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Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 26 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 22 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris (ed. Robert Potter) 20 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 18 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 4 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 4 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 4 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Hesiod, Works and Days 2 0 Browse Search
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Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 184 (search)
Chorus So then the captain of the Achaean ships, the elder of the two—holding no seer at fault, bending to the adverse blasts of fortune, when the Achaean folk, on the shore over against Chalcisin the region where Aulis' tides surge to and fro, were very distressed by opposing winds and failing store
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 975 (search)
Chorus Why does this terror so persistently hover standing before my prophetic soul? Why does my song, unbidden and unfed, chant strains of augury? Why does assuring confidence not sit on my heart's throneand spurn the terror like an uninterpretable dream? But Time has collected the sands of the shore upon the cables cast thereonwhen the shipborn army sped forth for Ilium.The sense of the Greek passage (of which no entirely satisfactory emendation has been offered) is that so much time has passed since the fleet, under Agamemnon's command, was detained at Aulis by the wrath of Artemis, that Calchas' prophecy of evil, if true, would have been fulfilled long
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
O. Keller, Thiere des classischen Alterthums (Innsbruck, 1887), p. 1. The interpretation may perhaps be supported by an Assyrian bas-relief which represents a Herculean male figure carrying an ape on his head and leading another ape by a leash, the animals being apparently brought as tribute to a king. See O. Keller, op. cit., p. 11, fig. 2; Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l'Art dans l'Antiquité, ii.547, fig 254. and as for Syleus in Aulis, who compelled passing strangers to dig, Hercules killed him with his daughter Xenodoce, after burning the vines with the roots.Compare Diod. 4.31.7; Tzetzes, Chiliades ii.432ff.; Conon 17. Euripides wrote a satyric play on the subject. See TGF (Nauck 2nd ed.), pp. 575ff. The legend may be based on a custom practised by vine-dressers on passing strangers. See W. Mannhardt, Mythologische Forschungen, pp. 12, 53ff., who, for the rough jest
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
ff., ed. Dindorf; Cicero, De natura deorum iii.19.50. So, too, in Boeotia the two maiden daughters of Orion are said to have sacrificed themselves freely to deliver their country from a fatal pestilence or dearth, which according to an oracle of the Gortynian Apollo could be remedied only by the voluntary sacrifice of two virgins. See Ant. Lib. 25; Ov. Met. 13.685-699. The frequency of such legends, among which the traditional sacrifice of Iphigenia at Aulis may be included, suggests that formerly the Greeks used actually to sacrifice maidens in great emergencies, such as plagues and prolonged droughts, when ordinary sacrifices had proved ineffectual. But when this was of no avail, they inquired of the oracle how they could be delivered; and the god answered them that they should give Minos whatever satisfaction he might choose. So they sent to Minos and left it to him to claim satisfaction. And Minos ordered
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
ed to victual the fleet and army assembling at Aulis. The conjecture is confirmed by the statement nsis, that before the Greek army set sail from Aulis, it had received a supply of corn, wine, and women. The armament mustered in Aulis. The men who went to the Trojan war wer of the Greek forces which mustered at Aulis, see Hom. Il. 2.494-759; Eur. IA ships, thirty. When the armament was in Aulis, after a sacrifice to Apollo, a serpentefore they again returned to Argos and came to Aulis. Having again assembled at AulisAulis after the aforesaid interval of eight years, they were in great perplexity about the voyagergos and arrived for the second time at Aulis, the fleet was windbound, and Calchas s king. After putting to sea from Aulis they touched at Tenedos. It was ruled bent before the Greek army assembled at Aulis; according to the Scholiast on Hom. I[1 more...]
