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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 18 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 8 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 8 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 6 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 6 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 6 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 4 0 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 4 0 Browse Search
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n of arms. He carried into the service a mind pure and elevated, and ardent in the pursuit of knowledge. He had a high sense of moral rectitude, which governed all his actions. Licentiousness and debauchery were strangers to his breast; they fled from his presence, awed by his superior virtue. His gentlemanly deportment and unassuming manners secured the favor of his superiors in office, and rendered him the delight of his equals and inferiors. The following description of Agricola, by Tacitus, his inimitable biographer, is peculiarly applicable to Brooks:-- Nec Agricola licenter, more juvenum, qui militiam in lasciviam vertunt, neque segniter, ad voluptates et commeatus, titulum tribunatus et inscitiam retulit: sed noscere provinciam, nosci exercitui, discere a peritis, sequi optimos, nihil appetere jactatione, nihil ob formidinem recusare, simulque et anxius et intentus agere. Although he sought no enterprise through vain-glory, his active zeal and high ambition led him t
ry: Weber, continued to the French Revolution; French Revolution of 1789. Moral Science: Alexander's. Rhetoric: Themes; Declamations. Elective Studies.--French: Fasquelle's Exercises; Saintine's Picciola. Mathematics: Davies's Analytical Geometry. Natural History: Lectures. Second Term.--Physics: Olmsted's Astronomy. History: Weber, concluded. Intellectual Philosophy: Wayland's. Rhetoric: Whately's Logic; Themes; Original Declamations. Hygiene: Lectures. Elective Studies.--Latin: Tacitus' Germania and Agricola; Latin Translations. Greek: Thucydides; Greek Translations. French: Collot's Chefs d'oeuvre Dramatiques. Italian: Ollendorff's Grammar; La Gerusalemme Liberata. Mathematics: Bridge's Conic Sections. Senior class.--First Term.--Physics: Chemistry, with Lectures. Intellectual Philosophy: Wayland's. Political Economy: Wayland's. Rhetoric: Whately's Logic; Themes; Forensics; Original Declamations. Elective Studies.--Latin: Terence's Andria; Translations from Gree
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.34 (search)
is bright; No blot is on thy record found, no treason soils thy fame, Nor can disaster ever dim the lustre of thy name. These lines are slightly altered from the noble poem entitled “The Ninth of April, 1865,” by Percy Greg--Interleaves in the Workday Prose of Twenty years--London, 1875. Pondering in her heart all their deeds and words, Virginia calls us, her surviving sons, from weak regrets and womanish laments to the contemplation of their virtues, bidding us, in the noble words of Tacitus, to honor them not so much with transitory praises as with our reverence, and, if our powers permit us, with our emulation. Reminding her children, who were faithful to her in war, that the reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another, she points to the tasks left unfinished when the nerveless hands drooped over the spotless shields, and with imperious love claims a fealty no less devoted in these days of peace. I claim no vision of seer or prophet, yet I fancy that even now I d
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Federal Union, the John Fiske (search)
and, as Mr. Freeman says, it is difficult to believe that the Roman century did not at the outset in some way correspond to the Teutonic hundred as a stage in political organization. But both these terms, as we know them in history, are survivals from some prehistoric state of things; and whether they were originally applied to a hundred of houses, or of families, or of warriors, we do not know. Freeman, Comparative politics, 118. M. Geffroy, in his interesting essay on the Germania of Tacitus, suggests that the term canton may have a similar origin. Geffroy, Rome et les Barbares, 209. The outlines of these primitive groups are, however, more obscure than those of the more primitive mark, because in most cases they have been either crossed and effaced or at any rate diminished in importance by the more highly compounded groups which came next in order of formation. Next above the hundred, in order of composition, comes the group known in ancient Italy as the pagus, in Attica
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hopkins, Stephen 1707-1785 (search)
a trial and his goods acquitted. If the judge can be prevailed upon (which it is very well known may too easily be done) to certify there was only probable cause for making the seizure, the unhappy owner may not maintain any action against the illegal seizure for damages, or obtain any satisfaction; but he may return to Georgia quite ruined and undone, in conformity to an act of Parliament. Such unbounded encouragement and protection given to informers must call to every one's remembrance Tacitus's account of the miserable condition of the Romans in the reign of Tiberius, their emperor, who let loose and encouraged the informers of that age. Surely, if the colonies had been fully heard before this had been done, the liberties of the Americans would not have been so much disregarded. The resolution that the House of Commons came into during the same session of Parliament, asserting their right to establish stamp duties and internal taxes, to be collected in the colonies without
