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Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
ow, and the memories, perchance, of repeated degradation. One could see by her unstudied grace of attitude and statuesque air that in her blood coursed some of the best white blood in the State; yet she was only a slave — a mere chattel. At Harper's Ferry, the once famous engine-house in which the old man defied all Virginia, there are now some thirty secession prisoners — a curious change to those who once howled at the Union, because one old man made a mad stroke for the freedom of the slave — horse, foot, and artillery — had passed over in perfect safety. The old bridge will be finished next week, and by the first of April the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will be running again. The numerous graves on the crest of the hill at Harper's Ferry, show how busy death has been in the confederate ranks during the winter. Around are seen the lofty ridges of the Blue Mountains, pierced at one bold point by the Potomac and Shenandoah. Nature has lavished a wild beauty over the whole sce
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
alling on every point, and triumphing everywhere. Here at Winchester, we conquer to restore, and most joyously have we been received by the people. On our entrance, the old flag, which in many a house had been hidden for many a weary month of delay, waved from balcony and house-top; ladies applauded, too, and under a perfect canopy of white banners, we enter the old town. Our joy was saddened with the thought that the night before over two hundred Union Virginians had been carried off by Jackson's troops, and as many homes were left sad and desolate in consequence. Winchester cast a strong vote against secession last spring, and many of the people, at any and every hazard, have remained true to the flag. I inclose a rough diagram, showing the order of the advance: Diagram. First came a squadron of Michigan cavalry, followed by two batteries, Captains Mather's and Hampton's, Parrott and field-guns. These were followed by our New-York Ninth, Col. Stiles, and the Third Wisc
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 90
ost as thick as ants. We found that the most infamous stories had been circulated here as elsewhere all along the route, of the Lincoln horde; of their intention to ravish women, murder children, and arm the slaves against their masters, etc. General Banks will not stop here. Strasburgh is only eighteen miles off, and that place will succumb ere many days. At Charlestown the women still remain bitter and intense foes of the, Union, while nearly all the men are off, enrolled in the confederate States army. To show the enmity of the fair there, I will mention that one of the Press Brigade craved a room at the house of a lady on Main street. She met him at the door with flashing eyes, said that if he was hungry she would give him something to eat, but that she would sooner die than allow one of the vile mercenaries of the North to pollute her hearthstone for the night. She pointed to her boy of fourteen: This is the last that is left at home. Six of his brothers are with our army,
Berryville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
fty ridges of the Blue Mountains, pierced at one bold point by the Potomac and Shenandoah. Nature has lavished a wild beauty over the whole scene, and man has degraded it by the basest treason. As our thick ranks passed the lonely cemetery, a meadow-lark, perched on an oak, sent forth her lute-like notes, which whispered to many a one of the homes they had left behind. It was a trifling incident, but it was noticed that many were affected by the melody. When our troops passed through Berryville, they found one side of the Berryville Conservator all ready for the forms, stuffed, of course, with secession. Some typos of the First Minnesota immediately went to work, and printed the other side strong Union, of course. I enclose a copy. A very funny incident happened near Martinsburg. As a general rule, the army has found that many Virginians have deserted, or voluntarily thrown down their arms, alleging that they had no heart in the fight, but were forced to enlist. This is no
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
ct canopy of white banners, we enter the old town. Our joy was saddened with the thought that the night before over two hundred Union Virginians had been carried off by Jackson's troops, and as many homes were left sad and desolate in consequence. Winchester cast a strong vote against secession last spring, and many of the people, at any and every hazard, have remained true to the flag. I inclose a rough diagram, showing the order of the advance: Diagram. First came a squadron of Michigan cavalry, followed by two batteries, Captains Mather's and Hampton's, Parrott and field-guns. These were followed by our New-York Ninth, Col. Stiles, and the Third Wisconsin, Col. Rutger, who acted as skirmishers on the right, along the Winchester hills. To the left, on the other side of the railroad and turnpike, were the Thirteenth Massachusetts, while the Twelfth Indiana and the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania acted in the open field on either side, being drawn up in companies. This was the
