Browsing named entities in The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman). You can also browse the collection for Washington or search for Washington in all documents.

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conditions which it imposed relative to the interior construction, it relinquished to the parish a strip of land in order that the building might be set further back from the street than the site of the former house. It was in this church that Washington attended divine service when in Cambridge at the head of the army. It was here that the convention to frame a constitution for Massachusetts held its sessions in 1779. It was here that Lafayette was received in 1824, and here also, for three n of which he had assisted, and of which he had from the beginning been a part. No life that was lost in that battle better conveys the lesson of devotion to principle and the cheerful surrender of life in its behalf. On the 3d of July, General Washington assumed command of the army in Cambridge. His first headquarters were in the President's House, still standing in the college yard, on Massachusetts Avenue, and sometimes called the Wadsworth House. After a few days they were transferred
ched over to Bunker Hill, and about midnight began their work. This Common contained also the famous elm under which Washington took command of the Continental Army. On his arrival at Cambridge in 1775, he found upwards of nine thousand militia e were ordered to be transported to Cambridge to be used in the siege of Boston. General Knox was a great favorite of Washington, and to him was given the execution of the order to remove one hundred of the heavy cannon, captured by Allen, from Crusetts down to the sea. The cannon were too cumbersome for field use, but were especially adapted for siege-guns, which Washington stood greatly in need of for the seven miles of redoubts around Boston. After the British evacuated Boston, the cannonare destined to keep peaceful vigil through the dim future over the first camp ground of the Revolution,—the spot where Washington and his generals organized that gallant army which, after years of struggle and vicissitude, won for the nation a glori
North Amercan continent; the place where the first book in America was printed; the scene of many of the noblest passages in the colonial history of New England; the point where the prows of British boats touched the sand as the march on Lexington was begun; the soil on which occurred some of the hardest fighting of that eventful day; the gathering-place of the colonists; the point of departure for the epoch-marking battle of Bunker Hill; that tree still standing on the Common under which Washington took command of the American army; the centre of the army in the fateful siege of Boston; one of its extant mansions the prison of Burgoyne after the fatal blow, at Saratoga, to British supremacy on this continent; notable, from the days of the Revolution to this hour, for many great events; the sender-forth of the first company to be received into the service of the nation in its struggle for the suppression of the Rebellion; an intellectual centre unequaled, on the whole, by anything on
! In searching in 1870, to find the place of burial preparatory to erecting this monument, excavations were made along the northerly line of the grounds, and several skulls were found with bullet holes, showing where some of our killed at Bunker Hill were buried; but the grave of Colonel Thomas Gardner, a prominent citizen of Cambridge, a member of the Congress at Watertown with General Joseph Warren, is unknown. He was mortally wounded at Bunker Hill. The first official order of General Washington here, July 4, 1775, was for full military honors at his funeral that day. Near this locality is the grave of John Hughes, a young man who died and was buried among strangers. The inscription on the headstone reads: Beneath this tomb rests the remains of Mr. John Hughes, of Norwich in Connecticut. He died in his country's cause, July ye 25th, A. D. 1775, in ye 21st year of his age. Reader, Death is a debt to nature due; As i have paid it, so must you. Another has a similar i
children to bring excuses from their parents before being allowed to take their seats. Such works as Sparks's Lives of Washington and Franklin should be placed in school libraries,—an invaluable substitute for juvenile romances and cheap newspaper ne college; the holiday routes of the British to Concord and Lexington; the bloody routes of their return; the elm where Washington took command of the army, the mansion where he lived with Lady Washington, the little church that both attended; the siLady Washington, the little church that both attended; the site of the ramparts thrown up in the siege of Boston; the winding road—old Tory Row—by which the army of Washington marched out of Cambridge for New York and by which, not long after, the army of Burgoyne from New York marched into Cambridge; Hollis,Washington marched out of Cambridge for New York and by which, not long after, the army of Burgoyne from New York marched into Cambridge; Hollis, Stoughton, Holworthy, and the rest,—the sometime homes of scores of men subsequently distinguished in their respective fields of service; the site of the gambrel-roofed house where Holmes was born; the stately home of Lowell among the pines and nea
as a stimulus to any student. Longfellow, whose house at Cambridge stands near the school, most truly said:— Lives of great men all remind us We may make our lives sublime. Cambridge has been the home of many great men in the realms of literature and art. Here during the college terms, and indeed throughout the year, are gathered men who are facile princeps in their own peculiar fields of work. The patriotic spirit is stirred by the daily sight of the Washington Elm, under which Washington is said to have drawn his sword when he took command of the American army. Upon this favored town have descended in especial force inspiring influences from the patriot Washington, the gentle and sweet-spirited Longfellow, the genial Holmes, and the broad-minded Lowell. Thus an atmosphere is created which is calculated to sustain the studious spirit. Fitting School for boys and girls. In 1879, Miss K. V. Smith was encouraged by Ezra Abbot, John Fiske, Charles Eliot Norton, and Fr
and grown with the village and town and city. The separation of church and parish took place while the meetinghouse of 1756 was the common home. It was a famous building. Of this house President Quincy wrote: In this edifice all the public Commencements and solemn inaugurations, during more than seventy years, were celebrated; and no building in Massachusetts can compare with it in the number of distinguished men who at different times have been assembled within its walls. The names of Washington, Lafayette, Everett, and others, readily come to mind. The remainder of this part of the story can be briefly told. The First Church, under Dr. Holmes's ministry, worshiped for a time in the old court-house. In December, 1829, Rev. Nehemiah Adams was settled as Dr. Holmes's colleague, and he remained as pastor after Dr. Holmes's resignation in 1831, and until 1834. Meantime the house on Mount Auburn and Holyoke streets was erected. Rev. John A. Albro had a very useful ministry from A
ins with the organization of Amicable Lodge, for which the preliminary steps were taken as early as February 6, 1805. Even at this early period Masonry held an honored place in the community. It had been of importance still earlier, in the days of the Revolution, and had assisted materially in the struggle which transformed a group of dependent colonies into a nation. The quarter-century which had passed since the surrender of Cornwallis had not obliterated the memory of those days when Washington was at the head of a lodge, and when Joseph Warren, Paul Revere, and other Revolutionary heroes were accustomed to meet at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern and talk of freedom as a Masonic principle. The Masonic Association, which was inaugurated in Cambridge by eighteen brethren on the 6th of February, 1805, was known at first as the Aurora Society. Meetings were held at Hovey's Tavern, on the southwest corner of Main and Douglass streets. The original call included a statement of purpose