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sumner, Charles 1811- (search)
British poets, and Harvey's Shakespeare. The last two were kept through life on his desk or table, ready for use. The Shakespeare was found open on the day of his death, as he had left it, with his mark between the leaves at the third part of Henry VI., pp. 446, 447, and his pencil had noted the passage: Would I were dead! if God's good — will were so; For what is in this world, but grief and woe? He spent the first year after leaving college in study, reading, among other things, Tacitus, Juvenal, Persius, Shakespeare, and Milton, Burton's Anatomy, Wakefield's Correspondence with Fox, Moore's Life of Byron, Butler's Reminiscences, Hume's Essays, Hallam, Robertson, and Roscoe, and making a new attempt at the mathematics. He then, rather reluctantly, chose the law as his pursuit in life. No trace can be found in his biography of any inclination towards the practice of the legal profession, or of much respect or capacity for the logic of the common law. We do not remember
r oath, it may be well to remember how Steuben regarded this class of traitors. When acting as Inspector-General in Virginia, he heard among the roll of recruits the name of Arnold. He ordered the young man to the front, and said: I cannot, sir, enlist you by the name of a traitor. It is not my fault, said the recruit, what other name can I take? Take mine, was the reply, and the soldier enlisted by the name of Steuben. This detestation of traitors is an old intrinsic German feeling. Tacitus tells us that the German tribes regarded as among the highest of crimes, and as a disgrace which could never be wiped out, the voluntary abandonment by a soldier of his shield. What was true then is true now; for no soldiers have surpassed the Germans in fidelity. Steuben was preeminently distinguished for this German virtue, and s a mark of especial merit received the cross of the Order of Fidelity. It was the only one of his decorations that he: ever valued. It was the one he always
art of platinum. From one to two per cent of rhodium has also been combined with steel, with excellent results. brasses and bronzes with the addition of iron. Copper.Tin.Zinc.Iron.Lead.Nickel.Silver. Ancient Bronze Sword, Ireland83.505.153.08.35 Ancient Bronze Sword, Thames, England89.699.580.33 Ancient Bronze Axehead, Ireland89.339.190.33 Ancient Bronze Wedge, Ireland94.5.90.1 Ancient Bronze Knife, Amaro, South America95.663.960.37 Coin of Hadrian85.671.1410.85.741.73 Coin of Tacitus91.462.31 Coin of Probus90.682.001.39.612.332.29 Coin of Probus94. Coin of Pompey74.178.47.2916.65 Chinese White Copper (Packfong)40.425.42.631.6 Keirs Metal, English Patent, Dec. 10, 1779 100.75.10.Glass. Keirs Metal, English Patent (another formula) Tractable Yellow Metal (old formula)55.3341.84.06 Fontainemoreau's English Patent, 18388.90.1. Cutler's English Patent, 183316.5.3..5 Sorel's White Brass, 184010.80.10. Parke's English Patent, 184491.21.45
and minion. Bourgeois, 102 ems to the foot. Brevier, 112 ems to the foot. Minion, 128 ems to the foot. Brew′ing. The art of preparing fermented liquors from grain. Herodotus, who wrote about 450 B. C., says that the Egyptians made their wine from barley, and ascribes the invention to Isis, wife of Osiris. The Greeks used a malt liquor under the name of barley wine, having learned the art of making it from the Egyptians. It is mentioned by Xenophon, 401 B. C., According to Tacitus, beer was a common drink among the Germans, and Pliny says that in his time all the nations of the West of Europe made an intoxicating liquor from grain and water. The description given by Isidorus and Orosius of the manner of its preparation in Britain and other ancient Celtic countries, applies precisely at the present day, so far as the infusion of malt is concerned, but no mention is made of the use of hops. These do not appear to have been used by the Greeks, Romans, or early Germans
civilization. Their land and water ways were the arteries and veins of commerce, and the ligatures which bound the provinces to the metropolis and the state. The Rhine had in early Roman times but two outlets; Virgil calls it bicornis, and Tacitus says that the largest of these branches, that nearest to Gaul, is called Vahalum. In the days of Charlemagne the Rhine communicated with the Escaut by a branch of the Meuse which has since disappeared. A great inundation, A. D. 860, obliteratedapproach the Romans boarded the Carthaginian vessels, and achieved success in several naval engagements. A corvus was also used as a true crane for picking off soldiers garrisoning a city wall, and setting them down outside. It is described by Tacitus:— The stones of the pyramids were raised by making mounds of earth; cranes and other engines not being known at that time. — Diodorus Siculus (60 B. C.). Cranes. The old Dutch crane, which was also in use in England till the early part