Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Treadway or search for Treadway in all documents.

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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.public meeting — College military companies. Hampden Sidney College, Va., Jan, 21st. There was a meeting of the "sovereigns" of Prince Edward, at the court-house to-day, to nominate representatives to the Convention. Messrs. Thornton, Treadway and Wishum were names mentioned, but the nomination was deferred. There seemed to be quite a disunion sentiment abroad, and men seemed to be thinking that they ought to act. By the way, in to-day's Dispatch I see a communication from "Rutherford," which refers to a military company organized at College. The company was organized, but the faculty, "noble and reverend senieurs," laid some unpalatable restrictions upon it, and it was abolished. The students, however, have determined to enlist in various volunteer companies in case of a war, and to fight boldly.--At the court-house, to-day, there were but one or two papers going around to get up companies--one for a cavalry company. It is r