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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Fire, sword, and the halter. (search)
precious manuscripts, illustrating the early history of that part of Virginia, that Colonel Boteler had collected by years of toil. The only members of the family who were there at the time were Colonel Boteler's eldest and widowed daughter, Mrs. Shepherd, who was an invalid, her three children, the eldest five years old and the youngest eighteen months, and Miss Helen Boteler. Colonel Boteler and his son were in the army, and Mrs. Boteler in Baltimore. The ladies and children were at dinner ody of cavalry had turned in at the gate, from the turnpike, and were coming up to the house. It proved to be a small detachment of the First New York Cavalry, commanded by a Captain William F. Martindale, who, on being met at the door by Mrs. Shepherd, coolly told her that he had come to burn the house. She asked him by what authority. He told her by that of General Hunter, and showed her his written order. On reading it, she said: The order, I see, sir, is for you to burn the houses of
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Recollections of General Reynolds. (search)
ng the beef and mutton of the rebel citizens as McClellan himself; indeed, in this he was but carrying out the standing orders of the commander-in-chief. The communication was dated Headquarters First Army Corps, October 21st, 1862, and in the general's own handwriting, and for this reason is preserved as a precious memento of our lamented corps commander. It was in these words: It is represented that some of your men have crossed the river and have been killing sheep belonging to Mr. Shepherd. You will take such measures as to prevent this at once. This letter was signed, John F. Reynolds, Brigadier General, commanding, and did not come through the regular military channel, the General not seeming to be a stickler in the observance of red tape. No copy of the reply to this communication was retained, but a suitable one was promptly made, and, of course, the general commanding the corps was respectfully informed that he had been misinformed as to any of the soldiers of
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
and a box of coffee. Mrs. Devereux sent the coffee to you, not to me, and I shall have to send it back. It is so long since we have had the foreign bean that we no longer desire it. We have a domestic article, which we procure by the bushel, that answers very well. You must keep the good things for yourself. We have had to reduce our allowance of meat one half, and some days we have none. The gloves and socks are very acceptable, and I shall give them out this morning. The socks of Mrs. Shepherd are very nice, but I think it is better to give them to the soldiers than to dispose of them as you suggest. The soldiers are much in need. We have received some shoes lately, and the socks will be a great addition. Tell Life [his youngest daughter] I think I hear her needles rattle as they fly through the meshes. The very day after this letter was written these destitute men joyfully sprang to arms. General Butler, at Fort Monroe, but commanding the Department of Virginia and N
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, III. June, 1861 (search)
y one of the Williamsburg volunteers came into the department proper; and he will make his way, for he is a flatterer. He told me he had read my Wild Western scenes twice, and never was so much entertained by any other book. He went to work with hearty good-will. June 14 Col. Bledsoe has given up writing almost entirely, but he groans as much as ever. He is like a fish out of water, and unfit for office. June 15 Another clerk has been appointed; a sedate one, by the name of Shepherd, and a former pupil of the colonel's. I received several hints that the Chief of the Bureau was not at all a favorite with the Secretary, who considered him utterly unfit for the position; and that it could hardly be good policy for me to be on terms of such intimacy with him. Policy! A word I never appreciated, a thing I never knew. All I know is that Col. Bledsoe has been appointed by the President to fill an important position; and the same power appoints the secretaries, and can u
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, IV. July, 1861 (search)
f the Bureau is drawing a fine salary and performing no service. Still, it is not without the sweat of his brow, and many groans. July 7 Major Tyler's health has improved, but I do not perceive a resumption of his old intimate relations with the Secretary. Yet he is doing the heavy epistolary work, being a lawyer; and the correspondence sometimes embracing diverse legal points. My intimacy with the colonel continues. It seems he would do anything in the world for me. He has put Mr. Shepherd to issuing passports to the camps, etc.-the form being dictated by the Secretary. These are the first passports issued by the government. I suggested that they should be granted by and in the name of the Chief of the Bureau of War-and a few were so issued-but the Secretary arrested the proceeding. The Secretary was right, probably, in this matter. The President is appointing generals enough, one would suppose. I hope we shall have men for them. From five to ten thousand volunteer
