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he complained to the king, controlled the pulpit, the press, and the multitude, overawed the judges, and screened the guilty. The usurpation, said he, has by time acquired a firmness that is not to be annihilated at once, or by ordinary methods. The arrival of Hutchinson in England lulled the king into momentary security. Tryon from New York had said, that the ministers must put forth the whole power of Great Britain, if they would bring America to their feet; Carleton, the governor of Canada, thought it not safe to undertake a march from the Saint Lawrence to New York with an army of less than ten thousand men; but Hutchinson, who, on reaching London, was hurried by Dartmouth to the royal presence without time to change his clothes, assured the king, that the port-bill was the only wise and effective method of bringing the people of Boston to submission; that it had occasioned among them extreme alarm; that no one colony would comply with their request for a general suspension o
but his character was firm, his mode of thinking liberal, and he loved to surround himself with able men. His conversation was reserved; his manner grave and coldly polite. As he served a weak king, he was always on his guard, and to give a categorical answer was his aversion. Like nearly every Frenchman, he was thoroughly a monarchist; and he also loved Louis the Sixteenth, whose good opinion he gained at once and ever retained. Eleven years before, he had predicted that the conquest of Canada would hasten the independence of British America, and he was now from vantage ground to watch his prophecy come true. The philosophers of the day, like the king, wished the happiness of the people, and public opinion required that they should be represented in the cabinet. Maurepas complied, and in July, 1774, the place of minister of the marine was conferred on Turgot, whose name was as yet little known at Paris, and whose artlessness made him even less dangerous as a rival than Vergenn
ers to be detested as traitors cloaked with a pretext of law. It was known that Gage had orders to make arrests; each individual patriot was therefore placed under the protection of his county and of the province. The practice of the military art was declared to be the duty of the people. Gage began to show alarm. He looked about him for more troops; he recommended the repair of Crown Point; and a strong garrison at Ticonderoga; a well-guarded line of communication between New York and Canada. He himself came from Salem to support the chief justice in opening the court at Boston. On the same day began the term of the inferior court at Springfield. But early in the morning, fifteen hundred or two thousand men, with drums and trumpets, marched into that town, set up a black flag at the court-house, and threatened death to any one who should enter. After some treaty, the judges executed a written covenant not to put their commis- Chap. IX.} 1774. Aug. sions in force; Worthin
was uttered by Chatham and Burke, its great representatives; meantime the execution of the sanguinary scheme fell naturally into the hands of the most unscrupulous and subservient English officers, and the most covetous and cruel of the old French partisans. Chap. X.} 1774. Sept. Carleton, from the first, abhorred the measure, which he was yet constrained to promote. You know, wrote he of the Indians to Gage, what sort of people they are. It was true: Gage had himself, in the West and in Canada, grown thoroughly familiar with their method of warfare; and his predecessor in the chief command in America had recorded his opinions of their falseness and cruelty in the most impassioned language of reprobation. But partly from the sense of his own impotence for offensive war, partly from a moral feebleness which could not vividly picture to itself the atrocity of his orders, Gage was unsusceptible of the suggestions of mercy; and without much compunction, he gave directions to propitiat
o adopted another measure, which was without an example. It recognised the political existence and power of the people. While it refused to petition parliament, it addressed the people of the provinces from Nova Scotia to Florida, the people of Canada, the people of Great Britain; making the printing press its great ambassador to the rising power. Of the British people, congress entreated a return to the system of 1763: Prior to this era, said they in the language of Jay, you were content wedding human blood in such an impious cause, we must then tell you that we will never submit to any ministry or nation in the world. A second congress was appointed for May, at which all the colonies of North America, including Nova Scotia and Canada, were invited to appear by their deputies. The ultimate decision of America was then embodied in a petition to the king, written by Dickinson, and imbued in every line with a desire for conciliation. In the list of grievances, congress enumerat