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
dened with the thought that the night before over two hundred Union Virginians had been carried off by Jackson's troops, and as many homes were left sad and desolate in consequence. Winchester cast a strong vote against secession last spring, and many of the people, at any and every hazard, have remained true to the flag. I inclose a rough diagram, showing the order of the advance: Diagram. First came a squadron of Michigan cavalry, followed by two batteries, Captains Mather's and Hampton's, Parrott and field-guns. These were followed by our New-York Ninth, Col. Stiles, and the Third Wisconsin, Col. Rutger, who acted as skirmishers on the right, along the Winchester hills. To the left, on the other side of the railroad and turnpike, were the Thirteenth Massachusetts, while the Twelfth Indiana and the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania acted in the open field on either side, being drawn up in companies. This was the regular order of the immediate advance, and after them followed th
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
e-like notes, which whispered to many a one of the homes they had left behind. It was a trifling incident, but it was noticed that many were affected by the melody. When our troops passed through Berryville, they found one side of the Berryville Conservator all ready for the forms, stuffed, of course, with secession. Some typos of the First Minnesota immediately went to work, and printed the other side strong Union, of course. I enclose a copy. A very funny incident happened near Martinsburg. As a general rule, the army has found that many Virginians have deserted, or voluntarily thrown down their arms, alleging that they had no heart in the fight, but were forced to enlist. This is not the case with many of the Gulf troops, however; they are dogged and obstinate, and very bitter. A son of Erin captured one of the Mississippi tigers, and while bringing him to camp, the Tiger --an immense fellow — managed to free himself and run. The Hibernian disdained to use his musket, b
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
Doc. 87.-occupation of Winchester, Va. New-York times account. the army of the advance--Gen. Banes' division, Friday, March 14, 1862. En avant. With plans fully matured, the vast army of the Union, numbering over five hundred and ninety-five thousand men, equipped in every respect, and each man filled with the enthusinaconda, as some are fond of comparing the force to, but rather like the lordly eagle, at one swoop, falling on every point, and triumphing everywhere. Here at Winchester, we conquer to restore, and most joyously have we been received by the people. On our entrance, the old flag, which in many a house had been hidden for many a that the night before over two hundred Union Virginians had been carried off by Jackson's troops, and as many homes were left sad and desolate in consequence. Winchester cast a strong vote against secession last spring, and many of the people, at any and every hazard, have remained true to the flag. I inclose a rough diagram,
Charles Town (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
of the Lincoln horde; of their intention to ravish women, murder children, and arm the slaves against their masters, etc. General Banks will not stop here. Strasburgh is only eighteen miles off, and that place will succumb ere many days. At Charlestown the women still remain bitter and intense foes of the, Union, while nearly all the men are off, enrolled in the confederate States army. To show the enmity of the fair there, I will mention that one of the Press Brigade craved a room at the hd deep into your hearts. With a grand air, this tragedy-queen slammed the door. Such is the madness of our Southern brethren, fearfully deluded by their infamous leaders. A strong instance of this occurred, just before General Banks entered Charlestown. Several members of his staff rode up to R. M. T. Hunter's house, and stated that the General had requested them to state that he wished to make the mansion his headquarters. The ladies, refined and intelligent, burst into tears, and sobbed
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 90
cted in the open field on either side, being drawn up in companies. This was the regular order of the immediate advance, and after them followed the rest of the vast army, who now throng the Winchester streets almost as thick as ants. We found that the most infamous stories had been circulated here as elsewhere all along the route, of the Lincoln horde; of their intention to ravish women, murder children, and arm the slaves against their masters, etc. General Banks will not stop here. Strasburgh is only eighteen miles off, and that place will succumb ere many days. At Charlestown the women still remain bitter and intense foes of the, Union, while nearly all the men are off, enrolled in the confederate States army. To show the enmity of the fair there, I will mention that one of the Press Brigade craved a room at the house of a lady on Main street. She met him at the door with flashing eyes, said that if he was hungry she would give him something to eat, but that she would sooner
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