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mules, fifteen stand of arms, and one stand of colors. Sixth. Lieutenant Mason, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from a scout to Norristown, having captured three deserters, and destroyed five flats and skiffs. Tenth. A scouting party, consisting of one lieutenant and twenty men, of the Tenth Illinois cavalry volunteers, ran into a small party of Confederates about twenty miles north of Little Rock, killing and wounding four, and taking one prisoner. Eleventh. Lieutenant Treadway, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from scout to near Devil's Fork, having killed rebel Captain Christopher and one man. Twelfth. Captain Gill, Third Arkansas cavalry volunteers, returned to Lewisburg, having had a fight with Captain Adams' company on the Arkansas river, near Petit Jean, in which he killed two and wounded several of the enemy. Fourteenth. A battalion of the Fourth Arkansas cavalry returned from scout through Saline, Hot Springs, and Montgomery count
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.public meeting — College military companies. Hampden Sidney College, Va., Jan, 21st. There was a meeting of the "sovereigns" of Prince Edward, at the court-house to-day, to nominate representatives to the Convention. Messrs. Thornton, Treadway and Wishum were names mentioned, but the nomination was deferred. There seemed to be quite a disunion sentiment abroad, and men seemed to be thinking that they ought to act. By the way, in to-day's Dispatch I see a communication from "Rutherford," which refers to a military company organized at College. The company was organized, but the faculty, "noble and reverend senieurs," laid some unpalatable restrictions upon it, and it was abolished. The students, however, have determined to enlist in various volunteer companies in case of a war, and to fight boldly.--At the court-house, to-day, there were but one or two papers going around to get up companies--one for a cavalry company. It is r
. Baldwin, of Augusta, was appointed in his place. Mr. Clemens also asked to be excused from saving, on the ground of physical disability. The request was granted, and Mr. Jackson, of Wood, was appointed instead. The President announced the Committee on Elections as follows: Messrs. Haymond of Marion, Goggin of Bedford, Brown of Preston, Chambliss of Greensville and Sussex, Caperion of Monroe, Ambler of Louisa, Gray of Rockbridge, Hunton of Prince William, Campbell of Washington, Treadway of Pittsylvania, Hall of Lancaster, Sheffey of Smythe, and Patrick of Kanawha. The President submitted a package of election returns, which were referred to the appropriate committee. Resolutions. Mr. Sutheruin offered a resolution, which was adopted, admitting editors and reporters of newspapers generally, throughout the State, to seats in the Hall, under the direction of the President. Mr.Turner offered a resolution, which was adopted, tendering the grateful acknowledgm
ll, Upshur, Wise, Wyoming and York.-- Should the returns from the delinquent counties be received, the result of the vote will be reported. On motion of Mr. Haymond, the report was laid on the table. report on Coercive Measures. Mr. Treadway, from a special committee appointed a few days since, asked leave to submit the following report: The Committee to whom was referred a resolution with instructions "to inquire and report as speedily as practicable, whether any movement ofe in Virginia within the last twelve months." "Very respectfully, your obd't. serv't, "N. Holt, Secretary of War." Mr. Early moved that 10,000 copies of the report be printed for the use of the members. Negatived. On motion of Mr. Treadway, the report was laid on the table, and the usual number ordered to be printed. Unfinished business. The Convention proceeded to the consideration of the amendment offered yesterday by Mr. Harvie, instructing the Committee on Federal R
Hughes, Hull, Hunton, Jackson, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, Kilby, Lawson, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Charles K. Mallory, James B. Mallory, Marshall, Marr, Marye, Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffett, Morton, Moore, Neblett, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Patrick, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robert E. Scott, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Strange, Summers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Tayloe, Thornton, Treadway, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Waller, Whitfield, Willey, Wilson, and Wysor.--113. So the amendment was lost. The question recurring on the original resolution, the vote was taken viva voce, and resulted in its adoption. It reads as follows: 1. Be it Resolved and Declared by the People of the State of Virginia, in Convention Assembled, That the States which composed the United States of America, when the Federal Constitution was formed, were independent sovereignties, and in a
en elect by districts. Mr. Scott moved to amend by selecting one nominee for the State at large from East, and the other from the West, of the Blue Ridge. A division of the various questions before the Convention was called for. Mr. Treadway dissected the whole subject of electing to offices in a vein of keen crony. The division was not ordered. The first proposition to elect two members at large was adopted. The second proposition, in reference to locality, was carried Mr. Montague moved to lay the whole subject on the table. Not carried. The resolution was then adopted. Nominations were now ordered to be made for the election of members in vacant Congressional Districts. Richmond District. Mr. Treadway nominated Hon. James A. Seddon, of Goochland. Withdrawn. Mr. Johnson nominated Mr. William H. Macfarland. Mr. Harris nominated Hon. D. C. Dejarnette, of Caroline. Messrs. Neeson and Ambler favored the election of Mr. Dejarnette.
