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ope, the self-created hero, took great pains to keep from the front, and never allowed himself to ride within two miles of the actual battle. Several of the Federal generals, however, chiefly brigadiers, boldly rode to the front, and cheered on their men. Sickles and Meagher were singled out and disabled. Among hundreds of line officers who fell was Colonel Fletcher Webster, Twelfth Massachusetts Volunteers, eldest and sole surviving son of the great American orator and statesman, Hon. Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts. Wherever I rode along our extended and ever-changing front, prisoners of all grades, cannon, flags, and other trophies were passing to the rear; while every patch of timber was converted into a temporary hospital, where surgeons in blood-stained garments were busily plying the knife. Moans, groans, and death-cries arose on every hand, mingling with the distant roar and rush of battle; while the wounded, both friend and foe, forgetful of all enmity, dragged themselv
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
shington, Augustine, mentioned, 1. Washington, Colonel John A., 116, 117, 121, 122. Washington College, 403, 406, 407. Washington, General, George, mentioned, 1, 6, II, 169, 415. Washington, Lawrence, 1, 10, 11, 13, 26, 71, 80, 137. Washington and Lee University, 281, 413. Washington, Mrs., Mary, 26. Waterloo, battle of, 13. Waterloo Bridge, 182, 184, 186. Wellington, Duke of, mentioned, 171, 228, 247, 278; at Waterloo, 343, 420. Webb's brigade at Gettysburg, 295. Webster, Daniel, McClellan's horse, 211. Weed, General, killed at Gettysburg, 302. Weiseger, General, at Petersburg, 360. Weitzel, General, commands Eighteenth Corps, 365. Western armies, success of, 347. Westmoreland County, 146. Westover estate, Virginia, 164. West Point graduates, 24. Whisky Insurrection, 10. White House, 164, 167. White Oak Swamp, 153, 162. White, Professor, 281. White, William, of Lexington, 406. Whiting, General W. H. C., 155. Whittier, Colonel, of Humphr
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 1: Introductory. (search)
s,--the first slave regiment mustered into the service of the United States during the late civil war. It was, indeed, the first colored regiment of any kind so mustered, except a portion of the troops raised by Major-General Butler at New Orleans. These scarcely belonged to the same class, however, being recruited from the free colored population of that city, a comparatively self-reliant and educated race. The darkest of them, said General Butler, were about the complexion of the late Mr. Webster. The First South Carolina, on the other hand, contained scarcely a freeman, had not one mulatto in ten, and a far smaller proportion who could read or write when enlisted. The only contemporary regiment of a similar character was the First Kansas colored, which began recruiting a little earlier, though it was not mustered in — the usual basis of military seniority till later. See Appendix. These were the only colored regiments recruited during the year 1862. The Second South Carol
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Index. (search)
Thompson, J. M., Capt., 270, 271 Tirrell, A. H., Lt., 272. Tonking, J. H., Capt., 270. Trowbridge, C. T., Lt.-Col., 65, 94,115, 168, 169, 172, 174, 175, 182, 237,243, 247, 258, 261, 265, 269, 270, 272, 274, 276, 286,292, 294, 9, 62, Trowbridge, J. A., Lt., 271. Tubman, Harriet, 11. 272. Twichell, J. F., Lt.-Col. 117, 122. ,270. Vendross, Robert, Corp., 265. 28. Walker, G. D., Capt., 270. Walker, William, Sergt., 280, 289. Washington, William, 21. 271. Watson, Lt., 100. Webster, Daniel, IHon., 1. 16, 34, Weld, S. M., 225. 1, 64, West, H. C., Lt., 271. 226, West, J. B., Lt., 271. 8 273, White, E. P., Lt., 271. White, N, S., Capt., 270, 271, 272. Whiting, William, Hon., 282, 284,288, 290. Whitney, H. A., Maj., 176, 230, 269, 270. Wiggins, Cyrus, 266. Williams, Harry Sergt., 230. , 277, Williams, Col., 277. Wilson, Henry, Hon., 281, 284, 285. Wilson family, 246. Wood, H., Lt., 271, 272. Wood, W. J., Maj. 280. Wright, Gen., 98, 104. Wright, Fanny, 247.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Cumberland Gap. (search)
fantry, a battery, and two regiments of cavalry, and, thus reenforced, pledged myself to sweep east Tennessee of the Confederates. My guns were increased from 22 to 28, and a battery of east Tennessee artillery was raised, commanded by Lieutenant Daniel Webster, of Foster's 1st Wisconsin Plan of the Confederate works at Cumberland Gap, June 14, 1862. from a drawing by Captain W. F. Patterson. battery. Four thousand stand of arms, destined for east Tennessee but left at Nicholasville and John Coburn; 14th Ky., Col. John C. Cochran; 19th Ky., Col. William J. Landram. Artillery, Capt. Jacob T. Foster: 7th Mich., Capt. Charles H. Lanphere; 9th Ohio, Lieut. Leonard P. Barrows; 1st Wis., Lieut. John D. Anderson; Siege Battery, Lieut. Daniel Webster. Cavalry: Ky. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. Reuben Munday. Ky. Engineers, Capt. William F. Patterson. Confederate forces.--Their composition is not stated in the Official Records. During the month of July Brig.-Gen. Carter L. Stevenson, Firs
ofession he is largely forgotten. Almost all great lawyers who do not write books have their names handed down by tradition, and even this fades out almost entirely after the lapse of half a century. Daniel Webster was once asked whom he considered the greatest lawyer of the United States. He answered: I should, of course, say John Marshall [Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States]; but if you should take me by the throat, and run me back into a corner and demand, Now, Webster, upon honor, who is the greatest lawyer? I should have to say Jeremiah Mason. I was quite young when I first saw Jeremiah Mason. In later life, I saw him not unfrequently in court trying cases, some of them of the very greatest importance, and I had such cause to reverence and admire him that in my library, where I now write, stand three busts of the three greatest lawyers, each in his peculiar sphere, of whom I ever had any knowledge: Jeremiah Mason, Daniel Webster, and Rufus Choate.
