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Troy (Turkey) 80 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding). Search the whole document.

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Corinth (Greece) (search for this): book 5, card 341
hap Dis spide hir: lovde hir: caught hir up: and all at once well nere, So hastie, hote, and swift a thing is Love as may appeare. The Ladie with a wailing voyce afright did often call Hir Mother and hir waiting Maides, but Mother most of all. And as she from the upper part hir garment would have rent, By chaunce she let hir lap slip downe, and out hir flowres went. And such a sillie simplenesse hir childish age yet beares, That even the verie losse of them did move hir more to teares. The Catcher drives his Chariot forth, and calling every horse By name, to make away apace he doth them still enforce: And shakes about their neckes and Manes their rustie bridle reynes And through the deepest of the Lake perforce he them constreynes. And through the Palik pooles, the which from broken ground doe boyle And smell of Brimstone verie ranke: and also by the soyle Where as the Bacchies, folke of Corinth with the double Seas, Betweene unequall Havons twaine did reere a towne for ease.
reate: would God I could resound Hir worthie laude: she doubtlesse is a Goddesse worthie praise. Bicause the Giant Typhon gave presumptuously assayes To conquer Heaven, the howgie Ile of Trinacris is layd Upon his limmes, by weight whereof perforce he downe is weyde. He strives and strugles for to rise full many a time and oft. But on his right hand toward Rome Pelorus standes aloft: Pachynnus standes upon his left: his legs with Lilybie Are pressed downe: his monstrous head doth under Aetna lie. From whence he lying bolt upright with wrathfull mouth doth spit Out flames of fire. He wrestleth oft and walloweth for to wit And if he can remove the weight of all that mightie land Or tumble downe the townes and hilles that on his bodie stand. By meanes whereof it commes to passe that oft the Earth doth shake: And even the King of Ghostes himselfe for verie feare doth quake, Misdoubting lest the Earth should clive so wide that light of day Might by the same pierce downe to Hell an
promote, Or ought our Empire beautifie which joyntly we doe holde,) This Damsell to hir uncle joyne. No sooner had she tolde These wordes, but Cupid opening streight his quiver chose therefro One arrow (as his mother bade) among a thousand mo. But such a one it was, as none more sharper was than it, Nor none went streighter from the Bow the amed marke to hit. He set his knee against his Bow and bent it out of hande, And made his forked arrowes steale in Plutos heart to stande. Neare Enna walles there standes a Lake: Pergusa is the name. Cayster heareth not mo songs of Swannes than doth the same. A wood environs everie side the water round about, And with his leaves as with a veyle doth keepe the Sunne heate out. The boughes doe yeelde a coole fresh Ayre: the moystnesse of the grounde Yeeldes sundrie flowres: continuall spring is all the yeare there founde. While in this garden Proserpine was taking hir pastime, In gathering eyther Violets blew, or Lillies white as Lime, And
Sunne (Sweden) (search for this): book 5, card 341
ade) among a thousand mo. But such a one it was, as none more sharper was than it, Nor none went streighter from the Bow the amed marke to hit. He set his knee against his Bow and bent it out of hande, And made his forked arrowes steale in Plutos heart to stande. Neare Enna walles there standes a Lake: Pergusa is the name. Cayster heareth not mo songs of Swannes than doth the same. A wood environs everie side the water round about, And with his leaves as with a veyle doth keepe the Sunne heate out. The boughes doe yeelde a coole fresh Ayre: the moystnesse of the grounde Yeeldes sundrie flowres: continuall spring is all the yeare there founde. While in this garden Proserpine was taking hir pastime, In gathering eyther Violets blew, or Lillies white as Lime, And while of Maidenly desire she fillde hir Maund and Lap, Endevoring to outgather hir companions there, by hap Dis spide hir: lovde hir: caught hir up: and all at once well nere, So hastie, hote, and swift a thing is Lo