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born and Monticello, and a rebel battery at Sewell's Point north of Elizabeth River, Virginia.--(Doc. 177.) Two schooners with secession troops on board were taken by U. S. steamer Freeborn, in the Potomac, 10 miles below Fort Washington.--N. Y. World, May 21. The rebels at Harper's Ferry, Md., were reinforced from the south. Two thousand troops arrived from Mississippi and two regiments from Alabama.--N. Y. Herald, May 21. A meeting of the New York Bible Society was held, in reference to supplying the Bible to all soldiers, who go to fight for the Federal Government. Wm. Allen Butler presided, and speeches were made by the president, Dr. Tyng, Dr. Hitchcock, and others.--(Doc. 178.) A body of 1,000 Virginians and South Carolinians from Harper's Ferry took a position on the Virginia side of the Potomac, opposite Williamsport, a town about seven miles from Iagerstown, Md. They there were in a situation to command the ferry at that spot.--Philadelphia Press, May 21.
Louisville Journal, June 14. The Nineteenth N. Y. Regiment, Colonel Clark commander, left Elmira for Washington, via Harrisburg. An immense concourse of people witnessed the departure. Great enthusiasm prevailed.--N. Y. Herald, June 7. A meeting was held at the Cooper Institute, in New York, for the purpose of securing the co-operation of citizens in the endeavor to provide for the religious wants of volunteers. Win. E. Dodge, Esq., presided, and addresses were made by Rev. Drs. Tyng and Hitchcock, after which the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting the project of the Young Men's Christian Association, to provide for the religious wants of the Volunteers, is worthy of public confidence and co-operation, and that we commend the same to the support of the churches and the community. Resolved, That Messrs. William E. Dodge, Wilson G.!Hunt, Benj. F. Maniere, Benj. W. Bonney, and Alexander W. Bradford, be appointed a committe
ing was held in Cooper Institute, at New York, to express sympathy for and take measures to furnish relief to those loyal inhabitants of North Carolina, who, deprived of their usual means of support, and overawed and crushed by rebels in arms, are reduced to great straits of suffering. The Hon. Geo. Bancroft presided. Eloquent addresses were made by the Chairman, by the Rev. M. N. Taylor, T. W. Conway, William Cullen Bryant, Gen. A. E. Burnside, Prof. Roswell C. Hitchcock, Dr. Lieber, the Rev. Dr. Tyng, and others. J. M. Morrison and W. E. Dodge, jr., were appointed to receive subscriptions and donations of supplies. The New York Second regiment of Light Artillery left their camp at Elm Park, Staten Island, for the seat of war. Previous to its departure the regiment was presented with a stand of colors, the gift of Gen. Morgan, whose name the regiment bears.--The Fifty-eighth regiment N. Y. V., Col. W. Krzyzanowski, left New York city for the seat of war. Gen. Hunter repud
cott; Perhaps not better, but full as well; Rather than live, so I would be shot, Picked of my feathers, boiled in a pot; Rather would list to my funeral knell, Be dead and be buried and go to — well, Send me to climes where orange trees bloom, There let me rest my wearied head, Fan my feathers with sweet perfume; Let music of honest contentment come, With manly hearts I find my home, And sleep in their shade when dead. Bird of the broad and sweeping wing, They have swept your nest with a dirty broom, Tarnished your glorious covering; From Tammany Hall I hear them sing, Weed and Morgan and Governor King, Vanderbilt, Law, Beecher, and Tyng-- Priest and pirate, together they come. Arise, proud Eagle I thy bird of fame I Phoenix-like soar from thy burning nest; Not wrong nor oppression thy spirit can tame, Or drive away truth from thy noble breast. Come, proud Eagle! our old bird, come! And live in an honest Southern home. Charles Dullness. St. Charles Hotel, New-Orleans, May 10, 1861
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), The Richmond young men to those of New York. (search)
r Government for fear it might be. May God forgive you; your position is utterly false, and my heart bleeds that men calling themselves Christians can connect themselves with so wicked a cause, even calling it holy, and daring to compare it with that of our God-protected fathers!! Your Christians will meet ours in battle. The Seventh regiment of New York numbers many of our members. The Twelfth and Seventy-First as well; and to-morrow the Ninth takes others, active earnest Christians. Dr. Tyng's son is second in command of a company now in Washington. My friend Mr. Abbott, corresponding secretary of the Trenton Association, is also under arms. Mr Haddock, of Troy, writes me the same. Upon you and your institution must rest the responsibility of this fratricidal war, and shirk it or dissemble it how you may, God will require an account of every man who abets the treason of the South. I cannot pray for the Southern Confederacy. noble heath, Jr., Cor. Sec'y N. Y. Young Men's
