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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—the American army. (search)
or them, the naval division of Commodore Stockton was waiting for them at San Diego, and a detachment of marines and soldiers, sent by the latter, brought them on the 11th of December the succor they had so greatly needed. Resuming his march after fifteen days rest, with his troops reinforced by more than four hundred and fifty men from the garrison of San Diego, Kearny dispersed the Mexicans at the river of San Gabriel on the 8th of January, 1847. The next day he again defeated them at Los Angeles, and being joined by a battalion of Mormons which had arrived from the north, he at last occupied Upper California in concert with Lieutenant-Colonel Fremont. During this expedition, which secured to its general the title of governor of the new State, the two regiments of cavalry that Kearny had left at Santa Fe did not remain inactive. One, commanded by Colonel Sterling Price, whom we shall find later in the Confederate army, was making strenuous efforts to crush the insurrection of
The Daily Dispatch: may 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Gen. Harney's account of his arrest and subsequent Adventures in Virginia. (search)
The Assembly has passed the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States, by a vote of ayes 61, hoes 9. Messrs. J. W. Denver, and Samuel Smith have been appointed Commissioners to proceed to Washington with vouchers, and adjust the California war debt with the Federal Government. Late accounts from Mariposa state that the Fremont dam will be repaired, so that all the quartz mills can resume operations within two weeks. A gold excitement is prevailing at Los Angeles, based on the recent reported discoveries in the mountains southeast of that place. The Portland (Oregon) Advertiser, of the 15th, says the news received by the last trip of the Julia is confirmatory of the richness of the Nez Perces mines. Mr. Geary, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, in conjunction with Agent Caie, has effected an agreement with the Nez Perces Indians, to open a portion of their country to the miners, with a provision for a military force in the vicinity, and t
gain even a reasonable chance of re-election. Lieut. Col. B. L. Hall, of the First Dragoons, U. S. A., has arrived in San Francisco, and has assumed command of the California division in place of Gen. Clark, deceased. There was quite an extensive fire in the village of Oakland, on the opposite side of the bay from San Francisco last evening, destroying an entire square of wooden buildings. The loss is heavy, but its amount has not been ascertained. An effort was making at Los Angeles to push forward the telegraph on the Butter field route, from that place to the Colorado, one party having subscribed $10,000 for the purpose.-- This was before news was received of the intention of the Eastern companies to build their lines to California by the Central or Salt Lake route. Accounts from Washoe state that a new tunnel eleven hundred feet long had been completed, striking the Comstock lead two hundred feet below the surface, at which depth the are taken yields $1,200 p
portant sales of wheat, to make up a cargo of the ship Old Colony, have been made at $1.82½ to $1.90 per 100 lbs. Samples of new wheat begin to make their appearance in market. The Federal appointees under the present Administration are nearly all New Englanders. Under the last Administration they were nearly all natives of the Southern States, with a preponderance in favor of Virginia. General Johnson, formerly stationed in the military command of this coast, was still at Los Angeles on the 15th instant. A valuable service of silver plate had been presented to him by his California friends. It is rumored that he will shortly leave for Texas by the overland route, and will be accompanied by some fifty Californians, who seek service under Jefferson Davis. General Johnson had received information from Washington that his resignation from the Federal army was accepted. The Los Angeles Star, of the 15th instant, contains news from Arizona and the Southeastern borde
lly, Ed. L. Cressy; Assistant Surgeons J. C. McKee, C. H. Alden. They had all been paroled, and were to leave by way of Santa Fe. Col. John R. Baylor had issued a proclamation taking possession of Arizona in the name of the Confederate States of America, and establishing temporarily and until the action of Congress a form of government. The Times adds: The following-named gentlemen, under command of Captain Alonzo Ridley, arrived in our city on the 31st ult. from Los Angeles, California: Resigned army officers. Gen. A. S. Johnston, a native of Kentucky, late in command of the Department of California, was commander of the Utah expedition, and whose likeness been spent in the service of the Government, and in hazardous duties, and in important and responsible trusts. Brevet Maj. L. A. Armisted, late of the 6th Infantry. Lt. A. B. Hardcastle, late of the 6th Infantry. Lt. E. B. D. Riley, late of the 4th Infantry. Lt. Francia Mallory, late of th
A. S. Johnson, late in command of the Pacific Division, but the San Francisco Morning Chronicle pronounces them all untrue. It seems that Johnson started from Los Angeles with a company ostensibly for the destination of Texas. After the party left Los Angeles, a disagreement occurred and they divided. Gen. Johnson returned Los Angeles, a disagreement occurred and they divided. Gen. Johnson returned to this city and took passage for the East on the steamer, and a portion of the original party, under command of a resident of Los Angeles and a well-known citizen of this place, proceeded into Mexico. The reports that Gen. Johnson had arrived in Virginia, and that he had accepted the command of the late Gen. Garnett, are incorrecr, and a portion of the original party, under command of a resident of Los Angeles and a well-known citizen of this place, proceeded into Mexico. The reports that Gen. Johnson had arrived in Virginia, and that he had accepted the command of the late Gen. Garnett, are incorrect. Our informant is of the most reliable character.
