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Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 68
l not only burn her crop, but her house itself, and take to the forest, rather than see the enemy possess it. (Applause.) We shall ruin our own interest by letting this crop lie here, and put another crop upon it. Cotton, instead of being ten cents, will not command more than three cents. Suppose the blockade were opened now, we could not get it to market by August. The boats which used to transport our cotton are engaged in making war upon us, and some of them have got well peppered at Fort Donelson. They are to-day planting cotton in Texas, and next week they will begin to plant further North. I needn't enlarge on this to planters. It is evident to them, there will be two crops on the market before next January. Some will say, we will force England to go to India for cotton. I will say to her, Go! England has spent three hundred and fifty million pounds, and gotten Louisiana planters to go to those distant countries, and has been obliged to give it up as. a forlorn hope. But
Savannah, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 68
nd Japan. In China they desire to put all their lands in tea, but they fear to discontinue the raising of cotton. If they could get cotton elsewhere, they would put all the land in tea. Well, then, the best spinners and weavers in China can be hired for nine cents a day, and we can get them to spin and weave our cotton long before England can find other cotton-fields. China and Japan are not so distant from us, as we were from England when Whitney put the first cotton-gin in operation in Savannah. I hope Congress will take up and pass these resolutions. I have great hope from this meeting. So much have these resolutions to recommend them to the people of the Southern Confederacy, that were I addressing them to-night, I believe I could get an over-whelming vote for government buying the entire crops of cotton and tobacco, and consigning them to the flames. (Applause.) Gov. Moore, of Kentucky, being called on, then addressed the meeting in a speech advocating the resolutions, w
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 68
ve we not many such vessels? If the confederate government had at first bought the whole cotton crop, we might now have thirty such vessels. The Northern invaders crowd around us to desolate our homes, and put us on an equality with our slaves. They crowd upon us in countless numbers; but no Southern heart worthy of the name feels downcast. (Applause.) A man is fit for no position in life until he has met reverses. After the great successes of Manassas, we began to believe the hand of Providence was visibly on our side, and that we had nothing to do; but our late reverses have taught us we must brace our nerves to the contest, and no manly bosom quails. We come to the cotton question. The last crop is now actually rotting unbaled. We have been taught to believe that England and France were dependent on this staple, and that they would come and get it. Why do they not come? I have begun to doubt whether there are such countries as France and England. The enemy found cotton at
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 68
ally rotting unbaled. We have been taught to believe that England and France were dependent on this staple, and that they woun to doubt whether there are such countries as France and England. The enemy found cotton at Ship Island; some, it is true,upport this temple were cotton, and the other tobacco, and England, France, Russia and the United States of America, and ours market before next January. Some will say, we will force England to go to India for cotton. I will say to her, Go! EnglanEngland has spent three hundred and fifty million pounds, and gotten Louisiana planters to go to those distant countries, and has been obliged to give it up as. a forlorn hope. But suppose England finds other cotton-fields, I'd like to know if we can't fid we can get them to spin and weave our cotton long before England can find other cotton-fields. China and Japan are not so distant from us, as we were from England when Whitney put the first cotton-gin in operation in Savannah. I hope Congress wil
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 68
st, and most intellectual meetings ever assembled in this city. At five minutes past seven o'clock Dr. Marshall, of Mississippi, entered the house, and was greeted by a round of applause, in compliment, we presume, to his spirited speech delivered at the City Hall on Wednesday night. It was a subject of remark with gentlemen who had been frequenters of the African church in old political times gone by, that few of the faces of the vast assemblage were familiar. Gen. T. J. Green, of North-Carolina, called the meeting to order, and Hon. C. K. Marshall arose and said: This is one of the most important meetings I ever attended. We have it in our power to do what will have a serious influence not only within the city of Richmond, but may ameliorate the condition of the race of mankind at large. The resolutions I am about to read have received the sober and serious consideration of the committee appointed to draft and introduce them. I respectfully submit them: Whereas, the Gover
Florence, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 68