ey referred the consideration of the propriety of sending agents to Canada. The American revolution was destined on every side to lead to endence. For this end it united into one province the territory of Canada, together with all the country northwest of the Ohio to the head of to arms, were still further conciliated by the proposal to enroll Canadian battalions, in which they could hold commissions on equal terms wi. that the Roman Catholic worship was as effectually established in Canada, as the Presbyterian Church in Scotland. When Carleton returned to who carried the act through parliament, is gratefully embalmed in Canadian history. And yet the clergy were conscious that the concession ofef was sincere, but still, for the cause of Great Britain, Catholic Canada could not uplift the banner of the King of Heaven, or seek the perillion through every part of the world. But the desire of including Canada in the confederacy compelled the Protestants of America to adopt an
among various propositions, he asked the repeal of the Quebec act, and insisted on the repeal of the acts regulating the government and changing the laws of Massachusetts. The old colonies, it was objected, have nothing to do with the affairs or Canada. We assisted in its conquest, said Franklin; loving liberty ourselves, we wish to have no foundation for future slavery laid in America. The Massachusetts act, it was urged, is an improvement of that government. The pretended amendments are reamuel Adams, after his return from Philadelphia, they adopted all the recommendations of the continental congress. While Gage delayed to strengthen Crown Point and Ticonderoga, the keys of the North, they established a secret correspondence with Canada. They entreated the ministers of the gospel in the colony, to assist in avoiding that dreadful slavery, with which all were now threatened. You, said they to the collective inhabitants of Massachusetts, are placed by Providence in the post of h
determined in the convention of parliament by small majorities of two or three, and four or five only; the almost unanimity in your assemblies and especially in the continental congress, are providential dispensations in our favor, the clearest demonstration of the cordial, firm, radical, and indissoluble union of the colonies. If Great Britain were united, she could not subdue a country a thousand leagues off. How many years, how many millions, did it take to conquer the poor province of Canada, which yet would never have submitted but on a capitulation, securing religion and property? But Great Britain is not united against us. Millions in England and Scotland think it unrighteous, impolitic, and ruinous to make war upon us; and a minister, though he may have a marble heart, will proceed with a desponding spirit. London has bound her members under their hands to assist us; Bristol has chosen two known friends of America; many of the most virtuous of the nobility and gentry are f
cher James Dean, who was a great master of the language of the Iroquois, to itinerate as a missionary among the tribes in Canada, and brighten the chain of friendship. To the Mohawks, whose ancient territory included Chap. XXVI.} 1775. April. the passes from Canada and the war-paths from the more remote western nations, the Massachusetts congress despatched the humane and thoughtful Kirkland, who had lived among them as a missionary; and who was now instructed to prevail with them either totroops should commit hostilities. Their purpose was communicated in profound secrecy to Thomas Walker, a restless Anglo-Canadian, at Montreal. In my opinion, wrote Walker to Samuel Adams and Joseph Warren, they are the most proper persons for this ause they questioned the right of parliament to tax America. Three days later, Lord North avowed the orders for raising Canadian regiments of French Papists; however, he continued, the dispute with America is not so alarming as some people apprehend
nds of Chap. XXX.} 1775. May 1. powder for sale. Notwithstanding these obstacles, the scheming genius of New England was in the highest activity. While the expedition against Ticonderoga was sanctioned by a commission granted to Benedict Arnold, the congress, which was then sitting in Watertown, received from Jonathan Brewer, of Waltham, a proposition to march with a body of five hundred volunteers to Quebec, by way of the rivers Kennebeck and Chaudiere, in order to draw the governor of Canada, with his troops, into that quarter, and thus secure the northern and western frontiers from inroads. He was sure it could be executed with all the facility imaginable. The design was not then favored, but it did not pass out of mind. Now that Massachusetts had entered into war with Great Britain, next to the want of military stores, the poverty of her treasury, which during the whole winter had received scarcely five thousand pounds of currency to meet all expenses, gave just cause for