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Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 4: (search)
troops in the direction of Bowling Green. General Thomas, who had been operating toward Cumberland Gap, was moved to Somerset and also occupied points on the upper Green river upon General Johnston's right flank. Preparations were also made for an advance upon the latter's front by repairing the Green river bridge at Munfordville. The condition of the roads on the Cumberland Gap line rendering movements there by either army impracticable, General Zollicoffer's command was transferred to Monticello, placing him in closer connection with General Johnston and looking to the better protection of the right flank. His force was also increased, and Maj.-Gen. Geo. B. Crittenden assigned to its command. Evidences of increased Federal activity were shown on General Johnston's left. The Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, which had been low, were made navigable for gunboats by the early winter rains; and General Johnston, who early foresaw the danger of having his line penetrated by a movement
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 9: (search)
manded all previous orders that had been given by General Boyle to pursue me, and remained in perfect security all night. I found a very large supply of commissary stores, clothing, blankets, shoes, hats, etc., at this place, which were destroyed. I also found the arms that had been taken from Zollicoffer, together with large quantities of shell and ammunition, all of which were destroyed. I also burned at this place and Crab Orchard, 120 government wagons. From Somerset I proceeded to Monticello and from there to a point between Livingston and Sparta, where my command is now encamped. I left Knoxville on the 4th day of this month with about 900 men and returned to Livingston on the 28th with nearly 1,200, having been absent just 24 days, during which time I traveled over one thousand miles, captured seventeen towns, destroyed all the government supplies and arms in them, dispersed about 1,500 Home Guards, and paroled nearly 1,200 troops. I lost in killed, wounded and missing,
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 10: (search)
r the ground, which he, against a greater force than they had ever encountered, proposed to occupy in a few days. His programme, as sketched above, was carried out with the precision of a chess problem. Col. John S. Scott, with a force of 869 men, styled the Kirby Smith brigade, composed of the First Louisiana cavalry, Lieut.--Col. Jas. O. Nixon; the First Georgia cavalry, Col. J. J. Morrison, and the Buckner Guards, Captain Garnett, left Kingston on the 13th, moved via Jamestown, Tenn., Monticello and Somerset, Ky., and at 7 o'clock a. m. on the 17th captured London, Ky., taking 111 prisoners and a large number of wagons loaded with quartermaster and commissary stores destined for Cumberland Gap. On the 23d he attacked Col. Leonidas Metcalfe, of the Seventh Kentucky cavalry, at Big Hill, seventeen miles from Richmond, and routed him with heavy loss, then pursuing the enemy in disorderly flight nearly to Richmond. Meantime General Smith, following the line of operations indicated
organ; Com-B, Clark county, Capt. Charles Stark, of Arkadelphia; Company C, Ouachita county, Captain Crenshaw, of Camden; Company D, Jefferson county, Capt. Donelson McGregor, of Pine Bluff; Company E, Saline county, Capt. William A. Crawford, of Benton; Company F, Pulaski county, Capt. William F. Martin, of Little Rock; Company G, Jackson county, Capt. A. C. Pickett, of Augusta; Company H, Arkansas county, Capt. Robert H. Crockett, of DeWitt; Company I, Drew county, Capt James Jackson, of Monticello; Company K, Arkansas county, Captain Quertermous, of DeWitt. The regiment was immediately ordered to Richmond, and on the road attracted much attention, being known to have among its captains a grandson of the immortal Davy Crockett, and Capt. Donelson McGregor, who was reared near the Hermitage, and was grand-nephew of the beloved wife of Old Hickory. The regiment was stationed at Aquia creek, near Fredericksburg, in the brigade of Gen. T. H. Holmes, and was led by him into the battle
a county. Soon after reaching Virginia the Rifle Rangers, Capt. E. A. Perry, Escambia county, and the Howell Guards, Capt. G. W. Parkhill, Leon county, were incorporated with the regiment, they having gone to Virginia as independent companies. The Second Florida was organized by the election of George T. Ward of Leon county, colonel; St. George Rogers of Marion county, lieutenant-colonel; and Lewis G. Pyles of Alachua county, major. The staff appointments were: Dr. Thomas M. Palmer of Monticello, surgeon; Dr. Thomas Henry of Quincy, assistant surgeon; Capt. Edward M. L'Engle of Jacksonville, assistant quartermaster; Capt. W. A. Daniel of Jacksonville, assistant commissary; Lieut. R. B. Thomas, adjutant; Edward Houston of Tallahassee, sergeantmajor; and T. W. Givens, quartermaster-sergeant. The personnel of the regiment was second to none raised in the State. It was made up of the bravest, most gallant and gifted of Florida's patriotic sons. On July 13, 1861, the regiment was m
