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d its attendant chains and misery. To a Government resolved to stand on and maintain its dignity in all things, such a course of policy may well be doubted. We simply mention the matter as one that has produced a deep feeling of indignation and provoked comment of no very complimentary nature to the parties instrumental in producing the effects reported. The list of prisoners embraces the following names, viz: Brig-Gen. J F Reynolds, Capt. W C Kingsberry, A A G to Gen. Reynolds; Col. J H Simpson, 4th N J; Maj. P H Johns, 11th Penn; Capt. C J Whiting, 5th U S Cavalry; Lieut J P Crane, 22d Mass; Lieut-Col J B Sweetzer, 62d Penn; Capt Chas C Conans, 22d Mass; Capt B Ridgway, 4th N J; 1st Lieut T R Grupewane, 4th N J; 2d Lieut P L Hubbard, 1st Mich; 2d Lieut C C Van Sickel, 4th N J; Capt Sam Mulford, 4th N J; 2d Lieut Geo Bennett, 4th N J; Capt Thos M Fetter, 4th N J; 1st Lieut R S Johnston, 4th N J; Capt S B King, 7th Penn; Capt Wm Nippries, 4th N J; 1st Lieut Jas S Kennedy, 11th Penn
ed, 12; missing, 1. Company D.--Killed: J E Dossett. Franklin Wright, and R B Gullett, Wounded; Sgts W H Hummell, foot; J L Burton, head; Corp is J H Stewart, breast; W A Anderson, thigh; W C Peguesgrabt, Privates Thos Askew, leg; H C Cater arm; T K Cathey, hand; J W Deans, do; W W Ellington, head; B Jones, arm and leg; Chas Kirker, face; T Prince, hip, W H Percell, hand; S H Roels, face; S Young, leg. Total Killed, 3; wounded, 16; loss, 12. Company E.--Killed; Lt W C Faith. Wounded:--Simpson, mortally; Dan'l James, face; Allen Shultz, hip and side. Killed, 1; wounded, 3; missing 2; total, 6. Company F.--Killed: A J Garner, Privates Kennedy, Jacob Taylor, Lewis Taylor, Spinks, Espy. Wounded: Sergt Oldham, leg; Corp'l Cawley and Johnson, Privates Fitts, Campbell, James, Smith, Brown, Degby, Lightsey, Killed, 6; wounded, 11; missing, 3; total, 20. Company G.--Killed: Private Humphrey. Wounded: Corpl Butt, Privates Adams, Ashworth, Carroll, Dodds, Finicy, Farrington, Gossett
The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of casualties in the recent battles before Richmond. (search)
ompany F.--Wounded: Privates D Strange, J Warren. Missing: C Barnett, J Lankford, F Bohlinger,--Madison, Chas Walton. Company I.--Killed: C J Higginbatham. Wounded: Serg't T. H. Campbell, Privates D G Campbell Jos Campbell, E W Smith, W L Simpson, L O Jennings, D F M Burford, W A Pendleton, A S Quinn. Missing: A M Franklin, L P Hawkins, T P Gill, W H Lavender. Company H.--Killed: Herod Scott. Wounded: Serg't T. McGinnis, Corp'l P Roberts, Privates G. G. Hite, Jno Watts, P G Cox, B B Mayse, J. Dickson, Henry Daunders, Chas Mason, Wm Maldin, W T Abbot, T R Morris. Company G.7#x2014;Killed: Corpl A P Lindsay, Privates L A Calahan, J L Grier, R P Cunningham, J A Davis, L Fields, W P Morrison, E W Pruit, G B Richey, Wm H Simpson, Jos. Smith, F Clinkscales. L O Rid. Wounded: Capt G McD Miller, Lieut. Latimer, Serg't Means, Serg't R W Hadden, Corp J A Burton, privates W D Anderson, C A Botts, L D Bowie, Wm. Boyd, A P Brooks, T W Brocks, A W Brock, W J Calvert, W T Cowen,
Fire. --The alarm of fire about 12 o'clock on Wednesday night, was caused by the burning of a wooden kitchen located near the Methodist Church on Union Hill. The combustible nature of the material of which the structure was composed, caused it to appear like an extensive conflagration. The kitchen was the property of Mr. Simpson.
