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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Retrospect of the campaign-sherman's movements-proposed movement upon Mobile-a painful accident-ordered to report at Cairo (search)
as in these words: I fear your paroling the prisoners at Vicksburg without actual delivery to a proper agent as required by the seventh article of the cartel, may be construed into an absolute release, and that the men will immediately be placed in the ranks of the enemy. Such has been the case elsewhere. If these prisoners have not been allowed to depart, you will detain them until further orders. Halleck did not know that they had already been delivered into the hands of Major [N. G.] Watts, Confederate commissioner for the exchange of prisoners. As Vicksburg 31,600 prisoners were surrendered, together with 172 cannon, about 60,000 muskets and a large amount of ammunition. The small-arms of the enemy were far superior to the bulk of ours. Up to this time our troops at the West had been limited to the old United States flint-lock muskets changed into percussion, or the Belgian musket imported early in the war-almost as dangerous to the person firing it as to the one aimed
ncoln, when driven to do so, used this weapon of ridicule with telling effect. He knew its power, and on one occasion, in the rejoinder of a debate, drove his opponent in tears from the platform. Although devoid of any natural ability as a singer Abe nevertheless made many efforts and had great appreciation of certain songs. In after years he told me he doubted if he really knew what the harmony of sound was. The songs in vogue then were principally of the sacred order. They were from Watts' and Dupuy's hymn-books. David Turnham furnished me with a list, marking as especial favorites the following: Am I a soldier of the cross ; How tedious and Tasteless the hours ; There is a fountain filled with blood, and, Alas, and did my Saviour Bleed? One song pleased Abe not a little. I used to sing it for old Thomas Lincoln, relates Turnham, at Abe's request. The old gentleman liked it and made me sing it often. I can only remember one couplet: There was a Romish lady She was
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
o go farther, nor remain at Meridian, so he retraced his steps leisurely back to Canton, where he arrived on the 26th, with four hundred prisoners, a thousand white Unionist refugees, and about five thousand negroes of all ages. He reported his own loss during the whole expedition at only one hundred and seventy-one men. During that raid, Sherman destroyed a vast amount of property, and spread dismay throughout the Confederacy from the Mississippi to the Savannah. When he first started, Watts, the Governor of Alabama, issued an appeal Feb. 6. to the people of that State, and called upon them to turn out to resist the threatened invasion. General Polk telegraphed Feb. 10. to General D. Maury, commander at Mobile, that Sherman was marching from Morton on that city, when the non-combatants were requested to leave it; and it was believed, when he was at Meridian, that both Selma and Mobile would be visited by him. Great relief was felt when he turned his face westward, leaving Mer
h of November, when about leaving Tuscumbia, Alabama, on a tour of inspection to Corinth, Mississippi, I was informed by General Hood of the report just received by him, that Sherman would probably move from Atlanta into Georgia. I instructed him at once to repeat his orders to General Wheeler to watch closely Sherman's movements, and, should he move as reported, to attack and harass him at all favorable points. I telegraphed to Lieutenant General Taylor at Selma, Alabama, to call on Governor Watts, of Alabama, and Governor Clarke, of Mississippi, for all the State troops that they could furnish; and with all the available moveable forces of his department, to keep himself in readiness to move at a moment's notice, to the assistance of Major General Howell Cobb and Major General G. W. Smith, who were then at or about Griffin, Georgia, threatening Atlanta. I also telegraphed to General Cobb to call upon Governor Brown, of Georgia, and Governor Bonham, of South Carolina, for all t
