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ms, 15th Ga; W P Stanley, 18th Ga; Sgt T J Harris, J L Neal, 9th Ga; Jas B Newman, 2d Ga; S W H Hunt, 15th Ga; Lewis Harris, 2d Ga; L Dean, J H Mallory, 17th Ga; David Hudson, 15th Ga; H L Kirk, W M Nash, D S Muse, 7th Ga; C H Heath, Corp'l R M Andrews, 14th Ga; S J Pennington, 31st Ga; Thos. Slack, Wm A Tyler, 28th Va; Uriah Etheridge, J J Chapman, 14th S C; H F Pridgen, 4th N C; J W Joliff, A B Cross, 3d Va; H Bradbury, 1st Tenn; J M Jones, J W Carter, Jeff Davis Artillery; John Moore, H C Watts, Horace Windsor, J D Strickland, 2d Ga; Peter David, 15th Ga; James W Dye, 15th Ga; J B Watkins, 2d Ga; Lieut Wm Jones, 18th Ga; J A McCrery, 2d Ga; Jos Allman, 6th N C; W M Tidd, 2d Ga; S J Pitts, do do; J T Jones, do do; W A Brown, 7th Ga; W J Davis, 2d Ga; W H Nelms, do do; H P Shultze, 1st Tex; H P Freeman, 2d Ga; J W Edwards, 8th Ga; C G Gray, 6th Ga; L R Regsdale, 8th Ga; Jesse E J Leigh, do do; C C Bear, 15th Ala; J A Hill, 7th Ga; J J Patterson, 2d Ga; J E Maguire, 8th Ga; D W Croft,
A Holt H D; J Steward, 49th do; Capt. A S Jordan, 19th do; S C Terry, 2d cavalry; W H Peoples, 7th do; J Parker; W P Herton; R W Stintson, 46th N C reg't; Lieut. D Sexion, 15th do D C Dearman co C, 42d do; Col W C D Rossett, 3d do; W F Matherson, 33th do; care Capt. D S C, 54th do; Quartermaster, 30th do; Lt A C Banner co K, 48th do; Capt F A Spreige, 5th do; H B Giddens, 20th do; L H Hunt, 13th do; Col A M Seales 13th do; Geo Sink and A Trout, 14th do; Lieut. Col W A Jenkins, 46th do; W F Watts 48th do; Prof Starling; 57th do; A Hardin, 2d Cavalry; D Jannett, 46th N C reg't; O Holdsomer, 4th do; H Whoifenfelt, 4th do; T B Armstrong, 4th do; J P Warren, 18th do; John Campbell, 4th do; Robert Parks, 21st do; Benj Browls; Commanding co C, 22d do; E C McLocland 4th do; Rev Howell, 1st do; Lieut 8 Furr 2d do; N C Rumple, 4th do;--Forcum, 33d do; J P 8 co B, 6th do; A M D Kenny, 4th do; W R Philips, 2d do; R H Joseph E F Burnard; G H P; E B C Harris, co A, 4th do; Lieut. S C Long 4th
w. G. Wrihams T. M. Wootich T. Wect T. b. Wdson. Tron. Wellbors agt. c. H. Winston b. b. Westbrooks c. w. Walker c. Whecler, c. h. Workiban w. A. Whitt w. Williams J. A. Welbster J. P. Walkim w. w. Wheman R. E. Woottcrd, j. h. Willis Wilson Dr. j. S. Wed Isaac. Weller Jas. Walker rev. J. Wert Jas. Whatlock j. P. Wilson Jno. h. Waters j. h. Wiler Jno. G. M. D. Wetand E. E. Ward c. Wharton J. c. Walker cpt. j. A. Wads worth j. Watts J. G. Watson Jan. h. Waters Jno. H. Wallins j. b. Walden J. J. Wood Jas A. Wilson w. N. Wood R. A. Wilson j. w. Walker G. J. Woolsey G. Weeman B. c. Whitworth Jno. Whitcharst Jno. Wintlam w. j. White Jas. Weed h. Watman w. Whabery T. 3. Wood j. h. Waring E. Wattck Dr. A. W L. Weaver b. Wofford Ro. 3. Weller w. M. Wrigh A. c. Wood T. H. Wrick J. h. Walson T. A. Wilk Maj. Withon P. Wright C. G. Waggins j. w. Womble j. h.