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
. 13, 6 Monterey, Va. 30, 5; 84, 9, 84, 10; 85, 1; 116, 3, 116, 4; 135-A; 135-C, 1; 137, C2; 140, H13 Montevallo, Ala. 76, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 148, C6 Montevallo, Mo. 160, A11; 161, H11 Montezuma, Tenn. 135-A Montgomery, Ala. 74, 3; 76, 1; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 148, E7; 171 Action, April 12, 1865 74, 3 Montgomery, Tenn. 9, 2; 24, 3; 30, 2; 135-A; 150, F6; 171 Montgomery County, Md. 7, 1 Monticello, Ark. 47, 1; 135-A; 154, F4 Monticello, Ky. 9, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 150, E11; 171 Moon's Station, Ga. 59, 3; 62, 13; 149, G12 Moorefield, W. Va. 74, 1; 82, 3; 84, 3, 84, 22; 85, 1; 100, 1; 116, 3; 135-A; 137, A3 Skirmishes, Nov. 27-28, 1864 84, 3 Mooresville, Ala. 24, 3; 61, 9; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A Fort Morgan, Ala. 63, 1, 63, 6; 110, 1; 135-A; 147, F3; 171 Siege, Aug. 9-22, 1864 63, 1, 63, 6 Morganfield, Ky. 118, 1; 135-A; 150, B2; 151, H3 Morgan's Ohio Raid, July 2-26, 1863:
minent on the bench as circuit judge, was the first colonel. He was succeeded by Cols. Alexander H. Helvenston and Frederick A. Ashford. Its lieutenant-colonels were John H. McGaughey, Joseph J. May and John W. Harris. Extracts from the official war Records. Vol. Iv—(237) Col. W. B. Wood commandant at Knoxville. (244, 246) Letter of General Zollicoffer, Knoxville, November 17, 1861, says he has started battalion of this regiment, with others, on the way to Jamestown, Tenn., and Monticello, Ky. (247) Ordered by Col. S. A. M. Wood back to Knoxville, November, 1861. (387) Colonel Wood has been ordered from Tuscumbia to Russellville, Tenn., August 31st. (409) Aggregate present, 867, Knoxville, September 15th. (412) Left at Knoxville with 300 men, able for duty, to guard the magazine. (520) Cumberland Gap, November 5, 1861, General Zollicoffer mentions battalion of the Sixteenth Alabama, in command of Lieutenant-Colonel Harris. Vol. Vii—(80) Report of Gen. George H. T
ulton to scout in the direction of Eastport, March 12th. No. 104—(122, 1127) Relieved from duty with Armstrong's brigade and ordered to rejoin Anderson's, March 18, 1865. The Tenth Confederate cavalry. The Tenth Confederate cavalry was organized at Murfreesboro from the battalion of Col. Charles T. Goode and Lieut.-Col. M. N. Slaughter's Seventeenth Alabama battalion of cavalry of Hilliard's legion, which had passed through the Kentucky campaign. In Pegram's brigade, it fought at Monticello, losing heavily; fought several battles in the Kentucky campaign, losing 160 men, and at Jimtown it lost 50 men. It fought at Chickamauga under General Forrest, and suffered severely. It was largely employed in picket and outpost duty. Brigaded, successively, under Generals Wade, Humes and Robinson, in Kelly's division, it fought with considerable loss at Resaca, New Hope, and all through the many battles of the Dalton-Atlanta campaign. It took part in Wheeler's last raid as far as Salt
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry, C. S. A. From the Lexington, Ky. Herald, April 21, 1907. (search)
n the 24th Major McCleary went on a scout to Monticello, twenty-five miles from Albany, and drove a Federals, commanded by Captain Hare, out of Monticello and across the Cumberland River. It will 10th they rejoined the regiment at Monticello, in Wayne County. At this time and place Colonel Ch April 19, 1862, Colonel Chenault wrote from Monticello to General Morgan as follows: I hasten to gih the remainder of the regiment, remained at Monticello. However, as the Federal force was overpoweee sections of the regiment were reunited at Monticello, which place they were compelled to evacuaterection of Travisville, but they re-occupied Monticello again in a few days. From this place Colonil 28 he again wrote to General Morgan, from Monticello: I have just returned from Mill Springs. Th from camp on Jimtown Road, eight miles from Monticello: As previously reported, the enemy crossed twas then at Sparta, Tenn. The first was from Monticello: The enemy are on this side of the river, an[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the companies. (search)
the Home Guards. Died in Winchester, April 2, 1894. Second lieutenants—Thomas Birch, died February 6, 1863, near Monticello, Ky.; Thomas Jefferson Haggard, Taylor Tracy, transferred from General Humphry Marshall's Army, November 5, 1862, wounded Vivion. Corporals—First, J. S. Gamboe; second, Wm. B. Willis; second, J. H. Carter, died February 24, 1863, near Monticello, Ky., of brain fever; third, Benj. H. Jones; fourth, F. M. Cottman. Privates—J. H. Adams, discharged December 1, 1862aped from Camp Douglas, recaptured, and tried by General Burbridge as a spy, but acquitted; Cabell Chenault, died at Monticello, Ky., 1862; David Chenault, escaped from Camp Douglas, but recaptured; Robert Chenault, T. J. Filmore, died in Camp Dougl Fife; fourth, Robert Miller. Farriers—James Miller, Thomas Oldham. Privates—John Asbell, John Benton, died at Monticello, Ky., March 25, 1863, of brain fever; Van Buren Benton, died in Camp Douglas, March 14, 1864, of smallpox; T. C. Broad