First fruits of Africanizing Ohio. --Several farmers of the Abolition persuasion in Athens County--we might mention Pedro and Simpson — have negroes employed at this time to fill the places occupied heretofore by white men. What a congratulation to the heart of the brave soldier, who returns to his home, and finds his former place of labor occupied by negroes, and his old settlement filled with the black trash! White men removing to give way to the negro in the fields and the houses of our small country farms. What prosperity! What a spectacle for the coming generation! Last week we saw in this city two negroes who were brought by Federal authority from Kentucky to Columbus, Ohio, where they were set at liberty. This county is cursed with the emigration every week, as is also all Southern Ohio. Are the people willing that this lazy scum of creation shall constitute one-sixth of the population of the State?--This is the great political State question of to-day. Shall w
States force drawn up supposed it to be a company of Confederate cavalry, Captain Simpson's, that had arrived the night before, many of whom were dressed in trophiesoldiers here on the sick list. Whilst this was going on, a portion of Capt. Simpson's cavalry formed in front of Citizen's Hall, and dashed at a Federal force.aphin, of Terre Haute, Ind. He was a youth of probably 18 or 19 years. Capt. Simpson's company followed the Federal in a charge all the way up Main street, as fy of Federal, who had taken a circuit around the Fair Ground, returned; but Capt. Simpson's company missed them, and returned, we believe, to their camp, half a mile restrained from firing at him with difficulty. Directly thereafter two of Capt. Simpson's men came up. She called on them to follow and rescue the Confederates, wh reached 210; but our information is from Federal prisoners. The spirit of Capt. Simpson's company is highly extolled.--They had arrived only the night before, and
The Daily Dispatch: December 1, 1862., [Electronic resource], Latest from Norfolk city. Norfolk and Princess Anne counties. (search)
their impudence. Mr. Thomas R. Ballen days ago chastised a servant of his was immediately upon its being reported to Vale, remanded to jail, and had to give a before he could obtain his release — he was imprisoned about three weeks. A daughter of Captain Lambert was served in the same way for the offence Maj. Roger Burroughs, Capt. W. M. Bonney, and Capt. Jas. H. Scott. who resigned their commission as Confederate cavalry officers, have returned and taken the parole of honor. Capt. Bonney however did not do so voluntarily, as he was and imprisoned, and released on that condition Maj. Burroughs raised the company, after commanded by Capt. Bonney, and at pres commanded by Capt. Simpson, which acted so in the raid in Fredericksburg some days ago. The people are not pitching any crops, and there must be great suffering in a year or so, if the war lasts. The enemy have cavalry rationed in the country around, but they have not yet robbed the corn-cribe and meat-houses.
Charged with Murder. --A man named A. C. Webster, a Captain under authority of the bogus Government of Pierpont, at Wheeling, Va, was recently taken in custody by Col. Imboden's forces on the charge of murdering, in cold blood, a C. S. Captain named Simpson, at the time a prisoner of war in his hands. The murderer was brought to Staunton, and yesterday arrived in Richmond, and was consigned to the military prison of the Eastern District for trial before Court-Martial.
Attempted Escape. --Capt. A. C. Webster, now confined in Castle Thunder, charged with the murder of Capt. Simpson, a Confederate officer, made on Saturday night, a second attempt to get out of prison. For this purpose he procured an old file and relieved himself of his leg irons and hand cuffs. He and a confederate were to sally out and kill the sentinel, and trust to luck. The plan was discovered and frustrated.
pensation, &c. This amendment was accepted by Mr Baldwin, and the question coming up upon the amendment as amended, Mr. Miles of S. C. called the eyes and were had as follows: --Messrs Arrington, Asha, Baldwin, Batton, Boyes, Bridges, H. W. Bruce N. M. Bruce, Clapp, Clarke, Clopton, Colder, Dejarne to, Dupre, Foote, Foster, Gardenhier, Garnett, Gartrall, Goods, Hanley, Heiskell, Herbert, Holcombe, Jeness, Kenan of N. C. Lyon, Marshall, Mensess, Miles Miller, Munnerlyn, Perkins, Simpson, Smith of Ala, smith of M. C. Smith of Va. Vast, Villers, Weight of Tenn, and Mr. Speaker--43; Note--Messrs. Barksdale, Burnett. Chambers, Conrad, Conrow, Carry, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Freeman, Garland, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge, Hilton, Hodge, Kenner, Lander, Machan, McDowell MoRas, McQueen, Moore Pughkoyston, Sexton, Strickland, Swann, Trippe, Welch and Wilcox--35. The resolutions an amended were then ordered to a third reading, and being placed upon their passage