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 2: early political action and military training. (search)
t he can find out that those two words are there; but who put them there, or whether they are there honestly, or whether they represent the sentiments of the candidate, the voter has no means of determining. Early in the session of 1851 Robert Rantoul, Jr., than whom the State never boasted a more eloquent or logical man as a political debater, was elected to the short term in the U. S. Senate, in the place of the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, who had been appointed by the governor to succeed Webster in the Senate. Winthrop was the candidate of the opposition to Charles Sumner, who was loyally supported by the Coalition Democrats, or those who were elected on that ticket, with the exception of two or three. From the first, Sumner received within a very few votes of a majority, though bitterly opposed by the Hunker Democrats and all the Whigs, sixteen persons receiving scattering votes. The voting went on until April of that year, when Sumner lacked only two votes of an election. But
honor upon our government and carry joy and gladness to many thousand anguished hearts. Of that portion still left me, no fault can be found, but the most essential part of this expedition is withheld. I am, by an order from Washington, to Colonel Webster, chief quartermaster of this department, deprived the use of the only hospital ships in the fleet, and knowing so well as I do, for what a wretched freight I am to provide on my return trip, I feel assured you will approve my course in insise other vessel, the Crescent, is loaded with stores, clothing, etc. I have turned over to the quartermaster, five of the large vessels for transportation of troops. The balance of the fleet are still here. Quartermaster-general informed Colonel Webster he had ordered vessels from New York to relieve the Atlantic and Baltic. They have not arrived yet, nor have we farther advice of them. Please direct me what to do, and believe me, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, John E. Mulf
from, 872; complaints of Grant, 873; Butler at, 902, 918; convention of Johnston and Sherman rejected at, 913, 914; the Johnson impeachment trial at, 926, 930. Washington and Lee University, state dinner at first commencement, 881, 887. Washington, the treaty with England, 966-967. Waterville College, life at, 57, 69. Watson, Lieutenant-Colonel, mention of in command of picked men of Massachusetts Sixth Regiment, 229. Weber, Col. Max, in attack on Fort Hatteras, 283. Webster, Daniel, tribute to, 64; succeeded in Senate by Winthrop, 116; his political death, 131. Weitzel, Gen., Godfrey, prepares material for storming Forts Jackson and St. Philip, 358; valuable knowledge regarding those forts, 359, 363, 365; report regarding forts, 369; examines and repairs forts, 465, 468, 490; letter from Count Mejan, 474; reports on Williams' position at Baton Rouge, 481; experience with colored troops, 496-500; man to take Port Hudson, 531; advises Butler, 642; reference to, 6
l power, his administrative talent, his love of peace, and his devotion to the Constitution might have averted collision; failing in that, he might have been to the South the Palinurus to steer the bark in safety over the perilous sea. Truly did Webster—his personal friend, although his greatest political rival—say of him in his obituary address, There was nothing groveling, or low, or meanly selfish, that came near the head or the heart of Mr. Calhoun. His prophetic warnings speak from the greasures of 1850 were pending, and the excitement concerning them was at its highest, I one day overtook Clay of Kentucky and Berrien of Georgia in the Capitol grounds. They were in earnest conversation. It was the 7th of March—the day on which Webster had delivered his great speech. Clay, addressing me in the friendly manner which he had always employed since I was a schoolboy in Lexington, asked me what I thought of the speech. I liked it better than he did. He then suggested that I should<