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ates: the Convention to meet not later than the 15th of February, at the city of Montgomery, in the State of Alabama. Resolved, That, in view of the hostile legislation that is threatened against the seceding States, and which may be consummated before the 4th of March, we ask instructions whether the delegations are to remain in Congress until that date, for the purpose of defeating such legislation. Resolved, That a committee be and are hereby appointed, consisting of Messrs. Davis, Slidell, and Mallory, to carry out the objects of this meeting. have been magnified, by the representations of artful commentators on the events of the period, into something vastly momentous. The significance of these resolutions was the admission that we could not longer advise delay, and even that was unimportant under the circumstances, for three of the states concerned had taken final action on the subject before the resolutions could have been communicated to them. As an expression of opi
our favor, and cause a respectful regard for the effort we were making to maintain the independence of the states which Great Britain had recognized, and her people knew to be our birthright. On November 8, 1861, an outrage was perpetrated by an armed vessel of the United States, in the forcible detention, on the high seas, of a British mail steamer, making one of her regular trips from one British port to another, and the seizure, on that unarmed vessel, of our commissioners, Mason and Slidell, who with their secretaries were bound for Europe on diplomatic service. The seizure was made by an armed force against the protest of the captain of the vessel, and of Commander Williams, R. N., the latter speaking as the representative of Her Majesty's government. The commissioners yielded only when force, which they could not resist, was used to remove them from the mail steamer, and convey them to the United States vessel of war. This outrage was the more marked because the United
ferson Davis, C. C. Clay, Jr., Benjamin Fitzpatrick, A. Iverson, John Slidell, J. P. Benjamin. letter of Hon. I. W. Hayne in reply to Senay, your obedient servants, Benjamin Fitzpatrick, S. R. Mallory, John Slidell. To his Excellency James Buchanan, President United States. cretary of War, and addressed to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell, on the subject of our proposition, which letter we now inclose toient servants, Louis T. Wigfall, John Hemphill, D. L. Yulee, John Slidell, J. P. Benjamin, C. C. Clay, Jr. A. Iverson, P. S.—SoWigfall, D. L. Yulee, J. P. Benjamin, A. Iverson, John Hemphill, John Slidell, and C. C. Clay, Jr. Gentlemen: I have received your letter oated the 22d inst., addressed to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell, from the Secretary of War ad interim. This communication from thesubject of a communication from Senators Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell, addressed to you, and your attention called to the contents. The
to serve in any way, 262. Provisional army called, 263-64. Provision for regular army, 265-69. Lack of navy, 271-72. Unpreparedness for war, 272-74. Preparation for war, 270-76. Declaration of peaceful intentions, 283-84. Case of Mason and Slidell, 402-03. Inventory of supplies at beginning of war, 404-06. Progress in securing munitions and supplies, 407-12. Statement of Secretary of Treasury, Feb., 1862, 416; Oct. 1, 1864, 422. Financial system, 417-26. Decline of agriculture, 433. 66. Under control of states, 67. Recognition by Constitution, 67-69. Dred Scott case, 70. Regulation (Confederate Constitution), 225-26. Status at beginning of war, 262-63. Slaves. Distribution, 1, 4. Importation, 1-3, 225-26. Slidell, John, 175. Seizure from British ship by U. S. officers, 402. Smith, Gen. E. K,, 305. Gen. G. W., 271, 386. Letter from Davis concerning organization of troops by states, 384-85. Extracts from paper relating to conference at Fairfax Court Ho
reply of Great Britain reply of Russia letter to French Minister at Washington various offensive actions of the British government hollow profession of neutrality. The public questions arising out of our foreign relations were too important to be overlooked. At the end of the first year of the war the Confederate States had been recognized by the leading governments of Europe as a belligerent power. This continued unchanged to the close. Mason became our representative in London, Slidell in Paris, Rost in Spain, and Mann in Belgium. They performed the positions with energy and skill, but were unsuccessful in obtaining our recognition as an independent power. The usages of intercourse between nations require that official communication be made to friendly powers of all organic changes in the constitution of states. To those who are familiar with the principles upon which the states known as the United States were originally constituted, as well as those upon which the U