followed Mr. Barbour in support of paying this interest as a necessity required by the honor of the State. Mr. Montague denied that the repudiation would be sanctioned by any principle of international or public law. Were this proposition correct, (which we doubt,) we should, as soon as possible, "become a law unto ourselves," and follow the commonest dictates of nature in our self-preservation. The discussion was conducted by Messrs. McFarland and Garnett against, and Messrs. Conrad, Treadway and Barbour in favor of the ordinance. Mr. J. Barbour's rejoinder was marked by great ability and force, and produced quite an impression. Mr. Morton advocated a substitute proposing that the interest be paid in Richmond in currency. Mr. Ambler moved to amend the original ordinance. At this point of the discussion Mr. Beanch moved an adjournment. Not carried. Mr. Pendleton moved a postponement of the ordinance and amendment for ten minutes. No quorum.--A motion to adjourn was carr
Captains William J. Sergeant, J. P. Fitzgerald, and Lieutenant E. C. Crump. The vote is small, in consequence of a large number of the men being absent on detached service and the very inclement weather. The 23d, with a portion of Shumaker's and Anderson's Batteries, gave the following vote: Davis and Stephens, 164. Congressional Districts--3d District, Lyons, 7; MacFarlane, 3; Tyler, 1. 4th District, Pryor, 18. 5th District, Bocock, 36; T. F. Goode, 12. 6th District, John Goode, 4; Treadway, 3. 7th District, Holcombe, 4; Leake, 1. 8th District, Dejarnette, 35; Morton, 22. The 37th Regiment, (Colonel Fulkerson,) gave 300 votes for Davis and Stephens, and in the 13th Congressional District, gave Walter Preston 219; F. McMullin, 81. The 44th regiment (Col. Wm. C. Scott) gave 183 votes for Davis and Stephens. Holcombe received 59 and Leake 11 votes in the 7th Congressional District; in the 4th District, Pryor received 71; Bocock 71, and T. F. Goode I vote for the 5th Di
ubstitute was offered by Mr. Brooke. "But no naturalized citizen of this State who shall have become such after the termination of the existing war, shall be privileged to vote until he shall have previously resided for ten years in some one of the Confederate States. Rejection — ayes 46, noes 63. The question recurred on Mr. Nelson's amendment, viz: "or who has not been a naturalized citizen of either of the Confederate States for twelve years next preceding he said elections"--and Mr. Treadway offered a substitute, which was rejected, and he previous question having been or cred, Mr. Nelson's amendment was also defeated — ayes 44, noes 60. Mr. Donman said it was clear that the Convention was determined to adopt the section as thus far amended, and he therefore called the previous question, which was sustained, and the first section of Article III was adopted, as follows: "Every white male citizen of the Commonwealth, of the age of twenty-one years, who has been a resi
Fletcher, Ewing, Huntt, McLaughlin, Thrash, Taylor, Boggs. Clerk's Office--Messrs. Reid, Thomas, Baskerville, Lynn, Graton, Murdaugh, Carpenter, Nelson of Fluvanna, Boggs Roads, &c--Messrs. Sheffey, Carpenter, Baskervill, Ward, Flood, Treadway, Anderson of Rockbridge, Murdaugh, Saunders of Fairfax, Saunders of Campbell, Woodson, Wynne, Rowan, and Staples. Board of Public Works--Messrs. Banks, Gatewood, Steger, Barbour, Anderson, of Rockbridge, Rutherfoord, Spady, Harrison, McCamaon of Norfolk, Walker, Woodhouse, Matthews, Huntt, Dunn, and Gillespie. Register's Office.--Messrs. Brooks, Lively, Wright, Mattheus, Irby, Hopkins, Jordan, Williams, and Garrison. Schools and Colleges.--Messrs. Newton, Minor, Riddick, Treadway, Tate, Daniel, Saunders of Franklin, Crockett, Spady, Read, Curtis, Booten, Noland, Wright, and Laidley. Resolutions of Inquiry. By Mr. Jones: Of authorizing the banks of this Common wealth to issue a larger amount than 5 per cent. of t