Alabama election. Mobile, Aug. 5. --As far as heard from Walls has a small majority over Shorter for Governor. Landon has a majority over Dickinson for Congress. Silma, Aug. 5--The election returns come in slowly. Crinksank is elected to Congress in the 4th district over Curry. In Dallas county Chilton a majority over Line seven or eight to one. Watte's majority over Shorter for Governor is thus far 726. Greens county gave Watte four to Shorter's one; Perry county, Watts 665, Shorter 184, and two boxes to bear from; Calhone is reported to have gone for Watte, Talladega, Bibb, and Shelby have gone for Watte by large majorities. A few returns from Tusca' odas and Pickens indicate a majority for Watte in both these counties.
ing additional election returns have been received; Wilcok county — Watts (for Governor,) 462, Shorter 99, Dowdell 8. For Congress — Langdonority 464. For Congress — Lane's majority about 60. Sumter county--Watts 362, Shorter 93; several Watts boxes to hear from Bibb county-- WatWatts boxes to hear from Bibb county-- Watts 588, Shorter 31; one Watts box to hear from. Choctaw county--one box — Watts 118, Shorter 5. Creiksbank's majority over Curry, in over oWatts 588, Shorter 31; one Watts box to hear from. Choctaw county--one box — Watts 118, Shorter 5. Creiksbank's majority over Curry, in over one fourth of the district, about 800. In Choctaw county Watts has 100 majority. Cobb is far ahead of Ralls for Congress. [So reads the disWatts box to hear from. Choctaw county--one box — Watts 118, Shorter 5. Creiksbank's majority over Curry, in over one fourth of the district, about 800. In Choctaw county Watts has 100 majority. Cobb is far ahead of Ralls for Congress. [So reads the dispatch. The repetition of Choctaw county is probably a mistake.] Watts 118, Shorter 5. Creiksbank's majority over Curry, in over one fourth of the district, about 800. In Choctaw county Watts has 100 majority. Cobb is far ahead of Ralls for Congress. [So reads the dispatch. The repetition of Choctaw county is probably a mistake.] Watts has 100 majority. Cobb is far ahead of Ralls for Congress. [So reads the dispatch. The repetition of Choctaw county is probably a
The New Governor of Alabama. --The Savannah Republican has the following paragraph relative to Hon. Thos. H. Watte, the present C. S. Attorney General, who has been elected Governor of Alabama: Mr. Watts has been for many years at the head of the Montgomery bar. Early in the present struggle he buckled on his armor and was chosen to the command of an Alabama regiment; whilst discharging his military duties on the field he was chosen by President Davis to a post in his Cabinet — that of his legal advice, or Attorney General of the Confederate States--whose duties he has discharged with signal ability and promptness up to the present time. He is a genuine patriot, and for fighting this war out, at every cost, to complete independence. Both Alabama and the country may safely trust him in his new position.
From Northern Georgia. Atlanta, Sept. 18. --Reports from different sources concur in representing that Rosecrans is being heavily reinforced by troops from Grant's army. Refugees who have recently arrived say that numerous murders have been committed in East Tennesse by the Yankees and bushwhackers. Rosecrans's forces are retiring on Chattanooga, closely followed. The railroad is clear to Cleveland.--Only two regiments are in Huntsville — both composed of renegade Kentuckians — commanded by Cols. Watts and Hall, both formerly of Georgi
Gov. Watts, of Alabama. The Governor elect of Alabama, in a speech lately delivered in that State, gives very hopeful views of the future prospects of our struggle. Having lately served as Attorney General in the Cabinet of President Davis, he has enjoyed favorable opportunities of knowing the real condition of affairs, and the men to whom the management of our Government has been committed. --Although, in the classification of parties under the old Government, a political opponent of President Davis, he pays a high tribute to the virtues and abilities of the President, appreciating them even more highly than when he entered his Cabinet.--Mr. Watts refers also particularly to the naval branch of the service, and thinks we shall ere long have a fleet which will play an important part in the deliverance of the country. In regard to the subject of reconstruction, on which some had presumed to question his soundness, he said he should be almost ashamed to own himself an Alabamian
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Army of Tennessee, Missionary Ridge, Nov. 22. (search)
hn W White. Smithfield W. E. Allen. Surry-- J M. Connaully, Alexander Stewart, sup'y. Prince George--M S. Colonna, B B Wondward, sup'y. Military Post in Chesterfield-- T S Campbell. Roanoke Colored Mission — Wm. Grant. Missionary to Camps and Hospitals around Petersburg — W C Blount. Lynchburg District.--P A Peterson, Presiding Eider. Centenary --L M Lee. Colored Mission — Francis M Edwards. Court Street — R N Sledd. Coloreed Mission — To be supplied. Amherst — John W Howard, R W Watts, D. J. C. Staughter, sup'y. Buffalo — J W Jones. Lexington — C C Pearson Lexington Circuit --John L Clarke. Fincastle — L H Crenshaw. Bedford — Alfred Wills, George B Allen. Staunton River — Joseph Lear, M L Bishop. Colored Mission — E A Gibbs. Campbell — Cyrus Doggett, John W Tucker, Joseph Spriggs, sup'y. Appomattox — W G Hammond. Buckingham — James R Wagoner. State River — James W Compon. Cumberland --S S Lambeth. Danville District.--W B Rowzee, Pres
Mobile. --Gov. Watts, of Ala., has telegraphed to a citizen of Selma, Ala., that Mobile will probably be attacked very soon by the enemy, and as it is desirable that noncombatants should be absent during the siege, it will be incumbent upon the people of Selma to exhibit such hospitality to those of the unfortunate refugees as the intelligence and generosity of all good men and women will dictate under the circumstances.