s have taught us we must brace our nerves to the contest, and no manly bosom quails. We come to the cotton question. The last crop is now actually rotting unbaled. We have been taught to believe that England and France were dependent on this staple, and that they would come and get it. Why do they not come? I have begun to doubt whether there are such countries as France and England. The enemy found cotton at Ship Island; some, it is true, they found in flames, but not enough of it. At Florence, they went up and took an inconsiderable quantity. No one seemed to think of setting fire to it. At Nashville they will perhaps get fifty thousand bales, and the owners, to save their property, will have to swear allegiance to that miserable tyrant, Abe Lincoln. And presently they will descend the Mississippi, with, perhaps, fifty gunboats, and compel the negroes to load them with cotton, and send it to Europe, and say, We have opened a cotton port — there is the evidence. I want us to d
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 68
hina and Japan are not so distant from us, as we were from England when Whitney put the first cotton-gin in operation in Savannah. I hope Congress will take up and pass these resolutions. I have great hope from this meeting. So much have these resolutions to recommend them to the people of the Southern Confederacy, that were I addressing them to-night, I believe I could get an over-whelming vote for government buying the entire crops of cotton and tobacco, and consigning them to the flames. (Applause.) Gov. Moore, of Kentucky, being called on, then addressed the meeting in a speech advocating the resolutions, which elicited much applause, and which we regret our space will not permit us to publish. On motion of Edmund Ruffin, Esq., the resolutions were then put to the meeting, and unanimously adopted. After the adoption of the resolutions, the Hon. H. S. Foote was called to the stand, and in a strong address approved the resolutions. At a late hour the meeting adjourned.
Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 68
and take to the forest, rather than see the enemy possess it. (Applause.) We shall ruin our own interest by letting this crop lie here, and put another crop upon it. Cotton, instead of being ten cents, will not command more than three cents. Suppose the blockade were opened now, we could not get it to market by August. The boats which used to transport our cotton are engaged in making war upon us, and some of them have got well peppered at Fort Donelson. They are to-day planting cotton in Texas, and next week they will begin to plant further North. I needn't enlarge on this to planters. It is evident to them, there will be two crops on the market before next January. Some will say, we will force England to go to India for cotton. I will say to her, Go! England has spent three hundred and fifty million pounds, and gotten Louisiana planters to go to those distant countries, and has been obliged to give it up as. a forlorn hope. But suppose England finds other cotton-fields, I'd
China (China) (search for this): chapter 68
e can't find other spinners for our crops, and be forever independent of her. To the west of us are two little countries, China and Japan. In China they desire to put all their lands in tea, but they fear to discontinue the raising of cotton. If tChina they desire to put all their lands in tea, but they fear to discontinue the raising of cotton. If they could get cotton elsewhere, they would put all the land in tea. Well, then, the best spinners and weavers in China can be hired for nine cents a day, and we can get them to spin and weave our cotton long before England can find other cotton-fielChina can be hired for nine cents a day, and we can get them to spin and weave our cotton long before England can find other cotton-fields. China and Japan are not so distant from us, as we were from England when Whitney put the first cotton-gin in operation in Savannah. I hope Congress will take up and pass these resolutions. I have great hope from this meeting. So much have thChina and Japan are not so distant from us, as we were from England when Whitney put the first cotton-gin in operation in Savannah. I hope Congress will take up and pass these resolutions. I have great hope from this meeting. So much have these resolutions to recommend them to the people of the Southern Confederacy, that were I addressing them to-night, I believe I could get an over-whelming vote for government buying the entire crops of cotton and tobacco, and consigning them to the f
Japan (Japan) (search for this): chapter 68
een obliged to give it up as. a forlorn hope. But suppose England finds other cotton-fields, I'd like to know if we can't find other spinners for our crops, and be forever independent of her. To the west of us are two little countries, China and Japan. In China they desire to put all their lands in tea, but they fear to discontinue the raising of cotton. If they could get cotton elsewhere, they would put all the land in tea. Well, then, the best spinners and weavers in China can be hired for nine cents a day, and we can get them to spin and weave our cotton long before England can find other cotton-fields. China and Japan are not so distant from us, as we were from England when Whitney put the first cotton-gin in operation in Savannah. I hope Congress will take up and pass these resolutions. I have great hope from this meeting. So much have these resolutions to recommend them to the people of the Southern Confederacy, that were I addressing them to-night, I believe I could get
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