sums in bounty as the President should order, not exceeding one hundred dollars. On the fourth, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the joint resolution, and it was debated on that day, the tenth, the thirteenth, the sixteenth, the twenty-third, and the twenty-ninth, by Mr. Fessenden, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Ten Eyck, Mr. Lane, of Kansas, Mr. Conness, Mr. Pomeroy, Mr. Doolittle, Mr. Sumner, Mr. Foster, Mr. Lane, of Indiana, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Grimes, Mr. Cowan, Mr. Collamer, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Salisbury, Mr. Davis, Mr. Foot, Mr. Clark, Mr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Howard.
Several amendments were moved, discussed, and acted upon, and the joint resolution, on motion of Mr. Grimes, recommitted to the Committee on Military Affairs.
In the Senate, on the second of March, Mr. Wilson reported a bill to equalize the pay of soldiers, in lieu of the joint resolution recommitted to the Committee.
It provided: That all persons of color who had been or might be mustered into the military service, sho
il, 455.
Rhuddlan Eisteddfod, 14, 16.
Richardson, Mr., 89-121.
Roberts, Lord, 464.
Roberts, Willie, 22, 23.
Robertson, Mr., 472, 473.
Robinson, Rev. Joseph A., refuses to allow Stanley to be buried in Westminster Abbey, 515.
Rowlands, John, Stanley's real name.
See Stanley, Henry Morton.
Rowlands, John, Stanley's grandfather, 38-40.
Runciman, Mr., 523 n.
Ruwenzori Mountains. See Moon, Mountains of the.
St. Asaph Union Workhouse, 10-34.
St. Louis, 115, 116.
Salisbury, Lord, accuses Stanley of having interests in Africa, 408; as an orator, 445, 446, 465.
Sandford, General, 338.
Saragossa, fighting at, 241-243.
Saunderson, Colonel, 489.
Scheabeddin, quoted, 371.
Schnitzer, Edouard. See Emin Pasha.
Seton-Karr, Mr., 474.
Sherman, General W. T., 226, 227, 426.
Shiloh, 186-204.
Shipman, Mr., 205, 206, 212, 213.
Short, Bishop, Vowler, 17, 30.
Slate, James M., 169, 180, 204.
Slave-trade in Africa, 344, 407, 413, 419-422, 457.
Smalley, M
us poems, date of, 490.
Revue des Deux Mondes on Dred, 290.
Riots in Cincinnati and anti-slavery agitation, 85.
Roenne, Baron de, visits Professor Stowe, 102.
Roman politics in 1861, 358.
Rome, H. B. S.'s journey to, 294; impressions of, 300.
Ruskin, John, letters to H. B. S. from, on The minister's Wooing, 336; on his dislike of America, but love for American friends, 354.
Ruskin and Turner, 313.
Saint-Beuve, H. B. S.'s liking for, 474.
pared with, 481.
Salisbury, Mr., interest of in Uncle Tom's Cabin, 191.
Salons, French, 289.
Sand, George, reviewsUncle Tom's Cabin, 196.
Scotland, H. B. S.'s first visit to, 209.
Scott, Walter, Lyman Beecher's opinion of, when discussing novel-reading, 25; monument in Edinburgh, 217.
Sea, H. B. S.'s nervous horror of, 307.
Sea-voyages, H. B. S. on, 205.
Semi-Colon Club, H. B. S. becomes a member of, 68.
Shaftesbury, Earl of, letter of, to Mrs. Stowe, 170.
Shaftesbury, Lord, to H. B. S., lette
dson, Samuel, 11.
Richelieu, Cardinal, 87.
Robespierre, F. J. M. I., 6.
Rochejaquelein, Baroness de la, 56.
Rochester, Lord, 5.
Rogers, Professor W. B., 96, 287.
Roland, Madame, 236.
Romola, 260.
Routledge, George, 18, 19.
Royalty, childishness of, 21, 105.
royalty, the toy of, 105.
Rudder Grange quoted, 42.
Ruskin, John, quoted, 100.
St. Leonards, Lord, 138.
Saints, vacations for, 33.
Salem sea-captains, youthfulness of, 247.
Sales-ladies, 172.
Salisbury, Lord, 136.
Salmon, L. M., 287.
Sand, George. See Dudevant, A. L. A.
Sanitary Commission, the, 235.
Santa Claus agencies, 269.
Sappho, 262.
Sapsea, Thomas, 94.
Schlemihl, Peter, 12.
Scott, Sir, Walter, quoted 55.
Also 19,157,194.
Scudery, Charles de, 15.
Scudery, Magdalen de, quoted, 15, 87, 159.
search after A publisher, the, 151.
secret of the birthday, 176.
Sedgwick, C. M., 289.
Seward, Anna, 113, 114.
shadow of the harem, the, 12.
Shakespeare, William,