Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir. You can also browse the collection for Shepherd or search for Shepherd in all documents.

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ew passages in his letters after this that illustrate his character, and show in what matters he was occupied. On the 11th of March he wrote: dear Badeau,—The story about my failure was all pure fiction, invented with many lies in the stockboard to depress stocks. I have nothing to do with these speculators, and I think it great presumption to use my name in any way to effect their purposes. Very truly yours. On the 21st of July, 1882, he said to me: I shall take no notice of Shepherd for the present. He stated truthfully in a published interview that I had no interest in the Peruvian Company, and never had. I do not recognize the right of reporters and sensational writers to call upon me for an explanation whenever my name is mentioned. In 1882 Grant was appointed, entirely without his own solicitation or expectation, head of a commission to negotiate a commercial treaty with Mexico. This was doubtless at the instance of Secretary Frelinghuysen, who retained his p