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Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903 2 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 1 1 Browse Search
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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
f Thomas concentrating at, 164, 194, 289, 290; S. ordered to, commanding at, and movements near, 165-167, 200, 201, 282—285, 287, 288, 319; the Fourth Corps at, 165, 166, 285; Stanley ordered to, 165, 288, 290; the Twenty-third Corps ordered to, 165-167; Cox's movements near, 167; Hood's advance on, anticipated, 167; Thomas's mistake in sending troops to, 167; possible results of fighting at, 193, 194; defense of, 201, 202; discussion of the situation at, 281-290; the retreat from, 301 Purdy, Tenn., possible movement by Sherman toward, 311 Q Quantrill, W. C., in Shelby's raid, into Missouri, 101; sacks and burns Lawrence, 78 Quinine, 256 R Railroads, use of, in time of war, 526 Raleigh, N. C., Sherman's march to, 327, 334; S.'s headquarters at, 368, 371, 379; refugees prohibited to congregate in, 369; Grant at, 370 Rally Hill, Tenn., Hood takes possession of, 209 Ramsey, Asst. Adjt.-Gen. Robert H., battle of Franklin, 264 Randon, Marshal, French Minister o
ll. Hampton resolved to dislodge De Salaberry, and sent a force under Col. Robert Purdy on the evening of Oct. 25 to force a ford and fall upon the British rear. Purdy lost his way in a hemlock swamp. Meanwhile Hampton put 3,500 of his men in motion under Gen. George Izard, who moved to the attack at two o'clock in the afternoCanadians and Indians, but finding overwhelming numbers in front of him he fell back to his intrenched camp. Firing was now heard on the other side of the river. Purdy, who had neglected to post pickets, had been surprised, his troops flying to the river. Several of his officers and men swam across, and bore alarming news of a heavy force approaching. Instead of such a force approaching, those who had attacked Purdy had fled at the first fire; and so the belligerents were in the ridiculous predicament of running away from each other. De Salaberry now tried a clever trick. He posted buglers at some distance from each other, and when some concealed provi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wright, Marcus Joseph 1831- (search)
Wright, Marcus Joseph 1831- Military officer; born in Purdy, Tenn., June 5, 1831; received a common school education; studied law and engaged in practice; served in the Confederate army during the Civil War; was lieutenant-colonel of the 154th Tennessee Infantry; promoted brigadier-general in 1862; and was wounded at the battle of Shiloh. He was author of Life of Gen. Winfield Scott; Life of Gov. William Blount; History of McNairy county, Tenn.; and about fifty biographies of Confederate generals; part author of Memoirs of Robert E. Lee, and Library of American history; and a contributor to various magazines.
n disembarked his division, taking post about three miles in the interior, with three of his brigades, at or near a little log meeting-house, covering the roads to Purdy, in a northwesterly, and to Corinth, in a southwesterly, direction. His fourth brigade was detached to a point more than two miles to his left rear, at the crossilanded, and occupied a position, five or six miles from Sherman's right, on the north side of Snake Creek, on a road leading from Crump's (McWilliams's) landing to Purdy, a small village half-way to the railroad station of Bethel, on the Mobile and Ohio road. The five divisions in front of Pittsburg Landing were accompanied by twell-organized and fully equipped force of over forty-seven thousand men, including Lew. Wallace's division, which was watching and threatening in the direction of Purdy. This army, of which at least forty per cent. were flushed with recent victories, was soon to be reinforced by General Buell, already on the march from Nashville
same time, also left in front, by the road from Monterey to Purdy; the head of the column to reach, by night, the intersectios soon as the rear of the Third Corps shall have passed the Purdy road, and which it will then follow. The Second Corps wibe posted, in the same manner, on the road from Monterey to Purdy, with its rear resting on or about the intersection of thatoad, having advanced guards and pickets in the direction of Purdy. The forces at Bethel and Purdy will defend their positiPurdy will defend their positions, as already instructed, if attacked; otherwise they will assemble on Purdy and thence advance, with advanced guards, flanPurdy and thence advance, with advanced guards, flankers, and all other military precautions, forming a junction with the rest of the First Corps, at the intersection of that romoving, by the latter way, to assail Cheatham's division at Purdy. IX. The Chief-Engineers of the forces will take due meake Creek, branches, the one way tending westwardly towards Purdy, the other northwardly towards Crump's Landing, six miles b
