the mighty tide of conquest, that threatened to roll onward until it mingled with the waves of Western victory, which were even then roaring through the passes of Alatoona — resolute, y<
Schuylkill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
112. of June, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pleasants, commanding the First brigade of that division, a man of resolute energy and an accomplished mining engineer, proposed to his division commander that he be allowed to run a gallery from this hollow, And blow up the hostile salient. Submitted to Burnside, the venture was approved, and at 12 o'clock next day, Pleasants began work, selecting for the service his own regiment, the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania, most of whom were miners from the Schuylkill region. But though Burnside approved, the Commanding General of the Army of the Potomac and the military engineers regarded the scheme from the first with ill-concealed derision. Meade and his Chief of Engineers, Duane, declared that it was all clap trap and nonsense --that the Confederates were certain to discover the enterprise — that working parties would be smothered for lack of air or crushed by the falling earth — finally, as an unanswerable argument, that a mine of such length had
White Oak Swamp (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
fth, was directed upon Willcox's landing; Wright's and Burnside's corps upon Douthat's, while Smith, with four divisions of the Tenth and Eighteenth corps, moved rapidly to White House and embarked for Bermuda Hundred. Swinton, Army of the Potomac, p. 498. Early on the morning of the 13th, Warren, who executed his critical task with marked address, pushed forward Crawford's division on the New Market road, and compelling the few Confederate squadrons of observation to retire across White Oak Swamp, threatened direct advance on Richmond, while the activity of his powerful horse completely shrouded for the time the movement in his rear. Lee did not attack, for Early had been detached for the defence of Lynchburg, and the main body of his cavalry being absent under Hampton, he was compelled, like the Great Frederick, when Traun's Pandours enveloped Silesia in midnight, to read his position as if by flashes of lightning. On the next day, however, a small body of horse, under W. H
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
of a soldier who bore an honorable part in the disastrous week which culminated in the surrender at Appomattox — a day which marked, indeed, the wreck of a nation, yet which may be recalled with no blush of shame by the men who there sadly furled those tattered colors emblazoned with the names of Manassas and Fredericksburg, of Chancellorsville and Cold Harbor — who there returned a park of blackened guns wrested from the victors at Gaines' Mill and Frazer's Farm, at Second Manassas and Harper's Ferry, at the Wilderness and Reams' Station, at Appomattox Courthouse itself on that very morning--who there, in the presence of above 140,000 of their adversaries, stacked 8,000 of those bright muskets which for more than four years had borne upon their bayonets the mightiest Revolt in history. Nor shall those men ever forget the generous bearing of the victorious host, which even in that supreme moment of triumph remembered that this gaunt remnant were the survivors of an army which but t
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
e comrade in memorable detail. On the evening of April 1st, the battle of Five Forks was fought, and lost to the Confederates, and at dawn next morning, from Appomattox to Hatcher's Run, the Federal assaults began. Lee was forced back from the whole line covering the Boydton Plank Road, and Gibbon's division of Ord's corps bol have you listened to the story of the Retreat from the lips of a soldier who bore an honorable part in the disastrous week which culminated in the surrender at Appomattox — a day which marked, indeed, the wreck of a nation, yet which may be recalled with no blush of shame by the men who there sadly furled those tattered colors eme of this is hers. Only the frosty stars to-night keep solemn watch and ward above the wind-swept graves of those who, from Potomac to James, from Rapidan to Appomattox, yielded up their lives that they might transmit to their children the heritage of their fathers. Weep on, Virginia, weep these lives given to thy cause in va
Austerlitz (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.34
. B. Wilcox, U. S. A.--Report on the Conduct of the War (1865), vol. i, p. 79; Burnside's testimony--Ib., p. 147. Now a storm of fire bursts in red fury from the Federal front, and in an instant all the valley between the hostile lines lies shrouded in billowing smoke. Then Marshall, putting himself at the head of the stormers, sword in hand, bids his men to follow. But there comes no response befitting the stern grandeur of the scene — no trampling charge — no rolling drums of Austerlitz — no fierce shouts of warlike joy as burst from the men of the Light division when they mounted the breach of Badajos, or from Frazer's Royals as they crowned the crimson slopes of St. Sebastian. No, none of this is here. But a straggling line of the men of the Second brigade, First division, uttering a mechanical cheer, slowly mounts the crest, passes unmolested across the intervening space, Grant, Meade, Potter, Duane and others testify to this effect.--Ib., pp. 36, 87, 110, 116. <
London (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 6.34
for aye; the graves without a stone; The folded flag, the broken sword, the hope forever flown. Yet raise thy head, fair land! thy dead died bravely for the Right; The folded flag is stainless still, the broken sword is bright; No blot is on thy record found, no treason soils thy fame, Nor can disaster ever dim the lustre of thy name. These lines are slightly altered from the noble poem entitled “The Ninth of April, 1865,” by Percy Greg--Interleaves in the Workday Prose of Twenty years--London, 1875. Pondering in her heart all their deeds and words, Virginia calls us, her surviving sons, from weak regrets and womanish laments to the contemplation of their virtues, bidding us, in the noble words of Tacitus, to honor them not so much with transitory praises as with our reverence, and, if our powers permit us, with our emulation. Reminding her children, who were faithful to her in war, that the reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another, she points to the tasks left unf
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