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G. T. Beauregard 550 26 Browse Search
Braxton Bragg 340 20 Browse Search
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) 287 27 Browse Search
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 262 0 Browse Search
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) 237 51 Browse Search
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) 222 0 Browse Search
E. Kirby Smith 189 43 Browse Search
Corinth (Mississippi, United States) 180 180 Browse Search
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) 164 2 Browse Search
Earl Van Dorn 152 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott). Search the whole document.

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Island Number Ten (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
he western boundaries of the States of Missouri and Arkansas. Headquarters of the Department of the Mississippi will remain, until further orders, at Saint Louis, Mo. * * * * * * * H. W. Halleck, Major-General, Commanding. March 18, 1862. General Halleck, Saint Louis: My advanced division is at Columbia. The heavy rains and the destruction of bridges by the enemy will of course retard our progress somewhat. I am carrying the telegraph along. I am told the communication with Island No.10 is kept up across the bend of the river only 3 miles. We are without money, and both our credit and efficiency are suffering in consequence. D. C. Buell, Brigadier-General. P. S.--Insert in the dispatch to General Halleck, if it is not started The force moving toward Savannah is said to number 26,000. General orders, no. 7. Hdqrs. Department of the Mississippi, Saint Louis, March 19, 1862. I. So much of the recent Department of the Ohio as is included in the present Depart
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
from 25,000 to 40,000. Re-enforcements arriving constantly; expect to have 80,000 or 100,000 men. Have a large amount of rolling stock; can concentrate rapidly. Expect a battle at I start to-morrow. Expect the bridge at Columbia to be ready or nearly so by the time I get there, and shall then move forward rapidly. D. C. Buell, Brigadier-General. Columbia, March 29, 1862. Hon. E. M. Stanton: If I may take the liberty, I beg that nominations of brigadier-generals from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Kentucky may be deferred until 1 can present by mail the names of officers of this army who have proved themselves worthy of promotion. D. C. Buell. Washington, March 30, 1862. Major-General Buell: Your telegram received and communicated to the Military Committee. I agree entirely with you and am glad you have made the point. The system pursued had been against my judgment and wishes. Edwin M. Stanton. Columbia, March 30, 1862. Major-General Halleck, Saint Louis:
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
our command. We have no news of any fighting since the battle of the 8th. O. M. Mitchel. headquarters Third Division, Huntsville, April [14], 1862. General D. C. Buell, Care General Dumont: We captured to-day the inclosed dispatch in cipher from General Beauregard. The-cipher has proved as little effectual in holding back the Third Division of your army as the destruction of bridges. We have deciphered the cipher and we read as follows: Corinth, April 9. General S. Cooper, Richmond, Va.: All present probabilities are that whenever the enemy moves on this position he will do so with an overwhelming force of not less than 85,000 men. We can now muster only about 35,000 effectives. Van Dorn may possibly join us in a few days with about 15,000 more. Can we not be re-enforced from Pemberton's army? If defeated here we lose the Mississippi Valley and probably our cause; whereas we could even afford to lose for a while Charleston and Savannah for the purpose of defeating
Elkton (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ville and on the road leading to Somerville. I fear the heavy rains now falling will render the streams between this place and Fayetteville impassable. I sent a courier at daylight this morning to meet the train, and in case the water was too deep to ford to have the train move to Athens, to which point I sent a locomotive with cars this morning. On the cars I sent a small detachment of engineers to explore and put in order the road leading from a point near Elk River to the turnpike at Elkton, with orders to follow the turnpike to Columbia, hoping to make this my line for supplies. I have a deputation of citizens from Athens who express strong attachment to the Government, and will raise the old flag the moment our troops enter the town. They offer every assistance in rebuilding the bridges from Elk River to Columbia, a matter of great moment, if we are to occupy Northern Alabama. I have seized and hold the railroad from Decatur to Tuscumbia in the hope of opening communic
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
s, and sickness to not more than 500 effective men. Many of them have not 300 men for duty. Your obedient servant, D. C. Buell, Major-General, Commanding. Pittsburgh, April 27, 1862. Lieut. W. Mcgunnigle, U. S. N.: dear sir: The following brief account of my proceedings in the preparation of extempore steam-rams will, I tmmodore Foote's letter of instructions to you: I was instructed by the Secretary of War, March 27, to proceed immediately and with the greatest expedition to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and New Albany, and select and prepare the most suitable steamboats I could find in the least possible time, to act as steam-rams, to meet the rebes would be consumed in getting them ready for service. In response to that order I selected three of the strongest and swiftest stern-wheel coal tow-boats at Pittsburgh, of which the average dimensions are about 170 feet length, 30 feet beam, and over 5 feet hold. At Cincinnati I selected two side-wheel boats, of which the l
Columbia, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
k, Saint Louis: My advanced division is at Columbia. The heavy rains and the destruction of brids, retards my progress. My advance is now at Columbia, making a bridge over Duck River. In the ae at I start to-morrow. Expect the bridge at Columbia to be ready or nearly so by the time I get thd rapidly. D. C. Buell, Brigadier-General. Columbia, March 29, 1862. Hon. E. M. Stanton: If I my judgment and wishes. Edwin M. Stanton. Columbia, March 30, 1862. Major-General Halleck, Sainte in rebuilding the bridges from Elk River to Columbia, a matter of great moment, if we are to occupes B. Fry, Colonel and Chief of Staff. Columbia, Tenn., April 23, 1862. Major-General Buell: ficient amount of wire to build the line from Columbia to Decatur. If you have a party who can be sprobably best to keep a considerable force at Columbia and Murfreesborough. Our lines from ColumbColumbia to Savannah must be kept open. The provost guard at Nashville should not be removed and a force [2 more...]
