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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 34 0 Browse Search
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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 103 (search)
o every wave: Even so the Waine for want of weight it erst was wont to beare, Did hoyse aloft and scayle and reele, as though it empty were. Which when the Cartware did perceyve, they left the beaten way And taking bridle in the teeth began to run astray. The rider was so sore agast, he knew no use of Rayne, Nor yet his way: and though he had, yet had it ben in vayne, Because he wanted powre to rule the horses and the Wayne. Then first did sweat cold Charles his Wain through force of Phebus rayes And in the Sea forbidden him, to dive in vaine assayes. The Serpent at the frozen Pole both colde and slow by kinde, Through heat waxt wroth, and stird about a cooler place to finde. And thou Bootes though thou be but slow of footemanship, Yet wert thou faine (as Fame reports) about thy Waine to skip. Now when unhappy Phaeton from top of all the Skie Behelde the Earth that underneath a great way off did lie, He waxed pale for sodaine feare, his joynts and sinewes quooke, The great
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 531 (search)
. Coronis of Larissa was the fairest maide of face, In all the land of Thessalie. Shee stoode in Phebus grace As long as that she kept hir chast, or at the least as long As that she scaped unespide in doing Phebus wrong. But at the last Apollos birde hir privie packing spide, Whome no entreatance could persuade but that he swiftly hide Him to his maister, to bewray the doings of his love his Lorde Apollo how he saw Coronis lie Wyth Isthyis, a Gentleman that dwelt in Thessalie. When Phebus heard his lovers fault, he fiersly gan to frowne, And cast his garlond from his head, and threich the bloud pursuing after fast Upon hir white and tender limmes a scarlet colour cast) Saide: Phebus, well, thou might have wreakt this trespasse on my head And yet forborne me till the time I haday. The bodie being voyde of soule became as colde as clay. Than all too late, alas too late gan Phebus to repent That of his lover he had tane so cruell punishment. He blames himselfe for giving
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 3, line 1 (search)
ell. An Heifer all alone in field (quoth Phebus) marke hir well, Which never bare the pinching yoke, nor drew the plough as yit, Shall meete thee. Follow after hir, and where thou seest hir sit, There builde a towne, and let thereof Beotia be the name. Downe from Parnasus stately top scarce fully Cadmus came, When royling softly in the vale before the herde alone He saw an Heifer on whose necke of servage print was none. He followde after leysurly as hir that was his guide, And thanked Phebus in his heart that did so well provide. Now had he past Cephisus forde, and eke the pleasant groundes About the Citie Panope conteinde within those boundes. The Heifer staide, and lifting up hir forehead to the skie Full seemely for to looke upon with homes like braunches hie Did with hir lowing fill the Ayre: and casting backe hir eie Upon the rest that came aloofe, as softly as she could Kneelde downe and laide hir hairie side against the grassie mould. Then Cadmus gave Apollo thankes,
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 3, line 95 (search)
eltred in their blood, Lay sprawling on their mothers womb, the ground where erst they stood, Save only five that did remaine. Of whom Echion led By Pallas counsell, threw away the helmet from his head, And with his brothers gan to treat attonement for to make. The which at length (by Pallas helpe) so good successe did take, That faithfull friendship was confirmd and hand in hand was plight. These afterward did well assist the noble Tyrian knight, In building of the famous towne that Phebus had behight. Now Thebes stoode in good estate, now Cadmus might thou say That when thy father banisht thee it was a luckie day. To joyne aliance both with Mars and Venus was thy chaunce, Whose daughter thou hadst tane to wife, who did thee much advaunce, Not only through hir high renowne, but through a noble race Of sonnes and daughters that she bare: whose children in like case It was thy fortune for to see all men and women growne. But ay the ende of every thing must marked be and knowne
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 250 (search)
taide till Aegypt land and Nile whose streame is shed In channels seven, received them forwearied all togither: And how the Helhound Typhon did pursue them also thither. By meanes wherof the Gods eche one were faine themselves to hide In forged shapes. She saide that Jove the Prince of Gods was wride In shape of Ram: which is the cause that at this present tide Joves ymage which the Lybian folke by name of Hammon serve, Is made with crooked welked homes that inward still doe terve: That Phebus in a Raven lurkt, and Bacchus in a Geate, And Phebus sister in a Cat, and Juno in a Neate, And Venus in the shape of Fish, and how that last of all Mercurius hid him in a Bird which Ibis men doe call. This was the summe of all the tale which she with rolling tung And yelling throteboll to hir harpe before us rudely sung. Our turne is also come to speake, but that perchaunce your grace To give the hearing to our song hath now no time nor space. Yes yes (quoth Pallas) tell on forth in
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 146 (search)
ay. How much from utter barrennesse the Goddesse was: so much Disdeind she more: and in the top of Cynthus framed such Complaint as this to both hir twinnes. Lo I your mother deare, Who in my bodie once you twaine with painefull travail beare, Loe I whose courage is so stout as for to yeelde to none Of all the other Goddesses except Joves wife alone, Am lately doubted whether I a Goddesse be or no. And if you helpe not, children mine, the case now standeth so That I the honor must from hence of Altars quight forgo. But this is not mine only griefe. Besides hir wicked fact Most railing words hath Niobe to my defacing rackt. She durst prefer hir Barnes to you. And as for me, she naamde Me barren in respect of hir, and was no whit ashaamde To shewe hir fathers wicked tongue which she by birth doth take. This said: Latona was about entreatance for to make. Cease off (quoth Phebus) long complaint is nothing but delay Of punishment, and the selfesame wordes did Phebe also say.