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
in arms against such fearful odds as are now arrayed against them. Mr. Kean, the young Chief of the Bureau of War, has come in from the front, with a boil on his thigh. He missed the sport of the battle to-day. Mr. Peck, the agent to purchase supplies for his starving fellowclerks, confesses that he bought 10 barrels of flour and 400 pounds of bacon for himself; 4 barrels of flour for Judge Campbell, Assistant Secretary of War; 4 barrels for Mr. Kean, 1 for Mr. Cohen, and 1 for Mr. Shepherd. This has produced great indignation among the 200 clerks who sent him, and who got but 73-pounds each, and they got 13 pounds of bacon each; while Mr. P. bought for himself 400 pounds. October 14 The following dispatch from Gen. Lee cheered the city this morning. None of the particulars of the battle have yet transpired, and all are looking hourly for a renewal of the contest. headquarters army of Northern Virginia, October 13th, 1864. Hon. James A. Seddon, Secretary of War.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
s in the United States), and grandson of Lund Washington, who, we learn by one of the published letters of Gen. Washington, was his overseer, with no traceable relationship to his family, was seated with him. He is chief clerk to Mr. Benjamin, a sinecure position in the State Department. He was placed there by Mr. Hunter, after writing a series of communications for the Examiner, as Mr. Pollard informed me, denunciatory of Mr. Stephens, Vice-President Con. federate States. Mr. Kean and Mr. Shepherd, the clean chief clerk, were also present, enjoying the Hon. Secretary's confidence. They are all comparatively young men, whom the Secretary has not assigned to positions in the field, although men are alone wanted to achieve independence. They were discussing a resolution of Congress, calling for the names, ages, etc. of the civil and military officers employed by the Secretary in Richmond, or it might have been the subject of the removal of the government, or the chances of success,
w of it. Separated from my friends of this world, my Heavenly Father has drawn nearer to me. His goodness and my unworthiness are more sensibly felt, but this does not press me back, for the atoning Mediator is the way, and His hand upholds me. Little Maggie was told she might write to her father if she said nothing objectionable to the authorities. She thought long, and as she was then a very small girl, wrote with difficulty; after days of labor she copied the 23d psalm The Lord is my Shepherd, and with tearful eyes brought it to me, signed with her name, saying, This letter will comfort father, and will not make the Yankees mad, will it? The letter was suppressed. I hope the negroes' fidelity will be duly rewarded, and regret that we are not in a situation to aid and protect them. There is, I observe, a controversy which I regret as to allowing negroes to testify in court. From brother Joe, many years ago, I derived the opinion that they should then be made competent wi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General H. L. Benning. (search)
ed a number of prisoners, and, against his utmost efforts, held all they had gained. The captured guns. were taken by the Twentieth Georgia (Colo-Jones, and after his death, Lieutenant-Colonel Waddell), the part of the First Texas above referred to (Colonel Work), and the Seventeenth Georgia (Colonel IHodges), but the honor of the capture was not exclusively theirs. They could not have taken, certainly could not have held the guns, if Lieutenant-Colonel Harris, and after his death, Major Shepherd, on the left with the Second Georgia, and Colonel DuBose, with the Fifteenth Georgia, on the right, had not by the hardest kind of fighting and at great loss protected their flanks. Colonel DuBose not only drove back the enemy's line, but repulsed repeated attacks made to recover it, taking over one hundred prisoners. The same may be said of the Second, except that it did not take so many prisoners. To my staff, Captain Seaborn J. Benning, adjutant; Lieutenant John R. Mott, aid; and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 2: civil and military operations in Missouri. (search)
yon's loss was eight men killed and thirty wounded, and that of the Confederates was about forty killed and as many wounded. The Nationals moved forward the next morning in search of foes, but were disappointed. They encamped at Curran, in Stone County, twenty-six miles from Springfield, and remained in that vicinity until the next day, when General Lyon called a council of officers, The officers called into the council were Brigadier-General Sweeney, Colonel Sigel, Majors Schofield, Shepherd, Conant, and Sturgis, and Captains Totten and Schaeffer. and it was determined to return to Springfield. The army moved in that direction on the following morning, August 4, 1861. and reached Springfield on the 6th. Correspondence of the New York World and Herald; Life of General Lyon, by Dr. Woodward, pages 297 to 801, inclusive. The events of the past few days had given great encouragement to both officers and men. The affair at Dug Springs impressed General McCulloch (a part of w