Baldwin, Fla. (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
e compliance or non-compliance with the order, and their reports will be forwarded to these headquarters. By command of Major-General Buell: James B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant-General, Chief of Staff. headquarters, June 4, 1862. Maj. Gen. D. O. Buell: You will have f get guides from General Pope's command on their road to Danville. H. W. Halleck, Major-General. headquarters, June 4, 1862. Major-General Buell: Pope's forces are nearly all past Danville and I suppose now are near Baldwin. He expects an engagement to-day. I think you will find the road clear of Pope's troops. Lieutenant North will report to you as a guide this morning and General Pope will send others to meet you. H. W. Halleck, Major-General. Corinth, Miss., [June 4, 1862]. Major-General Buell: I directed General Wood to push forward a brigade to Tuscumbia and Florence to receive the locomotives and cars from Paducah and Saint Louis now coming up the Tennessee. He telegraphed to Colonel Kelton t
Caffey (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ield music in my command at all. D. C. Buell. headquarters, May 11, 1862. Major-General Halleck: The line which I am occupying is about 24 miles long, and leaves my old position where two of Thomas' divisions are quite retired and protected. It is desirable, I think, to have my whole force on that line, and if you approve I will move Crittenden over with the rest. He is now in rear of Thomas' troops. D. C. Buell. General orders, no. 26. Hdqrs. Department of the Mississippi, Monterey, Tenn., May 13, 1862. The following resolutions, passed by the General Assembly of Ohio, having been officially received, are published to the troops engaged in the battles of the 6th and 7th of April at Pittsburg, Tenn.: Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the intelligence just received of the success of our arms in the late important battle at Pittsburg Landing calls for our sincere acknowledgments to the sovereign disposer of events for His interference in our
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
e provost guards for Lexington and such other places as may be necessary. You will confer with the Military Board of Kentucky in reference to the condition of affairs and will take promptly and decidedly, though judiciously, such steps as the Government interests and the welfare of the Union seem to demand. Major Bracht, Eighteenth Kentucky Volunteers, now at Lexington, is suggested as a suitable person for provost-marshal of Lexington. Mr. Temple, president of Military Board, is at Frankfort. Your duties will relate mainly to preserving good order in Kentucky, and the general desires you to act firmly, but discreetly and dispassionately. The troops along the road have been posted to secure these lines, and in using them for your purpose, you must bear this fact in mind, and remove them only temporarily or to make other suitable disposition to secure the routes. All men who are found to be operating against the Government or who are encouraging the rebellion or giving aid an
Cumberland Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
nd Ford, where it has been and still is detained by high water and the difficulties of supplying it over a long line of bad road. It had orders to advance on Cumberland Gap, and for its further progress be governed by circumstances in East Tennessee or further orders. A column composed of five regiments of infantry and eight csent at Piketon to Bardstown. I anticipate that it may be desirable or necessary to employ it by the time it can arrive in strengthening the column against Cumberland Gap-If not, it will be needed in Tennessee. There is one regiment at Somer. set. I leave it there at present with the same view. One regiment on the Lexington W. Duffield, Nashville: Proceed instantly to Louisville and assume command of all troops in Kentucky, except the Seventh Division, under General Morgan, at Cumberland Gap. You are authorized to appoint provost-marshals and organize provost guards for Lexington and such other places as may be necessary. You will confer wit
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