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 218 (search)
cke. The nocke thereof did shaking upward sticke, The head appeared at his throte. And as he forward gave Himselfe in flying: so to ground he groveling also drave, And toppled by the horses mane and feete amid his race, And with his warme newshedded bloud berayed all the place. But Phedimus, and Tantalus, the heir of the name Of Tantalus, his Graundfather, who customably came From other dailie exercise to wrestling, had begun To close, and eache at other now with brest to brest to run, When Phebus Arrow being sent with force from streyned string Did strike through both of them as they did fast togither cling. And so they sighed both at once, and both at once for paine Fell downe to ground, and both of them at once their eyes did streine To see their latest light, and both at once their ghostes did yeelde. Alphenor this mischaunce of theirs with heavie heart behelde, And scratcht and beate his wofull brest: and therewith flying out To take them up betweene his armes, was as he wen
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 313 (search)
Then all both men and women fearde Latonas open ire I And far with greater sumptuousnesse and earnester desire Did worship the great majestie of this their Goddesse who Did beare at once both Phebus and his sister Phebe too. And through occasion of this chaunce, (as men are wont to do In cases like) the people fell to telling things of old Of whome a man among the rest this tale ensuing told. The auncient folke that in the fieldes of fruitfull Lycia dwelt Due penance also for their spight to this same Goddesse felt. The basenesse of the parties makes the thing it selfe obscure. Yet is the matter wonderfull. My selfe I you assure Did presently beholde the Pond, and saw the very place In which this wondrous thing was done. My father then in case, Not able for to travell well by reason of his age, To fetch home certaine Oxen thence made me to be his page, Appointing me a countryman of Lycia to my guide. With whome as I went plodding in the pasture groundes, I spide Amids a certa
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 11, line 266 (search)
in feats of armes, And stout and readye bothe to wreake and also offer harmes: So was he of a constant mynd. Daedalion men him hyght. Our father was that noble starre that brings the morning bryght, And in the welkin last of all gives place to Phebus lyght. My study was to maynteine peace, in peace was my delyght, And for to keepe mee true to her to whom my fayth is plyght. My brother had felicite in warre and bloody fyght. His prowesse and his force which now dooth chase in cruell flyght Tnces and theyr Realmes did heeretofore subdew. He had a chyld calld Chyone, whom nature did endew With beawtye so, that when to age of fowreteene yeeres shee grew, A thousand Princes liking her did for hir favour sew. By fortune as bryght Phebus and the sonne of Lady May Came t'one from Delphos, toother from mount Cyllen, by the way They saw her bothe at once, and bothe at once were tane in love. Apollo till the tyme of nyght differd his sute to move. But Hermes could not beare delay.
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 11, line 708 (search)
Among the darke Cimmerians is a hollow mountaine found And in the hill a Cave that farre dooth ronne within the ground, The Chamber and the dwelling place where slouthfull sleepe dooth cowch. The lyght of Phebus golden beames this place can never towch. A foggye mist with dimnesse mixt streames upwarde from the ground, And glimmering twylyght evermore within the same is found. No watchfull bird with barbed bill, and combed crowne dooth call The morning foorth with crowing out. There is no noyse at all Of waking dogge, nor gagling goose more waker than the hound To hinder sleepe. Of beast ne wyld ne tame there is no sound. No bowghes are stird with blastes of wynd, no noyse of tatling toong Of man or woman ever yit within that bower roong. Dumb quiet dwelleth there. Yit from the Roches foote dooth go The ryver of forgetfulnesse, which ronneth trickling so Uppon the little pebble stones which in the channell lye, That unto sleepe a great deale more it dooth provoke thereby.