ops lay encamped, Sherman's and Prentiss's divisions stretched from the Owl Creek bridge, on the Purdy road, to the ford of Lick Creek, on the Shore road, from Pittsburg to Hamburg. Sherman's 1st br a ravine and watercourse which, rising near the left of Prentiss, fell into Owl Creek, near the Purdy road bridge, occupied by Sherman's right. The Confederate lines of attack soon appeared, drival Sherman's last camps were carried, and his troops were being driven back upon the line of the Purdy road, the battle broke along the front formed by Generals W. II. L. Wallace and Hurlbut, who hadncamp, which movement was effected in good order. I followed, in the darkness of the night, the Purdy road, after having re-united to my command Byrne's battery and the others of my troops who had bw that Lew. Wallace's division, of some eight thousand men, was near by, observing the road from Purdy; that it had not, as yet, been engaged in the conflict, and might, at any moment, fall upon us i
den's left brigade and McCook's right were covered by a dense undergrowth, while in front of their right and left brigades, respectively, the ground was open. The ground, mainly level in front of Nelson, formed a hollow before Crittenden, which fell into a small creek, passing in front of McCook. The Hamburg road penetrated the line near Nelson's left. When Van Horne states that the Hamburg road passed perpendicularly through the Federal line near Nelson's left, he means the Hamburg and Purdy road, not the Hamburg and Pittsburg road. The enemy was in heavy force beyond the open ground in Buell's front, in a line slightly oblique to his line, having one battery so posted as to command Nelson's left, another to sweep his front and the woods before Crittenden's left, a third bearing upon the junction of Crittenden's right and McCook's left, and a fourth in the immediate front of the latter. Beauregard had massed his forces on his right the evening previous, under General Bragg, to
Jackson, March 19th. Maj.-Genl. B. Bragg, Corinth: May not enemy really mean to operate on Purdy and Bethel. We must draw him into an engagement before he can bring up more of his forces. Musbe with you in season, if transportation meets them at Bethel. Keep sharp lookout on Bethel and Purdy. G. T. Beauregard. Jackson, Tenn., March 19th. Maj.-Genl. E. Van Dorn, on his way to Pocahontbe sent out to meet your command at the intersection of the Ridge road with one from Monterey to Purdy; to which point you are authorized to retire at once. A number of men were also sent forward thrigade in front which has been lying on its arms for the last two days; which brigade is on the Purdy road, one mile in rear of its pickets. He also says there is a brigade on the right of his brigtending towards the trail road; also says that the enemy have thrown up intrenchments across the Purdy road, one mile in rear of his pickets, on which they have planted batteries with abatis in front
him in detail, and subsequently, without serious obstruction or danger to the country in your rear, advance to the Ohio River. Jefferson Davis. Headquarters, Military division of the West, Tuscumbia, Nov. 9th, 1864. Major-Genl. Smith, Chief-Engineer, etc.: General,—I telegraphed you yesterday relative to certain reconnoissances about Savannah, Savannah, Tennessee, on the Tennessee River. which it is thought should be made immediately, as a change of base from this place to Purdy may become necessary at any moment. Should the roads to Savannah and the nature of the banks of the river in that vicinity not be favorable to crossing and to the command of the river, a position higher or lower should be selected at once. The west bank should be more elevated than the opposite one, to give greater command over the approaches to the point of crossing, which should be in a re-entering of the river, if practicable, in order that our batteries may have a cross-fire on those a
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Tennessee, 1862 (search)
valry. April 28-29: Reconnoissance to MontereyIOWA--2d Cavalry; 2d Battery Light Arty. MICHIGAN--2d Cavalry; Battery "C" 1st Light Arty. OHIO--27th, 39th, 43d and 63d Infantry. Union loss, 1 killed, 3 wounded. Total, 4. April 28-29: Skirmishes, PurdyILLINOIS--2d and 11th Cavalry. April 29: Skirmish, Cumberland GapOHIO--16th Infantry. May 1: Skirmish near PulaskiOHIO--2d, 18th and 21st Infantry (Detachments). May 2-9: Expedition from Trenton to Paris and DresdenIOWA--5th Cavalry (Brackett's). Union loss, 4 killed, 16 wounded, 68 missing. Total, 88. May 5: Action, LebanonKENTUCKY--1st, 4th and 5th Cavalry (Detachments). PENNSYLVANIA--7th Cavalry (Detachment). Union loss, 6 killed, 25 wounded, 1 missing. Total, 32. May 7: Skirmish, PurdyILLINOIS--15th Cavalry. May 9: Skirmish, Elk Run, near BethelConfederate Reports. May 10: Action, Fort PillowU. S. Gunboats "Cincinnati" and "Mound City." Union loss, 3 wounded. May 11: Skirmish, PulaskiOHIO--4th Cavalry. May 14: Skirmish, Fay