Dr. Watts to Jonathan. (A Spiritual Communication.--Medium, Miss Punch.) Let Dons delight to shoot and smite Their fellers, no ways slow; Let coons and wild-cats scratch and fight, ‘Cos 'tis their natur‘ too; But, Yankees, guess you shouldn't let Sich ‘tarnal dander rise; Your hands warn't made to draw the bead On one another'
Andrew Jackson, P. 138 Dorchester, Mass., liberality of, D. 58 Dorr, J. C. R., P. 5 Doubleday, —, his battery, D. 92 Douglas, S. A., his opinion of the right of secession, P. 41; his remarks on the position of General Scott, Doc. 121; speech at Chicago, Ill., Doc. 298; speech before the Illinois Legislature, D. 45; death of, D. 91; dying words of P. 110 Dover, Delaware, meeting at, D. 103 Dover, N. H., Union meeting at, D. 25 Draper, Simeon, D. 52 Dr. Watts to Jonathan, P. 99 Duganne, A. J. H., P. 19 Dummer, C. H., D. 28 Dumont, E., report of the battle of Philippi, Va., Doc. 333 Duncombe T. (Eng.), D. 83; speech in the English House of Commons, May 23, Doc. 302 Dunkirk, N. Y., meeting at, D. 35 Duryea, A., Col., D. 77, 82; Doc. 271; at Hampton, Va., D. 80; proclamation to the people of Hampton, Va., Doc. 296; report of the battle at Great Bethel, Va., Doc. 358 Duryea, Lieut., D. 91 D'Utassy, Frederic
minutes before two P. M.; at which time I had but four guns fit for service. At five minutes before two, finding it impossible to maintain the Fort, and wishing to spare the lives of the gallant men under my command, and on consultation with my officers, I surrendered the Fort. Our casualties are small. The effect of our shot was severely felt by the enemy, whose superior and overwhelming force alone gave them the advantage. The surrender of Fort Henry involves that of Capt. Taylor, Lieut. Watts, Lieut. Weller, and one other officer of artillery; Capts. Hayden and Miller, of the engineers; Captains H. L. Jones and McLaughlin, Quartermaster's Department; A. A. General McConnico, and myself, with some fifty privates and twenty sick, together with all the munitions of war in and about the Fort. I communicate this result with deep regret, but feel that I performed my whole duty in the defence of my post. I take occasion to bear testimony to the gallantry of the officers and men
Rev. Dr. Watts, in his Hymns, Book I., hymn 99, says: Vain are the hopes that rebels place Upon their birth and blood. Descended from a pious race, Their fathers now with God. He from the caves of earth and hell Can take the hardest stones, And fill the house of Abraham well With new-created sons.
rom Ohio said that he had heretofore answered this book in the House, and that I had heard his speech. I always liked to hear the speech he made to-day. [Laughter.] I have listened to it several times. [Laughter.] We shall not probably have the pleasure at the next Congress of hearing my friend from Ohio rehearse this speech here, because I think, in the light of the recent elections in Ohio, and particularly in the district of the honorable gentleman, I can say to him, in the language of Watts, and in the spirit of the utmost kindness: You living man, come view the ground Where you must shortly lie. I desire to show the House what the gentleman from Ohio has written in regard to the African, in a book entitled A Buckeye Abroad; or, Wanderings in Europe and in the Orient. By S. S. Cox. He is describing St. Peter's, and says: In the mean time, seraphic music from the Pope's select choir ravishes the ear, while the incense titillates the nose. Soon there arises in the cham
n I approached. with as Christian an expression as my principles would allow, and asked the question--Shall I try to make you more comfortable, sir? all I got for my pains was a gruff- No; I'll do it myself. Here's your Southern chivalry, with a witness, thought I, dumping the basin down before him, thereby quenching a strong desire to give him a summary baptism, in return for his ungraciousness; for my angry passions rose, at this rebuff, in a way that would have scandalized good Dr. Watts. He was a disappointment in all respects, (the rebel, not the blessed Doctor,) for he was neither fiendish, romantic, pathetic, or anything interesting; but a long, fat man, with a head like a burning bush, and a perfectly expressionless face: so I could dislike him without the slightest drawback, and ignored his existence from that day forth. One redeeming trait he certainly did possess, as the floor speedily testified; for his ablutions were so vigorously performed, that his bed soon