Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Watts or search for Watts in all documents.

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ieutenant-colonel; Graves, William F., major; Langhorne, John S., major; Munford, Thomas T., lieutenantcol-onel, colonel; Radford, Richard Carlton Walker, colonel; Watts. James W., lieutenant-colonel. .Second battalion Reserves: Cook, Edward B., major; Guy, John H., major, lieutenant-colonel; Scruggs, D. E., major, lieutenant-cs S., major, lieutenant-colonel; Rust, Armistead Thomson Mason, colonel; Strange, John B., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Taylor, Bennett, major, lieutenant-colonel; Watts, William, major. Nineteenth Militia regiment (afterward Second State Reserves): Evans, Thomas J., colonel; Powell, D. Lee, lieutenant-colonel; Pendleton, S. T., Twenty-eighth Infantry regiment: Allen, Robert C., major, colonel; Paul, Samuel B., lieutenant-colonel; Preston, Robert T., colonel; Spessard, Michael P., major; Watts, William, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Wingfield, William L., lieutenant-colonel; Wilson, Nathaniel C., major. Twenty-ninth Infantry battalion. (No field