Aristotle, Poetics, section 1454a (search)
rsonal distaste for this character on the ground that Euripides made him a creature meaner than the plot demands.; of character that is unfitting and inappropriate the lament of Odysseus in the ScyllaA dithyramb by Timotheus. Cf. Aristot. Poet. 26.3. and Melanippe's speechA fragment survives (Eur. Fr. 484 (Nauck)). Euripides seems to have given her a knowledge of science and philosophy inappropriate to a woman.; of inconsistent character Iphigeneia in Aulis, for the suppliant Iphigeneia is not at all like her later character. In character-drawing just as much as in the arrangement of the incidents one should always seek what is inevitable or probable, so as to make it inevitable or probable that such and such a person should say or do such and such; and inevitable or probable that one thing should follow another. Clearly therefore the "denouement"Or "unravelling." of each play should also be the result of the plot itsel
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 47 (search)
but a part of the mainland to themselves. Consequently all the cities threw themselves vigorously into the building of the causeway and vied with one another; for orders were issued not only to the citizens to report en masse but to the foreigners dwelling among them as well, so that by reason of the great number that came forward to the work the proposed task was speedily completed. On Euboea the causeway was built at Chalcis, and in Boeotia in the neighbourhood of Aulis, since at that place the channel was narrowest. Now it so happened that in former times also there had always been a current in that place and that the sea frequently reversed its course, and at the time in question the force of the current was far greater because the sea had been confined into a very narrow channel; for passage was left for only a single ship. High towers were also built on both ends and wooden bridges were thrown over the channel. Theramenes, who h
Euripides, Electra (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 998 (search)
uch plots against those whom least of all he should have, his own family. I will tell you; although when a woman gets an evil reputation, her tongue is bitter. In my opinion, not rightly; but it is correct for those who learn about the matter to hate, if it deserves hatred; if not, why hate at all? Now Tyndareus gave me to your father not so that I or any children I might bear should die. But that man went from the house, taking my child, with the persuasion of a marriage with Achilles, to Aulis which held the fleet; and there he stretched Iphigenia over the pyre, and cut her white cheek. And if, as a cure for the capture of the city, or as a benefit to his house, or to save his other children, he had killed one on behalf of many, I would have pardoned him. But, because Helen was lustful and the one who had her as a wife did not know how to punish the betrayer—for these reasons he destroyed my child. Well, although I was wronged, I would not have been angry at this, nor would I h
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 80 (search)
And so the Hellenes, brandishing their spears and donning their harness, came here to the narrow straits of Aulis with armaments of ships and troops, with many horses and chariots, and they chose me to captain them all for the sake of Menelaus, since I was his brother. Would that some other had gained that distinction instead of me! But after the army was gathered and come together, we still remained at Aulis weatherbound. In our perplexity, we asked Calchas, the seer, and he answered that Aulis weatherbound. In our perplexity, we asked Calchas, the seer, and he answered that we should sacrifice my own child Iphigenia to Artemis, whose home is in this land, and we would sail and sack the Phrygians' capital [if we sacrificed her, but if we did not, these things would not happen]. When I heard this, I commanded Talthybius with loud proclamation to disband the whole army, as I could never bear to slay my daughter. Whereupon my brother, bringing every argument to bear, persuaded me at last to face the crime; so I wrote in a folded scroll and sent to my wife, bidding h
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1 (search)
hurry? Old man I am hurrying. It is little enough sleep old age allows me and keenly it watches over my eyes. Agamemnon What can that star be, steering its course there? Old man Sirius, still shooting over the zenith on his way near the Pleiads' sevenfold track. Agamemnon The birds are still at any rate and the sea is calm, hushed are the winds, and silence broods over the Euripus. Old man Then why are you outside your tent, why so restless, my lord Agamemnon? All is yet quiet here in Aulis, the watch on the walls is not yet astir. Let us go in. Agamemnon I envy you, old man, yes, and every man who leads a life secure, unknown and unrenowned; but little I envy those in office. Old man And yet it is there that we place the be-all and end-all of existence Agamemnon Yes, but that is where the danger comes; and ambition, sweet though it seems, brings sorrow with its near approach. At one time the unsatisfied claims of the gods upset our life, at another the numerous peevish f