Let the bitter, scorching, consuming wrath of this long-suffering land visit relentless justice upon the cruel cowards, murderers, and thieves who wage this savage war of tyranny and subjugation.
Patience is exhausted and forbearance is not appreciated; sharp, fierce, decisive, real war should now begin.
A wise cruelty may "show" the Yankees some things they have not seen before.
The late battle have left us this also to show — that our artillery is equal or superior to the Yankees.
Stuart, succeeding Jackson, fought our guns at shorter range, I hear, than ever before, and hence the terrible execution.
I have mentioned the batteries at Chancellorsville and on our extreme right, their accuracy, precision, and effect.
On Lee's and Howison's hills, two Georgia batteries, of Cabell's artillery battalion, Capt. Frazier's and Capt. Carleton's, deserve especial mention, and did fearful work among the foe. Handled with surpassing skill and unrivalled courage, checking and mowing dow