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Greece (Greece) 74 0 Browse Search
Troy (Turkey) 30 0 Browse Search
Argos (Greece) 28 0 Browse Search
Aulis 26 0 Browse Search
Ilium (Turkey) 20 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge). Search the whole document.

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Argos (Greece) (search for this): card 317
this tablet, the bearer of a shameful message? Agamemnon I see it, yes; now, you first of all surrender it. Menelaus No, not till I have shown its contents to all the army. Agamemnon What! have you broken the seal and know already what you should never have known? Menelaus Yes, I opened it and know to your sorrow the secret machinations of your heart. Agamemnon Where did you get it? O gods! what shameless heart you have! Menelaus I was awaiting your daughter's arrival at the camp in Argos. Agamemnon What right have you to watch my doings? is not this a proof of shamelessness? Menelaus My wish to do it gave the spur, for I am no slave to you. Agamemnon Infamous! Am I not to be allowed the management of my own house? Menelaus No, for you think crooked thoughts, one thing now, another formerly, and something different presently. Agamemnon Most exquisite refining on evil themes! A hateful thing the tongue of cleverness! Menelaus Yes, but a mind unstable is an unjust posses
Troy (Turkey) (search for this): card 317
use? Menelaus No, for you think crooked thoughts, one thing now, another formerly, and something different presently. Agamemnon Most exquisite refining on evil themes! A hateful thing the tongue of cleverness! Menelaus Yes, but a mind unstable is an unjust possession, disloyal to friends. Now I am anxious to test you, and do not seek from rage to turn aside from the truth, nor will I on my part overstrain the case. Do you remember when you were all eagerness to captain the Danaids against Troy, making a pretence of declining, though eager for it in your heart; how humble you were then, taking each man by the hand and keeping open doors for every fellow-townsman who cared to enter, affording each in turn chance to speak with you, even though some did not wish it, seeking by these methods to purchase popularity from all bidders? Then when you had secured the command, there came a change over your manners; you were no longer so cordial as before to former friends, but hard of access