o part in the fight. the surrender. great excitement in the North. its true meaning. the crusade against the South. Dr. Tyng's exhortation. conduct of Northern Democrats. Dickinson, Everett, and Cochrane. President Lincoln's proclamation. hi is almost impossible to describe. The holiness of this crusade was preached, alike, from the hustings and the pulpit. Dr. Tyng, a celebrated minister of New York, assembled certain roughs and marauders of that city, known as Billy Wilson's men, prof sentiment emanating from two of the most conspicuous Episcopal divines of the country-Bishop Meade of Virginia, and Doctor Tyng of New York. The report of the first venerable Diocesan to the Episcopal Convention of Virginia, on the eve of the to be faithful soldiers of the Cross, as well as valiant and successful defenders of the State. About the same time, Dr. Tyng addressed a public meeting in New York, with reference to the war. He said he would not descend to call it civil warfare
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 3. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Anti-Slavery Poems (search)
cheap praise to beguile. The ear of God, dishonoring man the while; Who dreams the pearl gate's hinges, rusty grown, Are moved by flattery's oil of tongue alone; That in the scale Eternal Justice bears The generous deed weighs less than selfish prayers, And words intoned with graceful unction move The Eternal Goodness more than lives of truth and love. Alas, the Church! The reverend head of Jay, Enhaloed with its saintly silvered hair, Adorns no more the places of her prayer; And brave young Tyng, too early called away, Troubles the Haman of her courts no more Like the just Hebrew at the Assyrian's door; And her sweet ritual, beautiful but dead As the dry husk from which the grain is shed, And holy hymns from which the life devout Of saints and martyrs has wellnigh gone out, Like candles dying in exhausted air, For Sabbath use in measured grists are ground; And, ever while the spiritual mill goes round, Between the upper and the nether stones, Unseen, unheard, the wretched bondman gro
Judge F. W. Hulling, a sugar plant Plaquemine, La., was killed on the Jack Railroad at Amite City, on the 22d, by train running over him. It was reported in Washington, on the of June, that Vice-President A. H. Step was dead. The four States of Maine, Massachuset New Hampshire and New York, have an gregate of thirty-seven living ex-Govern Wm. G. Robertson, of Montgomery Md., was instantly killed by lightening Wednesday of last week. Sunday, the 22d ult., was the hottest experienced for many years at Charleston C. The thermometer indicated 101. The Rev. Dr. Tyng has become the proprietor and manager of the Fr- Churchman. Victor Emanuel sent magnificent pr- to Garibaldi's daughter on the occasion marriage. The niece of a sheep sheared at Tol- week, weighed 29 ¼ pounds. Col. Colt's, the revolver man, city ta- Hartford, Conn., are $5,750 per annum. The verdict in the Burch divorce ca- been set aside, and a new trial is granted.
Current events facts and Incidents — war matters-- Choice extracts from Northern journals, &c., &c. The Rev. H. R. Scott has addressed a letter to Dr. Tyng, date St. Paul's Rectory, Va., August 12th, 1861, giving some facts in connection with the battle of Manassas, which is published in the Baltimore Exchange. We make some extracts: Never has any army been more deluded than that "grand army" which retreated so hastily from Manassas. In trying to minister to the spiritual comfort of the many wounded that have been left behind, I have had frequent opportunities of hearing, from their own lips, an account of the gross deception which had been practiced upon them. They were told that the great body of the people in the South were Union men, ready to rally around the "Stars and Stripes" as soon as they could do it with safety. While, on the contrary, there never has, in the history of the world, been seen a greater determination in any people to struggle, even unt
y avenue was one immense arena of flags; when the horses in the carriages were decorated with the stars as well as the stripes; when the women invoked the soldiers to bring them home, each of them, a Southern man's head; when Greeley promised every man a nice farm in Virginia; when Beauty and Booty was placarded in the streets; when Billy Wilson and his regiment of burglars knelt in the Astor House and swore to kill and eat the entire Southern country in ten days from date, and when the pious Tyng gave them his blessing, and said that he thought such devotion to their country might be the means of their salvation. Those, too, were the times when Christian Associations decorated the envelopes of their letters with representations of Jeff. Davis swinging from a gallows, and Ellsworth's Zouaves keeping guard around the scaffold. But that hour of jubilant diabolism, in which Satan seemed to be let loose, and all his subordinate devils permitted to take possession of the swinish herd of t