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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter II (search)
It was a great day's sport going up the river. The banks seemed almost lined with alligators, and the water covered with water-fowl of all kinds, while an occasional deer or flock of turkeys near by would offer a chance shot. At New Smyrna Mrs. Sheldon provided excellent entertainment during the ten days waiting for the mail-boat down Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River, while Mr. Sheldon's pack of hounds furnished sport. At length old Captain Davis took the mail and my baggage and me on boardMr. Sheldon's pack of hounds furnished sport. At length old Captain Davis took the mail and my baggage and me on board his sloop, bound for Fort Capron, opposite the mouth of Indian River. He divided his time fairly between carrying the United States mail and drinking whisky, but he never attempted to do both at the same time. I am not sure but it was the captain's example which first suggested to me the rule which I adopted when commanding an army in the field—to do no drinking till after the day's fighting was over. But, in fact, I never liked whisky, and never drank much, anyhow. We arrived in twenty-
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
ence with S., Aug. 4, 9, 1865, 383; letter from Stanton, Aug. 23,383; letter to Bigelow, Nov. 4, 384; despatches S. on mission to France, 384, 385; S. reports progress to, 389-393; letter from S., Jan. 24, 1866, 390, 392, 393; his statesmanship, 393; adherence to the Monroe Doctrine, 393; recalls S. from Europe, 393; relations with S. in the matter of Grant and Stanton, 478 Shelby, Brig.-Gen. Joseph O., raid into Missouri, 101 Shelbyville, Tenn., military operations at, 205, 207 Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs., 19 Sheridan, Lieut.-Gen. Philip H., appointed lieutenant-general, U. S. A., 117; on Stuart's defeat before Richmond, 154; policy of resting his men and animals, 154; ordered to the Rio Grande, 379; commanding Military Division of the Gulf, 380; Grant's orders to, concerning S.'s Mexican mission, 380-382; general-in-chief, 421, 427; difficulties with the War Department, 421, 471, 478; transferred from the Department of the Missouri to the Division of the Missouri, 425; succeed