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Your search returned 89 results in 47 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: July 26, 1862., [Electronic resource], Origin of the Yankee phrase "Skedaddle." (search)
--From the service of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, two Negro men, viz:
Pry, belonging to Walker Washington, of Caroline county; about 5 feet 6 inches in height, dark complexion, and dull in appearance.
Reuben, belonging to Alexander Hutchinson, of Richmond city; about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, dark complexion, good countenance, and quick in his movements.
It is supposed that these Negroes are employed in some of the camps, cooking for the soldiers.
ten dollars reward each will be paid, in addition to what the law allows, if delivered to me or lodged in any jail so that I can get them.
Chas. G. Talcott,
jy 21--6t Sup't R. & D. R. R.
The Daily Dispatch: August 2, 1862., [Electronic resource], A card from Dr. Plumer --he Defines his position. (search)
--From the service of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, two negro men, viz:
Pry, belonging to Walker Washington, of Caroline county; about 5 feet 6 inches in height, dark complexion, and dull in appearance.
Reuben, belonging to Alexander Hutcheson, of Richmond city; about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, dark complexion, good countenance, and quick in his movements.
It is supposed that these Negroes are employed in some of the camps, cooking for the soldiers.
ten dollars reward each will be paid, in addition to what the law allows, if delivered to me or lodged in any jail so that I can get them.
Chas. G. Talcott.
jy 21--6t Sup't R. & D. R. R.
The Daily Dispatch: August 4, 1862., [Electronic resource], From the North --foreign recognition — recruiting in Baltimore , &c. (search)
--From the service of the Richmond and Danville Railroad company, two negro men, viz: Thomas, belonging to John Washington; of Caroline county; Thomas, belonging to Dr. Wm. Washington, of Caroline county.
They are both very black, and about 5 feet 8 inches high.
$10 each will be paid, in addition to the legal reward, on their delivery to me.
Chas. G. Talcott,
au 4--6t Sup't R. and D. R. R.
The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1863., [Electronic resource], The military execution on Saturday . (search)
Richmond and Danville Railroad, Superintendent's office, Richmond Sept. 9th, 1863.
Ran away, August 31st, 1863, from near Mossingford Station, R & Dr. R, Albert, a slave belonging to Mr. Jeffries, and hired by the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company.
He is a bright negro, about 5 feet 6 inches high, speaks quick when spoken to. He may be lurking in the neighborhood of Keysville.
The usual reward will be paid for his apprehension. Chas. G. Talcott, Superintendent. se 10--5t
Richmond and Danville Railroad,Superintendent's office,Richmond, Sept. 9th, 1863.
Ran Away, August 31st, 1863, from near Mossingford Station, R & D. R. R, Albert, a slave belonging to Mr. Jeffriss, and hired by the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company.
He is a bright negro, about 5 feet 6 inches high, speaks quick when spoken to. He may be lurking in the neighborhood of Keysville.
The usual reward will be paid for his apprehension. Chas. G. Talcott, Superintendent. ee 10--5t
Richmond and Danville Railroad,Superintendent's office,Richmond, Sept. 10, 1863.
Ran Away from near Powhatan Station, Richmond and Danville Railroad, Abner, a slave boy hired of Dr. Dorsett.
He is about 6 feet high, ginger-bread color, and when spoken to speaks very slow, and is quite an intelligent looking boy. The usual reward will be paid for his apprehension. Chas. G. Talcott, Sup't R. & D. R. R. se 12--5t.
--From the 3d section Richmond and Danville Railroad, two hands, Frederick and Lewis, the property of E. G. Leigh.
Frederick is about 5 feet high, dark complexion; no marks remembered.
Lewis 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion.
The about rewards will be paid for their apprehension. Chas. G. Talcott, Sup't. fe 3--
--From the 3d section Richmond and Danville Railroad, two hands, Frederick and Lewis, the property of E G Leigh.
Frederick is about 5 feet high, dark complexion; no marks remembered.
Lewis 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion.
The usual rewards will be paid for their apprehension. Chas. G. Talcott, Sup't. fe 3--ts
--From the 3d section Richmond and Danville Railroad, two hands, Frederick and Lewis, the property of E. G. Leigh.
Frederick is about 5 feet high, dark complexion; no marks remembered.
Lewis 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion.
The usual rewards will be paid for their apprehension. Chas. G. Talcott, Sup't. fe 3--ts
The Daily Dispatch: April 7, 1864., [Electronic resource], s office, Richmond , April 5 , 1864 . (search)
Sup'Richmond and Danville R R ,
Richmond and Danville R R, Sup's office, Richmond, April 5, 1864.
Ranaway — From near Roanoke Station, Richmond and Danville Railroad, a dark mulatto boy named John, the property of R. A. A. Watson, of Nottoway county, about 18 years old, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high.
He had on when he left a brown Virginia cloth coat and a blue military cap. Fifty dollars will be paid for his recovery. Chas. G. Talcott, Sup't R. & D. R. R. ap 7--2w.