f the ablest Generals of the age. The movements of both the General and Capt. Ridley were so narrowly watched by the Black Republican army officers stationed at Los Angeles, that it became necessary that the organization and meeting of the company should be as secret as possible. --Every pretext was resorted to in order to obtain ajury was summoned from among the ranks of the Blacks, and every effort made to indict Ridley for treason; four companies of United States troops were ordered to Los Angeles, and it seemed as madness to undertake a departure. However, our men were not to be daunted. Like the Templar, when menaced by Richard the Lion-Hearted, they made front against the whole power of the State, proclaiming their intention to depart in peace, if unassailed. On the 20th of June last, the party left Los Angeles, and on the 30th of the same month commenced its journey across the great Colorado desert. At Fort Yuma the Federal force of two companies of infantry, with four
The Daily Dispatch: October 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], A national debt of six hundred millions. (search)
udge John McHenry, formerly of the Fifth District Court of New Orleans, was arrested in San Francisco yesterday, on complaint of a soldier in the United States service. The Judge had been trying to induce him to desert and join the party that were going where he could get better pay. Not much importance is attached to this affair, but it only shows the sensitiveness here on the war question. The Los Angeles Star, of the 19th of September, complains that a correspondent, writing from Los Angeles to a San Francisco paper, has misrepresented and greatly exaggerated the number and doings of the Secessionists in the southern counties. The Star remarks:--We require troops here for the general protection. The condition of affairs in San Bernardino earnestly demands redress: The officers of the law require the presence of a military force to aid as a posse to enable them to bring back the natives who have thrown themselves into the country. In this way the military can be useful; but
muscle, is said to be £100 a week, which is exactly the amount of the pay of the President of the United States. Indeed, so popular is he with the people of England, that even the glory of his name has been sought in the person of his younger brother, at an offer of some thirty or forty pounds a week, to spar for a rival traveling company, and whenever the American Champion shows himself in the streets of English cities, crowds follow and cheer him as he goes along. Indian insurrection in California. --The California papers relate that a formidable insurrection of Indians has broken out in the Oweas river valley, in the Southeastern part of that State. In two fights they are reported to have defeated the force of regular troops sent against them numbering one hundred, besides seventy-five volunteers.--An express was sent to Los Angeles for aid from Gen. Wright, who dispatched prompt assistance.--The old dispute about cattle stealing, encroachments, &c., is at the bottom.
with the Johnson Island project. Ample preparations have beet, made by Gov. Smith to repel any attack which may be made upon our borders. The New York Tribune has the following paragraph: The Copperheads of Hartford, Conn., elected their ticket for town officers on Monday. The vote was: For Union and Freedom, 1749; for the Rebellion, Jeff. Davis, and Eternal Slavery, 2,068; majority for evil, 319. That model Copperhead, Thomas H. Seymour, got 358 majority last spring. John K. Stetler, convicted of an attempt at fraud in fulfilling his contract for coffee for the army, has been sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary at Albany for five years. At Los Angeles, Cal., on the 21st, an impromptu Vigilance Committee hung five persons charged with murder, highway robbery, and horse-stealing. During the draft in Baltimore a reporter each from the Sun, American, and Clipper was drawn. Thursday last was observed as thanksgiving day throughout the North.