Sinclair, Commander, 191. Slaughter, Gen. J. E., 592. Slavery. States reserved power to legislate within themselves, 6. Confiscation law, 5-6, 8. Cause of all the trouble according to Federal Congress, 136-37. Abolition legislation, 137-49. Emancipation in District of Columbia, 145-46. Emancipation in territories, 147. Lincoln's resolution recommended to Congress, 151. Preliminary proclamation of emancipation, 157. Permanent proclamation, 158. Abolition in Louisiana, 253. Slidell, John, 311. Slocum, —, 355. Smith, Gen. A. J., 341, 457, 473, 474, 541, 542. Gen. Chas. F., 15, 21, 26, 41. Gen. E. K., 33, 324, 340, 458, 590, 591, 592-93. Advance into Kentucky, 323. Maj. Frank, 563. Gen. G. W., 70, 71, 79, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 131, 470. Gen. Kirby, 349. Commodore Leon, 197, 198, 201. Report on Battle of Sabine Pass, 199-200. Gen. M. L., 59, 182, 203. Lt. N. H., 199, 200. South Carolina, 13. Reconstruction, 625-29. Southern Cross, The (poem), 392. Spang
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884 (search)
Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884 Lawyer; was born in St. Croix, West Indies, Aug. 11, Judah Philip Henjamin. 1811; was of Jewish parentage, and in 1816 his family settled in Savannah, Ga. Judah entered Yale College, but left it, in 1827, without graduating, and became a lawyer in New Orleans. He taught school for a while, married one of his pupils, and became a leader of his profession in Louisiana. From 1853 to 1861 he was United States Senator. He was regarded for several years as leader of the Southern wing of the Democratic party; and, when the question of secession divided the people, he withdrew from the Senate, and, with his coadjutor, John Slidell, he promoted the great insurrection. He became Attorney-General of the Southern Confederacy, acting Secretary of War, and Secretary of State. After the war he went to London, where he practised his profession with success. He died in Paris, May 8, 1884.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
k and C. C. Clay, of Alabama, and David L. Yulee and Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, finally withdrew from the United States Senate. Representatives from Alabama withdrew from Congress.— 23. Representatives from Georgia, excepting Joshua Hill, withdrew from Congress. Hill refused to go with them, but resigned.—24. The Anti-Slavery Society of Massachusetts, at its annual session, broken up by a mob.—25. Rhode Island repealed its Personal Liberty Bill by act of its legislature.—Feb. 5. John Slidell and J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, withdrew from the United States Senate, the representatives in the Lower House also withdrew, excepting Bouligny, under instructions from the Louisiana State Convention. Bouligny declared he would not obey the instructions of that illegal body.—11. The House of Representatives Resolved, that neither the Congress nor the people or governments of the non-slave-holding States have a constitutional right to legislate upon or interfere with slavery in any
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
friendly States bordering thereon ; also the right of egress and ingress of the mouths of the Mississippi by all friendly states and powers. A motion to submit the ordinance to the people for consideration was lost. Prompted by advice from John Slidell and Judah P. Benjamin, then sitting as members of the United States Senate, the governor of Louisiana (Moore) sent expeditions from New Orleans to seize Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi, below the city, then in charge of Major Bh 1841 to 1846 Alexander Porter 28th 1843 to 1844 Henry Johnson 28th to 30th 1844 to 1849 Pierre Soule 29th 1847 Solomon W. Downs 30th to 32d 1847 to 1853 Pierre Soule 31st to 32d 1849 to 1853 Judah P. Benjamin 33d to 36th 1853 to 1861 John Slidell 33d to 36th1853 to 1861 36th to 40th 1861 to 1868 John S. Harris 40th 1868 William Pitt Kellogg 40th to 42d 1868 to 1872 J. Rodman West 42d to 45th 1871 to 1877 James B. Eustis 45th to 46th 1877 to 1879 William Pitt Kellogg 45th to 48th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mason, James Murray (search)
he courts of Great Britain and France respectively. These were James M. James Murray Mason. Mason, of Virginia, and John Slidell, of Louisiana, who was deeply interested in the scheme for reopening the African slave-trade. These ambassadors, eachthen took Mason by the shoulders and placed him in a boat belonging to the San Jacinto. Then the lieutenant returned to Slidell. The passengers were greatly excited. They gathered around him, some making contemptuous allusions to the lieutenant, and even crying out Shoot him! The daughter of Slidell slapped Fairfax in the face three times as she clung to the neck of her father. The marines were called, and Slidell and the two secretaries were compelled to go. The captive ambassadors were Slidell and the two secretaries were compelled to go. The captive ambassadors were conveyed to Boston and lodged in Fort Warren as prisoners of state. The British government pronounced the act of Wilkes a great outrage, though in exact accordance with their code of international law as expounded by their judges and publicists; an